Yates Co. News Articles

for the town of Benton



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Geneva Gazette, Geneva, NY  Aug 21,1812      by Cheri Branca

BETHANY SISSON  -  Died August 8, 1812 (11)
In Benton, the 8th inst., Mrs. SISSON, consort of Mr. George Sisson, in the 53rd year of her age, after a long illness, which she bore with Christian fortitude.

Rochester Observer, Rochester, Monroe Co., NY   Friday     February 1,1828      by: Pat Mims

DIED:  In Benton, Yates Co., on the 15th ult. Mrs. Ann WOODWORTH, age 75 years.

Rochester Republican, Rochester,  NY Sept 28, 1848                 by G. Subyak

In Geneva, on the 13th inst., Mr. Lewis SMITH to Amanda BEARD, both of Benton.

Yates County Whig – July 27, 1854         contributed by Cathy Coon

In Benton, July 11, Mr. Ebenezer HOLCOMB, aged 89 years. 

In Savona, on the 14th inst., Daniel RAPLEE, in the 25th year of his age.

Yates County Chronicle – Wednesday, May 16,1888                     contributed by Cathy Coon

Mrs. Andrew WHEELER, of Benton, died very suddenly last Thursday. She was stricken with paralysis the day before, and died within twenty-four hours. She leaves a husband and three children to mourn her loss.


 Ontario Messenger, Canandaigua, NY        Aug 20, 1885    Pg.3    contributed by Dianne Thomas

Rev. Dr. B. M. GOLDSMITH, of Bellona, died Aug 9th, aged 66 years.  He was pastor there for 36 years.


Probably an Ann Arbor, MI newspaper  date, unsure    contributed by  John  R. White                         

Reuben P. Gage, one of Washtenaw’s pioneers, was born in the town of Benton, Yates County, N. Y., August 2, 1819, and died in the town of Sylvan, Mich.,  May 29, 1892Mr. Gage came to Michigan in 1836, was married three years later to Miss Fannie Parker, and settled on his farm south of Sylvan, where he resided until the day of his death. His wife, three sons and three daughters survive him. 

[Please note: Washtenaw is the county in Michigan which includes Chelsea, Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti. The above obituary is transcribed word for word with the original punctuation from the original obituary pasted on the inside cover of a family Bible which was originally the property of Reuben and Fanny’s daughter Ella (b. 1858) who was my great-grand mother. It would have obviously been published at the time of Reuben’s death. My best guess is that it was from the local Chelsea paper although it could possibly have been from the Ann Arbor Paper as well.

Sylvan never became much of a town and is thought of today more as a township.

I also have Fanny Parker Gage’s obituary but it is much longer and more eloquent. She was born in Decatur, Otsego County, New York on February 26, 1819.] 

[ I stumbled on this web site and particularly the information about the Gage family. It is noted there that Moses Gage had a son, Reuben who in turn had a son, Reuben P. Gage, who married Fanny Parker and settled in Marshall, Michigan. Being the great-great grandson of Reuben P. and Fanny Gage I have both of their original obituaries from a newspaper, probably an Ann Arbor, Michigan newspaper. According to the obituaries they were both born in 1819 in different counties of New York State (Reuben in Yates County as mentioned) and moved to Sylvan Township in Washtenaw County, Michigan with their parents in 1836. They are buried in a cemetery known as the Vermont Cemetery in Sylvan Township, Michigan (just south of Chelsea). I have visited their graves ].         John  R.  White

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