Merritt Cemetery

Westside Chubb Hollow Road (Rt .11), 

North of Welker Rd. & South of Sutherland Rd.

Barrington, NY

If you would like to submit Yates Co Cemetery data to this site please contact Dianne Thomas.  Copyright resides with the contributor.  

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[See Hillside Cemetery]

Presumably the burials in this cemetery, were moved to section B, at Hillside cemetery and buried on the lot purchased by Peter A. Merritt, a son of Ephraim Merritt. Ephraim had purchased 4 farms in this area about 1839.  His will in 1848 made provisions for his monument & left the lands to his sons Enos, Morgan and Peter Merritt.   Hillside cemetery wasn't established until after 1860, and this monument stands in Hillside.


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