Yates Co. News Articles
for the town of Barrington
1800 's
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Albany, NY Evening Journal Wednesday Feb 16, 1853 contributed by Dianne Thomas
AN INDIAN CAPTIVE Restored - The Adrian (Mich.) Watchman, gives an account of the kidnapping of a son of a Mr. Chubbs, living at that time at Pittsfield in that State, and formerly of Barrington, Yates county, some fourteen years since. The boy was six years of age, at the time he was stolen by a party of Chippewa Indians, who kept him for some time concealed and afterwards, sold him to a western tribe. The latter resold him to the Blackfeet Indians, among whom he continued to live, and married a daughter of one of the chiefs.
The young man was totally Ignorant of the place of his parent's residence during 14 years, but succeeded finally in ascertaining it, and at once made a visit to his father, living near Detroit - his mother having died during his absence.
He is attached to the Indian mode of life, and has no wish to change his habits or residence.
Several white children are now in possession of the Blackfeet, according to his story, "who were doubtless obtained in the same mode that he came into their hands.
Yates County Whig – July 27, 1854 contributed by Cathy Coon
MARRIED - In Barrington, on the 8d inst., by the Rev. Mr. Seeley, Mr. Wm. Riker, of Dundee, and Miss Sarah C. Tuell, of the former place.
On the 16th inst., in Barrington, by Rev. D. B. Olney, Mr. Morris Loomis, of the aforesaid place, and Miss Canadace Vance, of Starkey.
Havana Journal Saturday March 31, 1855 contributed by Dianne Thomas
DIED - In Barrington, Yates county, Tuesday morning, 27th inst., Rev. JOHN CRICKMORE, aged 78 years. Mr. CRICKMORE has been long and favorably known in this section, and all who knew him will be ready to exclaim, "A good man has died.''
Watkins Express Thursday Feb 12, 1874 contributed by Dianne Thomas
HORRIBLE MURDER IN BARRINGTON - A man by the name of Martin P. Campbell, in Barrington, Yates county, was murdered on Saturday evening last, and, it is supposed, by his own son, Stephen Wesley Campbell, aged 16 years. It appears from the testimony before the Coroner's Jury that after Stephen came home from School on Friday evening, his father struck him several times with his fist for not obeying some order with sufficient alacrity, and being reproved by his wife for so doing, the husband thereupon commenced abusing her.
He seized her by the neck with one hand and by the hair with the other, and backed her up against the side of the house. She succeeded, however, in breaking loose from him; but in the meantime the son went up to his father and asked him to desist punishing his mother, which he refused to do.
A fight then ensued in which sticks of wood were freely used, Mrs. Campbell taking a part and succeeding in hitting her husband with a piece of kindling wood. Finally the boy struck his father a severe blow on the back of his head, which staggered him and he fell to the floor.
The injured man died during the night, and on Saturday morning the scene presented was sickening in the extreme. An axe was discovered under the stairway covered with hair and blood. A lounge in the room was saturated with blood, as were some lounge coverings found up stairs.
The deceased was divested of his coat and vest. These were found up stairs. Stephen Wesley stated that he attempted to wash his father after his death, and took off his coat and vest, and carried them there. Upon Mr. Campbell's head were four wounds. A contusion on the back of his head at the base of the brain; one over one of the eyes; and two frightful gashes on either side of the back of the head, which broke through the skull and penetrated into the brain two or three inches.
There were two younger children in the family, and the testimony was very conflicting. The Jury however, brought in a verdict that the deceased came to his death by reason of wounds inflicted upon his head with an axe in the hands of his son, Stephen Wesley, and that the assault was premeditated and maliciously made. The boy was taken to Penn Yan on Sunday, and is now confined in the Yates county jail to await the action of the grand jury.
Watkins Express Thursday Feb 19, 1874 contributed by Dianne Thomas
J. Lewis Sunderlin, of Barrington, Yates county, whose death is announced in the obituary department of to-day's Express, was a brother of M. J. Sunderlin, Esq., Attorney and Counselor at Law, of this village.
At his residence in Barrington. Yates Co., on Friday evening, 18th instant, J. LEWIS SUNDERLIN, youngest son of the late D. J. Sunderlin, aged 84 years, 9 months and 16 days.
Geneva Courier Wednesday October 7, 1874 contributed by Dianne Thomas
PENN YAN - FIRE AT BARRINGTON - The large hotel in Barrington, Yates county, familiarly known as the Crystal Springs House, was burned on the morning of Saturday, September 19th inst., together with a large amount of furniture, etc. The fire commenced about 1 am, it is supposed the wash room, and as the hotel was a wooden, burned with great rapidity, so much so, that the guests had hardly the time to save their clothes. The house and contents, it was said, cost $40,000 and were insured in the sum of $25,000, leaving quite a loss to borne by the proprietors.
Watkins Express Thursday Dec 31, 1874 contributed by Dianne Thomas
In Watkins, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. FEAGLES, on Monday, December 28th, 1874, Mrs. SUBMIT PATTEN, relict of ALEXANDER PATTEN, deceased of Barrington, Yates County, aged eighty-eight years. Funeral services at the house on Thursday, 31st inst.
Watkins Express Thursday May 20, 1875 contributed by Dianne Thomas
Charles Caufield, an employee of the Corning & Sodus Bay R. R., was badly injured recently, by tumbling with a horse and cart down an embankment 150 feet high, in the town of Barrington, Yates county.
Mr. A. G. Bartholemew, formerly of Barrington, Yates county, is putting up a steam flouring and custom mill at Rushville.
The trial of Charles Eighmy for the murder of George Crandall, at Phelps, nearly a year ago, is now in progress at Canandaigua.
A man whose name is given as 'Jackaway', died in Waverly recently, and was buried by the poor-master. A few nights after, the coffin was found in the cemetery lot and the body gone.
Stephen Eggleston, of Barrington, was examined before Justice Lewis in Penn Yan, on Saturday, closing on Monday, on a charge of assault with intent to commit a rape preferred by Mary Keating, a girl of fifteen, of Irish birth. The defendant was finally held to bail. He proposes, it is said, to have the girl prosecuted for perjury. Eggleston is also menaced with another prosecution like the first, in which the charge is made by a Mrs. Johnson.
Watkins Express Thursday Sept 6, 1877 contributed by Dianne Thomas
DEATH OF WILLIAM HAUSE - Our citizens were startled on Tuesday morning last, Sept. 4th, by the report that William Hause was no more. He had been sick but a few days and no one supposed, not even his family and physician, that his disease was dangerous or likely to prove fatal. He retained his physical strength to the last moment, and only a few minutes before his death, Tuesday morning, raised himself up in bed and placed his feet upon the floor. It is needless to say that the announcement of his decease caused unfeigned sorrow and mourning in our village.
Like all other men he had his faults, but his good qualities and his generous and sympathetic heart overshadowed all human frailties and made him a valued and useful citizen and neighbor. He was not blessed with a large share of this world's goods, but his heart was ever open to the calls of the poor and distressed, and many are the incidents that we could name of his noble sacrifices in behalf of the needy, and generous but unostentatious aid extended to the destitute. He was peculiarly fond of little children, and never tired of caressing and encouraging them and doing such kind offices for them as would make their little hearts glad. The children of Watkins will long remember the name of William Hause and revere his memory.
The deceased was born in the town of Tyrone, Feb. 28th, 1829, and had therefore reached his 49th year. A few years of his early life was spent in the West teaching school. He afterwards became a resident of Dundee, Yates county, where he held a clerkship in a dry goods store for several years.
In 1853 he married Maria Kinney, a daughter of Judge Henry Kinney, of Dundee. Subsequently he became a resident of the town of Barrington, Yates county, where be spent nine years of his life upon a farm. He held the office of Justice of the Peace in Barrington eight years and was twice elected Justice of Sessions in Yates county. He afterwards returned to Dundee for a short period, and in 1867 removed with his family to Watkins, where he spent the remainder of his life. He held the office of Justice of the Peace in this town for nearly eight years; his second term would have expired on the first day of January next.
He was also twice elected Justice of Sessions in this county, and in all his official career maintained an excellent reputation for the fairness of his legal decisions, and for his upright and dignified course in all matters of controversy submitted to him for examination or trial.
The funeral services will take place today, Thursday, at the Methodist Church in Dundee. Rev. Cameron Mann, rector of St. James's church, of this village, will officiate. His remains will be buried in the Dundee cemetery by his Masonic brethren of Dundee Lodge, assisted by many of the fraternity from this county. Mr. John J,
Smith of this village will conduct the Masonic services. Deceased leaves a wife and one son, Henry K. Hause, Esq., of the law firm of Evarts A, Hanse. The bereaved family have the sympathy of a wide circle of sorrowing friends and neighbors.
Watkins Express Thursday March 15, 1877 contributed by Dianne Thomas
Mary A., wife of Elder A. W. Sunderlin, died in Wayne village on the 6th ult., aged 70 years. We extract the following details from the Dundee Record: Deceased was the third daughter of William and Anna Wortman, and was born in Hector, Tompkins county, N. Y., Dec. 6,1 807. In 1812 her parents removed to Wayne, Steuben county, and worked a farm owned by Elder Ephraim Sandford, of that town. In the spring of 1857 they settled on a new farm in what is now Barrington, Yates county, cleared and cultivated said farm, and raised a large family (seven sons and five daughters) and lived to see them all married and settled in life, and died at a good old age, leaving their farm unencumbered, to their children. Mrs. Sunderlin and her surviving husband were married in October 1825, and lived together in that relation for over 51 years.
Geneva Courier Wednesday Sept 12, 1877 contributed by Dianne Thomas
The Late John Hobson -
The Penn Yan Chronicle publishes an obituary of John Hobson, a late resident of the town of Barrington, Yates county, who died on July 10th, aged 79 years, 9 months and 2 days. He was born in Yorkshire, England, October 8th, 1797. He was bred a farmer, and pursued that calling all his life.He married Mary Latis Brantingham, and they emigrated to this country in 1831, with George Forden, the noted cattle-breeder and stopped for a short time at Geneva, and thence went to live with Hon. Robert C. Nicholas on the White Springs farm, and remained there four years. They then moved on a farm near Stanley and lived four years, and thence near Flint Creek and lived twenty-seven years, and then moved to the town of Canandaigua and resided there seven years. There Mrs. Hobson died, June 10, 1871. at the age of seventy-eight years. She was the mother of five children - George, Hannah, Thomas, Francis and Mary Ann.
Mr. Hobson then went to live with his son George, in Barrington, till his death. He has one surviving brother in Hull, Yorkshire, England. His son George married first Charlotte Slocum, and has a second wife, Sarah E. Hewson. He lived some fifteen or sixteen years near Clifton Springs, one year at Benton Centre, and has now resided seventeen years in Barrington.
Hannah, daughter of John Hobson, died in Geneva in 1846. Thomas lives near Geneva. Francis lives in the town of Tioga, Tioga county, Pennsylvania. Mary Ann is also married.
Watkins Express Thursday April 11, 1878 contributed by Dianne Thomas
The Dundee Record, of April 4th, chronicles the death, in Barrington, Yates county, N.Y., March 26th, of Mr. James Shannon, in the 70th year of his age. In his earlier life the deceased ran a boat on Seneca Lake and the Erie canal, and was noted for his muscular strength and actively. Some of the older citizens of Watkins may remember him.
The editor of the Record, writes feelingly of him as having been a true and tried friend of thirty years, (which is a great while in this wicked and perverse generation) and closes his obituary with some lines poetical, which are unquestionably original, and seems to come from the heart. We therefore reproduce them, regardless of the "ten cents a line:"
His languishing head is at rest.
Its aching and thinking is o'or,
His quiet immovable breast,
Is heaved by affliction no more.
Those eyes he so seldom could close;
Forbidden by sorrow to sleep;
Sealed up in a lengthy repose,
Have strangely forgotten to weep.
This touching effusion is followed by this sentiment, which closes the obituary notice: "We tender our sympathy and condolence to his family and leave our old and tried friend to his quiet slumber, till the time shall come, when all things shall be made new; when immortality shall he fully made manifest, the grave lose it power, and death itself shall die."
Watkins Express Thursday Dec 27, 1883 contributed by Dianne Thomas
Charles Miller, a resident of the town of Barrington, Yates county, was struck by a locomotive while standing near the track in Dundee, on Wednesday evening of last week, and so severely injured as to live but fifteen minutes afterwards.
A coal train was standing on the switch near the water tank, and Miller was talking with the conductor. While they were talking the whistle of the 8:17 train was heard and the conductor stepped a short distance away to give an order, supposing that Miller would follow. On turning around he saw Miller standing close to the track, and the train coming at a rapid speed. He immediately made a rush to save him, and did succeed in grabbing his arm, but not until the train struck Miller with such force as to throw him a distance of about sixty feet, and also knock the conductor down.
Penn Yan Express Wed Feb 20, 1884 contributed by Dianne Thomas
BROKE HER HIP - A sad accident occurred at the residence of Lewis Reynolds, in Barrington, on Thursday last, caused by the falling of Mrs. Anna Baker, thereby breaking her hip. Mrs. Baker, who has reached the advanced age of 72 years, has been very careful of treacherous ice, but on the above named day, having occasion to step out doors, she slipped and fell. Owing to her age, it is feared she will not fully recover. She is an aunt of Mr. Reynolds, and has resided in the family for about twenty years. - Dundee Observer
Watkins Express Thursday June 19, 1884 contributed by Dianne Thomas
Davison Mosher of Barrington, Yates county, died June 8th, lacking but a few days of being ninety-one years old. He was a pensioner of the War of 1812.
Watkins Express Thursday April 2, 1885 contributed by Dianne Thomas
Probably the oldest resident of the Lake Country, died at Barrington, Yates county, March 17th. The deceased, Mrs. Margaret Smith, was aged 100 years lacking two months, and to the last her mind was clear, her sight good, and her hearing perfect.
Watkins Express Thursday Mar 29, 1888 contributed by Dianne Thomas
John Lazear, aged fourteen, of the town of Barrington, Yates county, was a few days ago found lying unconscious at the bottom of a ravine, along the edge of which his path lay, having fallen from the top, a distance of about fifty feet. He died without regaining consciousness.
Havana Journal Saturday Apr 14, 1888 contributed by Dianne Thomas
One George B. Warren of Barrington, Yates County, on trial at Penn Yan last week for rape upon a Mrs. Miller, was found guilty by the jury, and was sentenced to a term of seven years imprisonment at Auburn.
Mrs. Daniel Smith and family, of this village, wish to tender their thanks to their many friends and neighbors who so kindly assisted them during the sickness and at the death and funeral of their husband and father.
The Observer, Dundee, NY
– Wednesday, May 30, 1888
contributed by Cathy Coon
Another aged citizen of Barrington has passed away, in the person of Mr. Isaac Morrison, who died on the 24th inst., at the ripe age of 86 years.
Last Thursday afternoon a daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Beam, in this village, and a son to Mr. and Mrs. Stacy Millard at Crystal Springs.
Corning Journal Thursday November 7, 1889 contributed by Dianne Thomas
(Yates Co.) - The wife of John McDowell died in Barrington aged sixty-eight.
Schuyler County - In Reading, at the residence of John B. Chase, Oct. 23, by Rev. Chase, of Corning, Mr. S. Lott Hurley of Elmira, was married to Miss Lottie Chase, of Reading. There were seventy guests. The bride had numerous presents of value. After a bountiful supper there was music by Mrs. Harry Sutton of Reading, and Mrs. Delia McDowell, of Barrington.
Watkins NY Express Thursday November 28, 1889 contributed by Dianne Thomas
Albert Deneingburg, of Barrington, Yates county, has been arrested, charged with breaking into the Crystal Springs post-office. William Davenport has been already held to await the action of the grand jury for this offense and made a confession implicating Deneingburg. Peter Eaves was convicted in the last county court and sent to Auburn prison for five years for the same offense.
Watkins NY Express Thursday January 1, 1891 contributed by Dianne Thomas
The death of Mrs. Elizabeth Jayne, wife of Timothy W. Jayne, occurred in the town of Barrington, Yates county, after a long illness, Saturday, Dec. 13th, 1890, at the age of 64 years, 3 months and 20 days. Of her father's family of ten children, but two survive, Thomas Schofield of Steuben county, and Caroline L., wife of Abner Piper of Townsend, N. Y.
Watkins NY Express Thursday November 5, 1891 contributed by Dianne Thomas
In Memoriam - Died at his home in Mecklenburg, Schuyler county, N. Y., October 19th, 1891, Henry H. Fish, M. D., aged fifty years. Dr. Fish, who was the youngest of eight children, was born in Barrington, Yates county, N. Y., March 6th, 1841, and was the son of Dillis and Rebecca Fish ; his mother died when he was but two years of age, and all his brothers and sisters preceded him to the spirit land, except the two oldest, Mrs. Lucy A. Lefurgy and Hon. Asa P. Fish of Dundee, and a half brother, George Fish of Bradford. November 26th, 1868, he united in marriage with Tersa, daughter of the late Jason Cooper, who survives him.
"Dr. Fish was one of a family of physicians and stood high in his profession, responding to every call regardless of consequence to himself." To an expressed concern at the little rest he allowed himself, as he was about to leave for home after a brief visit, resting his frail, emaciated hand on her chair, he said, " M , I expect to die in the harness."
Those with whom he has been so long and closely associated know the power of patient endurance with which he has met the trying duties of his profession.
Henry H. Fish was educated at Starkey Seminary, after which he continued his studies under the care of his uncle, Dr. Henry Fish, and graduated from the Buffalo Medical College Feb. 26th, 1869.
He commenced practice under the supervision of Dr. Henry Fish and later became associated with his cousin, Dr. Wm. H. Fish; the former died April 4th, 1873, and the latter Sept. 2d, 1882, thus leaving him the field which had been under the professional care of the Drs. Fish since 1824.
The funeral services were held at the residence, Oct. 22d, Rev. E. O. Peloubet officiating, assisted by Rev. U. S. Hall; and his body was borne to the grave by his associate physicians, three of whom, Drs. Stilwell of Burdett, Kerst of Trumansburg, and Davis of Mecklenburg, studied and went through to graduation under his care and direction. The brother to whom he went for sympathy in childhood and for counsel and encouragement in early manhood, was with him during the last two weeks of his life and to him the last expressed wish was made - that with the hush of the coming night silence might reign, and silently as the autumn leaves fall about us, he passed away at 6 p. m. And in words of Dr. Talmage it may be said the " memory of those to whom he has done a kindness, the memory of those whose suffering he has alleviated, will be to him a monument.
Watkins NY Express Thursday Jan 5, 1892 contributed by Dianne Thomas
The family of ex-Supervisor Albert Ovenshire, of Barrington, Yates county, was asphyxiated by gas escaping from a furnace a few nights ago. One member of the family was able to arise and open the doors and windows. Medical aid soon brought the victims out of the apparently dead state.
Elmira Gazette Saturday Evening March 11, 1893 contributed by Dianne Thomas
A very pleasant home wedding took place at the residence of Daniel Rapalee of Barrington, Yates county, last evening, when his daughter, Dora O., was married to William N. Plaisted, of Barrington.
ONTARIO COUNTY TIMES, Canandaigua, NY Sept 27, 1893 Pg 3, col 3 contributed by Ron Hanley
LAPHAM - The marriage of Mr. Elbridge Gerry Lapham, youngest son of the late United States Senator Lapham, and Miss Anna Elizabeth Case, was celebrated at the home of the bride in Rushville on Wednesday afternoon, September 20. The Rev. G. B. Gallagher, of the
Methodist Episcopal church, performed the ceremony in the presence of a large number of relatives and friends. The gifts were numerous
and costly, and spoke in a flattering manner of the esteem in which the bride and groom are held.
The groom was paymaster on the Middlesex Valley Railroad during its construction, a position which he held with honor to himself and the company. The bride is a popular member of the Amphictyon Society in Rushville, from which she received a number of valuable gifts. Mr.
and Mrs. Lapham will continue to make Rushville their future home, Mr. Lapham having arranged to engage in business there.
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle Tuesday Apr 8, 1894 contributed by Dianne Thomas
Mrs. Ollie Reed, wife of Rev. Myron Reed, of Barrington, Yates county, died suddenly Sunday morning, after a short illness, at the home of her father, C. O. Coney, in Holley, where she was called about two weeks ago by the serious illness of her sister. The funeral will be private and will be held from the home of her father, Charles O. Coney, this afternoon.
Watkins NY Express Thursday November 22, 1894 contributed by Dianne Thomas
Lester Hutchens, in the seventy-second year of his age, died of heart disease at his home in Townsend, after a long illness, on Monday morning last. The funeral was held at the Baptist church on Wednesday at eleven o'clock, and the remains were interred in the Beaver Dams cemetery. Rev. J. E. Wilson, a former pastor, officiating.
The deceased was born in the town of Litchfield, Herkimer county, June 27, 1823. He moved with his parents, Wyman and Azuba Hutchens, to the town of Barrington, Yates county, when he was four years old. When about twenty years old he came with his parents to the town of Dix and settled about two miles north of Beaver Dams.
In 1844 he married Mary Woodward, who died nine years ago. Of this union four daughters were born. One, a young woman, died Nov. 25, 1880. The other three, Mrs. David Hicks, Mrs. Jas. G. Drake and Mrs. Frank Woodward, are residents of Townsend, he residing with the last named at the time of his death.
About the year 1848 he was converted and joined the Townsend Baptist church, and for about twenty-five years he has been a deacon, filling the office well. He had been a resident of Townsend twenty-two years.
Two sisters are living, all that remain of eleven children, Mrs. Sarah Huey in Lycoming county, Pa., and Mrs. Harriet Brunson, of Millport. The deceased was a man of true Christian worth and character, and was universally respected.
Watkins NY Express Thursday November 21, 1895 contributed by Dianne Thomas
Mary Dunn Gray died in Corning, Nov. 14th, 1895. Mrs. Gray was born in Barrington, Yates county, in this state, on July 21st, 1847, and in 1874 married Albert Gray, with whom she lived a happy and useful life until his death two years ago. The subject of this sketch passed a large portion of her life in Tyrone, where she was highly respected by all who knew her, for she was ever foremost in deeds of charity, and where affection claimed her aid, none more devoted.
A true companion, and most affectionate mother; a true Christian and kindly neighbor; she showed her Christianity by her works, in helping the needy, the sick and the distressed.
In August last Mrs. Gray was taken with the dropsy, and the best of medical aid could not prolong her life for more than a few months. On Saturday, the 16th, the remains were brought from Corning. The funeral services were held at the Methodist church at 1:30 p. m. the same day, and she was laid by the side of her husband in the beautiful Union cemetery. She leaves a sister and one daughter, Carrie, wife of John Litteer, of Corning.
The Free Press, Moutour Falls December 19, 1895 contributed by Dianne Thomas
Timothy Jayne, a grape grower living in Barrington, Yates county, is said to have skipped out, taking with him the avails of this year's grape crop, some $3,000, and leaving behind a number of creditors. There is said to be a woman in the case, although Jayne is a man past middle age, is married and has two daughters.
Montour Falls Free Press Thursday April 23, 1896 contributed by Dianne Thomas
John Conway of Barrington, Yates county, has been sent to the Monroe county penitentiary for three months, for beating his wife and12 year old son.
ELMIRA DAILY GAZETTE AND FREE PRESS Jan 24, 1899 contributed by Dianne Thomas
Watkins, Jan. 24 - Lorenzo Sunderlin of Tyrone, who claims to be a descendant of the Colonel Henry Baker of Philadelphia, who, without doubt, left a fortune now amounting to over 1,300,000.00, end which is awaiting proof of the rightful heirs for distribution, believes that, with the evidence which he has been able to obtain within the past few years, that it is now only a matter of a short time before he will be able to establish a line of evidence sufficient to warrant the distribution to the rightful heirs, of which, he is one.
Several meetings of the supposed Baker heirs were held in Watkins last fall and money was raised to send a counsel to Philadelphia to look up records, but for the lack of certain proofs since obtained by Mr. Sunderlin, not much headway could be made. The following affidavit, which seems to be a direct clew to the original Colonel Baker, was made and sworn to June 4, 1898:
"My name is Deborah Baker Sprout and I was born October 19, 1823 in the town of Barrington. Yates county, NY. My father's name was Levi Baker and he was born May 25, 1807, in Dutchess county, and died in 1890.
My grandfather's name was James Baker and he was born in Dutchess county in 1784.
My great-grandfather's name was Josiah Baker, brother of Colonel Henry Baker. He was born in England and came to this country before the revolutionary war. He landed, with his two brothers, at Cape Cod. His wife's maiden name was Sarah Hainer.
I can remember my great grandfather distinctly.
I have heard my father and grandfather tell that there were three brothers, Josiah, Colonel Henry and John Baker, and that Colonel Henry had great wealth, and resided in Philadelphia, and that we ought to share in his property. All three were in the Revolutionary war. Henry was a colonel, Josiah was a drum-major, and John was a lieutenant.
Mr. Sunderlin also has other affidavits in his possession, which correlate the above. It seems as near as can be ascertained that Colonel Baker was unmarried, and after leasing his property for ninety-nine years went to Germany after the war closed and while there, died, leaving the papers in the care of his housekeeper. These papers are now supposed to be in the hands of someone in this country, possibly a man named Hoffman, who is thought to have called on a Pittsburg lawyer last summer, and refusing to give his name, for the present at least, stated that he had in his possession papers among which was the original lease, and that he was a descendant of the housekeeper of Henry Baker.
This man Hoffman was in Elmira a short time ago and was seen by Mr. Sunderlin, who believes that Hoffman is the man who has the papers that are so much wanted. If this is the case, Hoffman is shrewd enough to have a guaranty that he will receive a share of the property before he yields his evidence.
Corning Journal Wednesday May 8, 1899 contributed by Dianne Thomas
Death of Franklin Brayton Brown - (Corning Daily Democrat. May 1) - Franklin Brayton Brown died at his home, 117 East First street, in this city, Sunday evening, April 30, 1899, aged nearly 65 years. He leaven a wife, Mrs. Marilla C. Brown, and two sons, F. C. and W. B. Brown. Three sisters, Mrs. Sarah E. Olin, of DeKalb, Ill..; Mrs. Harriet S. Hogeboom, of Elgin, Ill.; and Mrs. Susan La Fever, of Geneva, O., also survive. One grandson, Franklin E. Brown, is also a descendant.
Father Brown was born in Barrington, Yates County, N. Y., July 15, 1884. When about 12 years of age the death of his mother left him the eldest one of a family of five children. Grandfather Brown was a Christian minister and in those days a minister's duties included a great deal more than the care of his own children, hence, father's devotion to his own family was early instilled. It has never wavered from that day to this. He learned the printers' trade of Captain Benjamin Smead, in the Bath Advocate office.
In 1855 be came to Corning to work for his father, Rev. Ira Brown, in the publication of a religions paper. In 1857 he was the proprietor of the Corning Democrat, which has been published continuously since. In 1884 he established the daily edition of the Democrat, and in 1887 took into partnership his elder son, who had been taught "the trade." They have conditioned the business through fortune and adversity to the present day.
He was married in 1862 to Cornelia DeVoe, who died November 30, 1868, after giving birth to a son, [who is F. Cornie Brown]. March 1868, he was again married to Marilla C. Bentley, who survives. The result of this union was Hannah M., deceased; Walter B., now of Chicago; and Wilson I., deceased.
Political honors have been extended to to him - with no financial returns, but an unfilled Post mastership; friendship has been extended in many places, for which he and his family have been extremely grateful; if there is such a thing as reward in another world for an upright life, a devotion to family and friends and a thorough belief in the "golden rule," he is now receiving the fruits of it.
Penn Yan Democrat Sunday May 12, 1899 contributed by Dianne Thomas
Editor Frank B. Brown, of the Corning Democrat, who recently died, was born in Barrington, Yates county, July 15, 1834.
The death of Major A. Coolbaugh, of Altay occurred at his home in Tyrone recently, after a long sickness. He was born in Yates county in 1831.
A recent Issue of The Evening Wisconsin, published in Milwaukee, contained a half column article about Dr. Oliver P. Wolcott, whose 97th birthday occurred April 19th. Dr. Wolcott maintained his office until he was 85 years of age. He is a son of Elisha Wolcott, deceased, who came to and settled in Benton in 1795, moved to Barrington in 1834, and died there in 1856. Dr. Oliver P. Wolcott was born in 1802, and married Sophia Stewart, of Penn Yan. He commenced practicing medicine in Warsaw, afterward removing to Benton Centre.
In 1857 he removed to Milwaukee and has resided in that city since. He is said to be the oldest citizen of prominence in Milwaukee. In speaking of his childhood days he recalled assisting his father draw a log through the woods which was to be a part of the first church built in Western New York.
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