Yates Co. News Articles

for the town of Benton



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Rochester Daily Union and Advertiser  Rochester,  NY,     Sat    Jan 2, 1900    contributed  by: G. Subyak

A chapter of the Epworth League has been organized in the Methodist Church at Benton Center with the following officers: President, Charles REYNOLDS; vice presidents, Fannie BISHOP, Margaret SHOEMAKER, Ray CHAPMAN and Archie INGRAM; secretary, Susie BISHOP; treasurer, Esther BISHOP.

Rochester Daily Union and Advertiser  Rochester,  NY,      July 17, 1906    contributed  by: G. Subyak

Death Of Joseph W. H. Havens, Of Benton  -  A Son of  The Revolution - His Father Was One of the Minute Men-

 Mr. Havens Lived in Benton Practically All His Life -- Remembered When Deer Were Plenty
Penn Yan, July 16, The death of Joseph William Harrison HAVENS, which occurred yesterday in the town of Benton, removes from Yates county one of its oldest pioneers. He was born December 19, 1815, in a log cabin in that town, on property owned by Alfred BECKER, and at that time a part of Ontario  county.
In 1818 Mr. HAVENS's parents moved to the farm  where he resided at his death, with his daughter, Miss M. M. HAVENS. With the  exception of about two years spent in Buffalo in a wholesale and retail grocery,  and a year in the West, Mr. HAVENS had always resided there.
The parents of Mr. HAVENS settled in Benton in  1806. His father was a soldier in the Revolutionary war, belonging to what were  known as "Minute Men." In one of the campaigns when Andrew JACKSON was a candidate for president, Joseph HAVENS, Sr., built a hickory cart, leaving the bark on the wood, and with a horse drove to Washington (DC)  and gave the vehicle to President JACKSON. The cart is now in the Smithsonian Institute in that city. 
Mr. HAVENS remembered "__, deer, wild oats, and  bears were numerous in this section, Benton Center's business section consisted  of four corners surrounded by woods."  He was the last of a family of thirteen children, five sons and eight daughters. He was married November 9, 1853, at Fort Plains, N. Y.   Four children were born of this union, Mary, Jennie, Charles  and Frank. He cast his first presidential vote in the VAN BUREN campaign in  1837. He was named after William Henry HARRISON, a General in the War of 1812,  afterwards president.
Mr. HAVENS could recall when the first cast-iron  plow share was brought to this section. Wooden plows had been in use, and when  his father brought home an iron one the neighbors were suspicious of it and  feared that it might poison the land.  Mr. HAVENS's mother's name was Mary WEED.  She was  born on the day General CORNWALLIS surrendered. She lived to be 96 years  old.

Yates County Chronicle         Wednesday     August 18,1909           contributed by Cathy Coon

WILLIAM VAN SICKLE -  Last Friday, August 13, at his home in Bellona, occurred the death of William Van Sickle, proprietor of the hotel, aged 72 years. The cause of his death was Typhoid fever. He is survived by�(the remainder is missing from my copy.)

Rochester Democrat and Chronicle    Monday,             Sept 30, 1912           by Dianne Thomas

HERBERT BEATTIE IS GORED BY BULL - Prominent Bellona Farmer Attacked In Barnyard

Sept 29 - Herbert BEATTIE, a prominent farmer, was gored to death by a bull in the barn yard at his farm near Bellona at 8 o'clock this morning.  He had let the bull out from his stall to be fed, when he was attacked and killed. 

He was an alder of the Memorial Presbyterian church as has been superintendent of its Sunday school.  He was about forty five years of age, and leaves a wife and three children.   The funeral will beheld Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the  Memorial Presbyterian church, Rev. T. Maxwell MORRISON will officiate and burial will be made in Bellona cemetery.  



Funeral of Mrs. Charles WARREN - Dundee - Sept 20,1912, The Funeral of Mrs. Charles WARREN, who died at her home in Wayne, Friday, was held from her home this afternoon at 2 o'clock and burial made in the Hillside cemetery in this village.  Mrs. WARREN was 54 years of age and has been ill for several months.  She was born at Bradford and was the daughter of late Howland EVERTS of that place.  She leaves a husband and two sons, Lewis and Howland WARREN, both of Wayne. 

Penn Yan Democrat                 Friday                May   1914                   by Dianne Thomas

WANT TO BE CITIZENS - The following men, desiring to become citizens of the United States, have made application to the Supreme Court to be convened in Penn Yan, May 28th, for naturalization papers:  John IREDALE of Italy, Yates county, place of birth Bothel, England; Arthur W. HITCHENS, Penn Yan, place of birth Pentre Ystred, South Wales; Walter LARDER, Penn Yan, place of birth, Summerset, England; Christian ANDERSON, Benton, Yates county, place of birth Horne, Denmark.


WEGMILLER- To Mr. and Mrs. Arnold WEGMILLER, at their home in Fort Dodge, Iowa, Apr 23, 1917, a daughter Arnoline, weighing 6 1/2 pounds.  Mrs. WEGMILLER was formerly Miss Cecelia CARLIN of Penn Yan.

FAIRFIELD- To Mr. and Mrs. Wm. R FAIRFIELD of Pultney, May10, a daughter, Sarah Louise, weight 8pounds. 

SACKETT- To Mr. and Mrs. C. J. SACKETT of Dundee, May 5, twins, son and daughter.  The son did not live.

CALHOUN- To Mr. and Mrs. Emory CALHOUN of Milo, April 21, a daughter, Dorothy Elizabeth

PRICE- To Mr. and Mrs. Leroy PRICE of Potter, May 12th, a daughter.

KEYSER- To Mr. and Mrs. John KEYSER, of Dundee, May 5, a son.



BANKS in Benton, May 14, 1917, George Banks, aged81years.  He leaves his wife, a son Wilber F. BANKS of Benton, a daughter, Miss Harriet Electa BANKS at home, and a grand daughter, Mrs. Grace BANKS WHITE of Brookline, Mass.  The funeral will be held Wednesday afternoon. Burial in the cemetery at Bellona. He was born on the farm where he died and had always lived there.  [this ceme is in  Benton]

WALLING - At the Yates County Home, in Jerusalem, May 11, 1917, Mrs. Callista WALLING, aged 80 years.  She was a resident of Dundee until a few weeks ago, when she was taken to the county home.  The funeral was held from the home of her sister, Mrs. Mary FITZWATER, in Dundee. Burial in Bradford.  Besides her sister, she leaves two half brothers, Oliver RAPALEE of Dundee and George RAPALEE of Penn Yan and a half sister, Mrs. Hiram IRWINE, of Clyde.

ROBERTS - At the Canandaigua Health Home, May 15, 1917, Mrs. Frank  [s/b Frances; probably nicknamed "Frank"] A. ROBERTS, aged 64y.  She is the widow of Sumner ROBERTS, formerly a prominent farmer of Benton.  She was a member of the Methodist church at Bellona, where the funeral took place Thursday afternoon, Rev. Mr. WALDREN officiating.  Burial in Bellona Cemetery. [move this one to Benton pg]

CAPELL - At Willard State Hospital (Canandaigua), May 14, 1917, William W. CAPELL, aged 59 years.  He leaves a sister, Mrs. GILLETT of Watkins, two brothers, Charles A. of Washington and D. S. CAPELL of Colorado. Burial in Lakeview cemetery, Penn Yan, Tuesday.  He was known in Penn Yan, when a young boy as "Wally" CAPELL.   [move this one to Penn Yan]

HIBBARD - At Shortsville, May 10, 1917, Donald H. HIBBARD, aged19 years.  He was a son of Mr. and Mrs. Casper HIBBARD.  The family formerly lived in Penn Yan.  Besides his parents, he leaves a brother, Harold HIBBARD. He had been ill, six months.  Burial in Shortsville.  [move this one to Ontario Co. cemes]

MELIOUS - In Gorham, May ?? 1917, Frances Preston, son of  Mr. and Mrs. Owen MELIOUS, aged 13 months.  Death came a few days after illness. Besides his parents, he leaves two sisters.

LAMPART - In Elmira, May 14, 1917, Mrs. Rozella J. LAMPART. Burial in Benton, Tuesday.  She leaves a daughter, Mrs. Frank HOWELL, at whose home she died, and a son, F. W. LAMPART, of Rochester.

LONG - In Bellona, May 7, 1917, Mrs. F. J. LONG.  She leaves her husband, two daughters, Helen and Olive and one son. 

Penn Yan Democrat     Friday   Feb 23, 1917       by  Dianne Thomas

Mrs. Mary Leah POST and Miss Florence La MOREAUX attended the wedding of Miss Grace BANKS and Mr. Kenneth WHITE, in Buffalo, NY last week.  

George ELLIS, son of Mrs.  Charles ELLIS, of this village (Penn Yan), successively tried naval entrance exam at the Rochester Naval Recruiting Station, last week Thursday.  On Saturday morning he left for Newport, R.I., where he will be in a naval training school for four months.

Last Friday evening there was a very pleasant surprise party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T(homas) S. BURNS, in Penn Yan, to celebrate the 25th year of their marriage. It was skillfully managed so that the worthy couple were kept in ignorance of the affair.  Mr. and Mrs. BURNS were invited to supper at the home of her brother, Mr. William FITZPATRICK, and while they were being entertained there, the guests took possession of their home on Benham street. Mrs. BURNS returned home about 8 o'clock, with Mr. and Mrs. FITZPATRICK.  The front of the house was in darkness, and when Mrs. BURNS entered, she was conscious that something had happened, as she could see in the dim twilight that the room was full of people.  Suddenly, the lights were turned on and the surprise was complete.  Mr. and Mrs. BURNS were given a warm welcome and received the hearty congratulations of the houseful of friends who had assembled to do them honor.  It was a congenial gathering and the evening was very pleasantly spent.  Vocal selections were rendered by Mr. Thomas REYNOLDS, Mr. Nathaniel P. SACKETT, Mr. Martin CRAUGH and Miss Frances O'KEEFE.  The finest kind of a banquet was spread, the guests having brought an abundance of good things.  A handsome silver candelabra was given to Mr. and Mrs. BURNS, as a souvenir of  their 'friends' unexpected visit.  Mr. BURNS has been busy in the business life of Penn Yan.  Burns Terrace, off of Elm street, was opened up by him, and is now a fine residence street.  The corner of Elm and Keuka streets was transformed from a low, vacant lot to a fine lawn wit ha double and a single house.  These improvements were made a good many years ago, when the demands for such improvements were not as great as itis today.  Mr. and Mrs. BURNS has a large family of young men and young women and boys and girls that are a credit to them.  [1910 census Mr. Burns married 2x; 8children listed] [1917 - 25y = married 1892; first 2-3 kids from his 1stmarriage]

COMMITTED SUICIDE - Last Saturday morning, Charles H. OTTO, an employee of the Rochester Shoe Company's plant, on Seneca street, Penn Yan, committed suicide at the rooming house of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. CONKLING, corner of Jacob street and Central avenue, by cutting his throat.  The gash extended almost from ear to ear and severed the windpipe.  The young man died in a few minutes.  

He seems to have been mentally unbalanced. OTTO came here from Rochester last summer. He worried over the strained relations between this county and Germany, thinking that people of German birth and descent were regarded with suspicion in this county.  He left the house before seven o'clock Friday morning, and those with whom he talked noticed that his mind was not clear.  Returning about eight o'clock he went to the bathroom and committed the deed.  The land lady heard him fall and called Dr. LEANDER, who lives across the street.  Other physicians were summoned and SAMPSON issued a death certificate of death by suicide  and had the body removed to Dugan & Schmoker's undertaking rooms.  Three of his brothers came to Penn Yan Friday afternoon and took the body home Saturday morning.  The family is held in high esteem in Rochester.  



MEADE - To Mr. and Mrs. MEADE of Detroit, Mich., Feb.3, 1917, a son. MEADE is a son of Mr. and Mrs. James MEADE of Penn Yan. 

WHITE - To Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth C. R. WHITE of Boston, Mass., Feb 14, 1917, a daughter.  Mrs. WHITE was Miss Grace BANKS of Benton.



SANDFORD - At the Canandaigua hospital, February 18, 1917,Charles H. SANDFORD of Cheshire, aged 80 years. Death resulted from injuries sustained in a fall a few weeks ago.  Mr. SANDFORD was a veteran of the Civil War and claimed to have been the first Ontario county resident to respond to the call for volunteers.  He leaves six sons and a daughter; Albert L. SANFORD of St. Paul, Minn.; John and Clarence SANFORD and Mrs. Eugene JOHNSON of Canandaigua; and Charles A. SANFORD of Penn Yan.  Also a brother Herbert SANFORD of Camden, NY.


BAILEY- In South Bend, Ind., Feb 15, 1917, Mrs. Lucy BAILEY of Wayne, aged 69 years.  She was on a visit when stricken with a fatal illness.  She leaves her husband, John BAILEY, of Wayne; one daughter, Mrs. E. B. SMITH of Penn Yan, a son, F. A. BAILEY of Keuka; a sister, Mrs. William SHANKS of Elmira and a brother, James GLEASON of Elmira.  Prayer services were held Tuesday at the home of her daughter in Penn Yan, and there mains were taken to Wayne.  Burial in Tyrone cemetery.


LOW- In Rushville, Feb 17, 1917, Miss Mary LOW, aged86 years. She died at the home of her sister, Mrs. Elizabeth MATHER, with whom she had lived for fifty years.  She was born in Italy, Yates County, December 8, 1830, and was the sixth of seven daughters, born to Mr. and Mrs. Edward LOW. The funeral was held Tuesday, Rev. G. L. PASCHE, pastor of the M. E. church, officiating.  Burial in Rushville. 


NOBLE- In Benton, near Bellona, Feb 18, 1917, Mrs. Samuel NOBLE, aged 73.  She leaves her husband, and one sister, Mrs. Rachel RICH of Grand Rapids, Mich.  The funeral was held Tuesday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, Rev. T. Maxwell MORRISON, of the Memorial Presbyterian church, at Bellona, officiating. Burial in the Dresden Cemetery. [he, native of England, 1st married ????;  married 2nd wife Cornelia in 1892, she died 1917]


JONES - In Penn Yan, Feb 20, 1917, Mrs. Calista JONES, aged 87 years.  She died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Lewis SMITH, on Cornwall street.  She leaves four daughters, Mrs. Libbie BOOTES, of Potter; Mrs. Alice TORNION of Rushville, Mrs. Jas. MAC KAY  and Mrs. Lewis SMITH of Penn Yan, and two sons, Charles and Martin JONES, of Penn Yan.


EGELSTON - In Barrington, February 15, 1917, Mrs. Odel EGELSTON, aged 67 years.  She leaves her husband, and two daughters, Mrs. Frank YOST of Tyrone, and Mrs. Ed FOWLER of Rochester.  Burial in Lakeview Cemetery, Penn Yan, Saturday, Rev. HARRINGTON of Barrington, officiating. 


SIMONSON - In Penn Yan, Feb 19, 1917, Herbert SIMONSON, aged6 years, son of John SIMONSON, East Main St. Death came very suddenly.  Dr. STRAIT, the village health officer, was called, it being feared that the boy might have died of diphtheria.  A sample of the throat membrane was sent to a laboratory for examination.  


WISNER - In Dundee, Feb 15, 1917, Mrs. Eliza WISNER, aged 84 years. She was born in Dundee.  Her maiden name was Eliza BELL.  She leaves one son, Walter.   Burial in Hillside Cemetery, Dundee.  


OTTO - In Penn Yan, Feb 16, 1917, Charles H. OTTO of Rochester, aged about 35 years.  


COREY - At the home of his daughter, near Himrod, Feb 13, 1917,Joseph M. COREY, aged 84 years.  He leaves one daughter, Mrs. Mary HERRICK, and one son, Frank COREY. Burial in Mount Grove Cemetery, Himrod. (move to news for town of Milo)

Unknown Newspaper    Dec 21, 1918                         contributed by  Cathy Coon

KENNERSON - At the home of her daughter, near Bellona, December 21, 1918, Mrs. Charles Kennerson, aged 58 years. She leaves four daughters, Mrs. Olney Voak, at whose home she died; Mildred and Annabel, at home; Mrs. Arthur Slater; four sons, David, Irving, Edgar, of Benton; and Stanley, is in the military service. (Hand dated Dec. 21, 1918)  (Mary A. Hopkins Kennerson unknown  cemetery. 

Penn Yan Democrat      Friday          March 24, 1922          by  Dianne Thomas



BARNES -  To Mr. and Mrs. Amos BARNES of Torrey, March 17, 1922, a son.

GRIFFITH -  To Mr. and Mrs. Gerald S. GRIFFITH of Penn Yan, RD5, March 15, 1922, a son, Marland Sidney, weight 9 pounds.

HARRISON -  To Mr. and Mrs. Frank HARRISON of Mays Mills, March 13, 1922, a son.  



BALL - Guyanoga, Mar 16, 1922, William BALL, aged 89 years. Burial in Penn Yan. 


BARDEN - At the home of his daughter near Bellona, on Wednesday, March 22, 1922, Henry V. BARDEN, aged 84 years.  The funeral will be held on Saturday afternoon, March 25th, at 2 o'clock, Rev. ORIS of the Bellona Presbyterian church, officiating.  Burial in Bellona Cemetery.                                 move to Benton news


GRISWOLD- In Geneva, March 14, 1922, Ernest T. GRISWOLD.  Burial in Lake View Cemetery, Penn Yan. [also, a much longer obit stating he died at Lakemont Sanitarium].


HALL -In Hilton, Mar 18, 1922, Charles Prescott HALL, aged 83 years.  Burial in Lake View Cemetery, Penn Yan.


HUDSON- In Penn Yan,  March 23, 1922, aged 51 years.  He died at the home of his brother, Alonzo HUDSON.  He had been ill a long time.  He leaves his wife, one daughter, Mrs. Gottfried  WYSS of Wayne, and the brother with whom he lived; also three sisters, Mrs. Robert GRIFFIN of Elmira, Mrs. Edd. MOSS of Wayne and Miss Delia HUDSON of Penn Yan. 


KINNEY - At his home on the Preemption road, Mar 19, 1922, Samuel KINNEY, aged 81years.  He is survived by his wife, one son, Roy KINNEY, one daughter, Mrs. Howard FARRON of Benton Center, two brothers, Charles KINNEY of Detroit, Mich. and Melancthon KINNEY and one sister, Mrs. George GUILE of the town of Geneva.  Burial will be in Bellona cemetery.            move to Benton news


MacKAY - In Jerusalem, March 22, 1922, Robert Mac KAY of Penn Yan.  


PAGE - In Middlesex, Mar 13, 1922, Mrs. Nora Keiffer PAGE, aged 45 years.  Burial in Seneca Falls.


PYE - At Reading, NY, March 19, 1922, Nellie R. PYE.  She was the daughter of Mary J. PYE and the late David PYE.  Besides her mother, she is survived by two sisters, Anna PYE of Rock Stream, and Mrs. W. C. PARSLOE of Watkins, and one brother, George PYE, of Rock Stream.  


RAPALEE - In Himrod, Mar 18, 1922, Mrs. George RAPALEE, aged 53 years.  Besides her husband, she leaves two daughters, Mrs. Clifton PRUDEN and Marjorie RAPALEE; one grandson, Clifton PRUDEN Jr., her aged father, Ira CHUBB Sr., one brother, L. D. CHUBB.  Mrs. RAPALEE had been an invalid for several years.  She leaves many friends who will miss her friendly greetings.  Funeral services were held from her late home Tuesday afternoon, conducted by her rector, Rev. Roscoe HATCH of Penn Yan.  Burial at Mount Grove cemetery. where???


SMITH- In Penn Yan, March 18, 1922, Charles J. SMITH, aged 64 years.  Death was very sudden.  He had been as well as usual and was stricken while sitting in a chair.  He leaves five children, Rolland, Fred and Ernest SMITH of Penn Yan and Seward of Rochester, and Mrs. Mary E. EWINS, of Weedsport, Pa.  The funeral was held on Tuesday.  Burial in Second Milo Cemetery.    move to Milo news list

WILSON - In Dundee, March 16, 1922, Thomas WILSON of Dundee, aged 75 years. 

Livonia Gazette         Friday            October 10, 1930          by: Dianne Thomas


Decease of John Covey of Hemlock,  Precedes That of Wife and Son by Only Short Period

Less than ten days after the death of John Covey, 69, at Hemlock, his widow and her 43-year old son died Friday, within two hours of each other at the family home in Hemlock.  George S. Covey, 43, former Penn Yan automobile dealer, died two hours after the death of his mother, Mrs. Emily Covey, 66, without knowing of her death.  Funeral services for the elder Covey were held Sept. 25.

The son had been ill for several years, while Mrs. Covey died from pneumonia following a shock. Mr. Covey was a member of the Urban lodge, F. & A. M., of Hammondsport.

The son is survived by his widow, Florence Newcomb Covey;  one sister, Mrs. James Evans of Hemlock; one brother, Ansel, of Rochester. Funeral services were held from the home of Mrs. Anna  Newcomb in Benton Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock with burial in Benton cemetery. 

Funeral services for his mother were held from the home in Hemlock Sunday at 2 P. M., with burial beside her husband in Eden cemetery.

Herald Mail, Fairport, NY                  Thursday        Dec 17, 1931   by: Dianne Thomas

Farmington Dec. 21 - Mrs. Emma E. VON WART - passed away at the Thompson Memorial Hospital, Canandaigua, on Thursday, Dec 17, following an illness of several weeks. She was the oldest daughter of John and Monica EHERT of Erie, Pa., and was born on April 10, 1849.  She was united in marriage to Henry VON WART, also of that city on July 4,1866.  Following their marriage, they came to Yates County Nurseries near Benton, to reside, later moving to Bellona, where they conducted a florist business for about 40 years. Mrs. VON WART has been a resident of this town for about 17 years, having made her home with her daughter, Mrs. Walter STEARMAN of Chapin and Mrs. Edith STEARMAN of Geneva; four grandchildren, Mrs. C. R. GARDNER of this town, Mrs. Alfred Mc DUFFY and Ralph STEARMAN of Waterloo; and Mrs. Ralph HASTINGS of Geneva; four great grandchildren, Virginia and Harry GARDENER of Farmington; and Lawrence McDUFFYof Waterloo; one sister, Mrs. Josephine HEMMERELY, of Erie, Pa. and one brother, Emil, of Omaha, Okla.  The funeral services were conducted from the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank CORKIN of Penn Yan, at 2 o'clock Sunday afternoon and burial was made in the family lot in Bellona cemetery.                 move to Benton news

Penn Yan Democrat, Penn Yan, NY     Friday     Oct 6, 1933             contributed by: Dianne Thomas


Mrs. Bertha A. LA BARR, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. Ed HUGHES, of East Rochester, and Howard B. SMITH, son of Mr. and Mrs. William SMITH of Pultney, were married at the home of the bride, in Ithaca, on the afternoon of Saturday, Sept 23rd, by the Rev. Mark RICH of Groton.  The bride is a graduate of the University of Rochester and is employed at Cornell University, where the groom is a student in the college of veterinary medicine.  They will reside in Ithaca.  

Albert J. BRAUN of Syracuse and Doris Mae BOARDMAN of Benton, were married on Thurs. Sept. 28, by the Rev. E. W. CHAPIN of the Second Milo Baptist Church at the parsonage.  Miss Thelma DECKER and Mr. and Mrs. Earl TRIPP were the witnesses.  Mr. and Mrs. BRAUN will live near Syracuse.   

BRODIBB - At her home at 205 1/2 East Elm street on Tuesday, Oct 3, 1933,Martha A. BRODIBB, aged 17.  She leaves her mother, Mrs. Elizabeth BRODIBB; three sisters, Barbara, at home; Mrs. William THOMPSON of Montreal, Canada; Mrs. John FEIDEN, Branchport; two brothers, William at home and Cuthburt of Los Angles, Calif.; a half-brother, Michael FERGENSEN of Penn Yan.  The funeral services were held from the home on Thursday afternoon, Rev. R.N. JESSUP officiating. Burial in Lakeview cemetery.  move to Penn yan news list

HOLMES - At Penn Yan, Friday, Sept. 29, Miss Harriet HOLMES, 82. Miss HOLMES was a descendant of a pioneer family of Benton. She was the daughter of Norman and Emily Stanton HOLMES and also the granddaughter of Benjamin & Polly STANTON, sturdy pioneers who came to Benton in the early days from Connecticut.  She was always interested and active in all public and civic affairs which tended toward the uplift of the community.  She was an active member of the Methodist Episcopal Church.  She is survived by her brother in law, Timothy COSTELLO and several cousins.  The funeral was held on Monday afternoon at 2:30 from the home in Maple Avenue, Rev. W. M. HYDON officiating.  Burial in Benton cemetery.

DEWEY - At  Rushville, Friday, Sept. 29, Mrs. Adelia DEWEY,71.  Mrs. DEWEY was a former resident of Penn Yan and was the grandmother of Homer C. PELTON, attorney of Penn Yan.  She died at the home of her son, William DEWEY, in Rushville.  She leaves a son, William; a daughter, Mrs. Arthur BAKER of Conklin. Funeral services on Sunday afternoon, Rev. Cecil LOWER, of the Rushville Congregational Church, officiating.  Burial in Lakeview, Penn Yan.                  move to Penn yan news list 

Penn Yan Democrat, Penn Yan, NY     Friday     Oct 30,1936             contributed by: Dianne Thomas


Rochester Times Union,  Rochester,  NY,     Friday,    June 21, 1946    contributed  by: G. Subyak

DIED - LARHAM - Miss Carrie A. LARHAM, 389 Flint St., died June 19, 1946.She is  survived by her brother, John H. LARHAM.  Friends may call at her home. Services Saturday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock, Rev. Albert F. Mc CLEMENTS officiating. Interment at Bellona, N. Y. Geneva and Penn Yan papers please copy.

The Herald Mail, Fairport, NY      Thursday,     September 23, 1954       by  Dianne Thomas

Mr. and Mrs. Charles GARDNER, Mr. and Mrs. Walter GARDNER and Shirley, Mr. and Mrs. Howard DE LANO and daughter, Diana Lee, attended the funeral of their cousin, Jack FRAREY of Hall, who died Thursday, Sept. 16, following a long illness.  Services were held at the Thayer chapel in Penn Yan, Sunday, with burial in Bellona cemetery.  

Geneva Times                     Tuesday                     Sept 4, 1962             by  Dianne Thomas

Miss Mary Gardner  - PENN YAN - Funeral services for Mrs. Mary Gardner, 80, who died Saturday in the Karlnoski Nursing Home in Dundee, were at 11 a.m. today from the Weldon Funeral Home.  The Rev. John Savage of Geneva officiated. Burial was in Bellona Cemetery.

Born near Geneva, Mrs. Gardner was the daughter of the late John and Lizzie Turner Haines and was the widow of William Gardner who died three years ago.  She had always lived in the Geneva - Penn Yan area.  Surviving are two sisters, Mrs. Albert Ansley of RD l, Geneva, and Mrs. Glenn Allen of Troy, Pa.

Geneva Daily Times                        Tuesday                      January 24, 1964                     by  Dianne Thomas

Mr. Dan S. Bicksler died in the Soldiers and Sailors Memorial Hospital, at Penn Yan, Jan. 16, at the age of 92 years. He had been a farmer and thresher, and had lived east of Bellona Station. He was buried in the Bellona Cemetery, on Monday afternoon of this week.

The Geneva Times      Saturday,       December 18, 1971   by  Dianne Thomas

Mrs. Harriet Holland - PENN YAN

Funeral services for Mrs. Harriet E. Holland, 94, formerly of Penn Yan, who died yesterday at the Geneva General Hospital, Geneva, will be at 2:30 p.m. Tuesday at the Weldon Funeral Home, Penn Yan. The Rev. Herbert Tennies, pastor of the Bellona Presbyterian Church, will officiate. 

Burial will be at Bellona Cemetery.

Friends may call at the funeral home from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Monday. Mrs. Holland was the widow of William T. Holland, who operated a farm in the Town of Mentz for many years.  She is survived by three nieces, Mrs. Floyd Cooper of Stanley and Mrs. Thomas Afflick and Miss Harriett White, both of Gorham.


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