Yates County, New York

Churches for the Town of Barrington

Two Book Sources used  from 1873 and 1892


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From the History of Yates County, NY  

published 1892, by L.C. Aldrich  pg 450 - 455

Church History of Barrington � The only Methodist Church ever organized in Barrington was organized in 1810.  The Rev. B. G. PADDOCK gave them the first preaching.  Among those admitted to the church fellowship were William OVENSHIRE and Mary, his wife, Joseph GIBBS and Mary, his wife, Joseph KANAAN and wife, Peter PUTNAM and wife, Mrs. Mary NORRIS, Mrs. DEAN, Mrs. SHOUTTS, Mrs. BARNES, and James TAYLOR and wife. 

  Among the early preachers were George HARMAN, Palmer ROBERTS, P. BENNETT, R. FARLEY, L. GRANT, J. GILMORE, William SNOW, W. KENT, F., DRAPER, R. PARKER, John BEGGARLY, and others; of a later period, Asa STORY, J. CHAMBERLIN, Ira FAIRBANKS, A. STEELE, J  DODGE.  The preaching was at Mr. OVENSHIRE�s house for about fifteen years; afterwards at a near school house until 1842, when the present church was erected, but a short distance from his own house.  W. OVENSHIRE was the class leader for about thirty years; he was then followed by his son, Samuel.  The church has had 150 members at one time.  Some of the preachers still later were Rev. Mr. GRAHAM, Rev. Mr. HALL, Rev. Mr. LAMON, also the Rev. Messrs. WALGERMOTH, LANDRETH, Edgar J. JARMAN, DUTCHER, WEAVER.  At this time the Methodist people centered at a small village called Warsaw, near the middle of the town, and it was quite desirable that the house of worship should be as convenient as possible, and after some consultation it was decided to move it.  Consequently in the summer of 1878 it was moved about one mile west to Warsaw, where it still flourishes.  Since this time its pastors have been Rev. George MOXEY, Revs. BROWN, CHUBBUCK, HINMAN, WARD and JEROLOMAN.  The present pastor is N. A. DEPEW; the class leader, Benjamin FREEMAN, who succeeded S. OVENSHIRE.  Cranston HEWITT, John OVENSHIRE, R. PLASTED, B. FREEMAN, Morris OVENSHIRE, A. J. SARGENT, M. BELLOWS, E. SPRAGUE, A. BANE, S. LAMONT, and others have served as trustees in later years.  L. OVENSHIRE, Morris OVENSHIRE and John OVENSHIRE have served as clerk.  The latter is still clerk.  The present number of church members, about seventy-five; congregation from fifty to 150.  Valuation of church property $1,200. 

In 1819 there was a Free Will Baptist Church organized by Elders Zebulon DEAN and John MUGG.  It consisted of eleven persons � Matthew KNAPP, J. B. RETAN, Mary KNAPP, J. WEST, J. SWAIN, Margaret SWAIN, Hannah KNAPP, Sarah KNAPP, Christiana KNAPP, Electa WEST and Catharine SALES.   John WEST was chosen clerk; Matthew KNAPP elected deacon.  The records previous to 1827 were destroyed by fire.  At that time Elder John STEWART was their preacher.  In 1828 Cyrus B. FEAGLES was expelled for drunkenness and profanity.  In 1829 Zebulon DEAN was their pastor and a John PRATT and Miss BENTON became members.  In 1830,  H. WISNER and wife, T. TUTTLE and wife, E. FEAGLES and others also became members.   The church continued to prosper until 1833.  They erected a meeting-house in 1834.  The church voted that Matthew KNAPP have license to preach.  In 1835 the society voted that J. PRATT have license to preach; this same year Elder J. BIGNALL baptized several members.  In 1841 Elder BEEBE was the preacher.  Regular meeting was kept up until 1847; soon after, the church was totally disbanded and the building turned to other uses.   

A council was called to organize a second Baptist Church of Wayne on March 20, 1819, and met at Frederick TOWNSEND�s.  There were present delegates from other churches, as follows: Wayne, Elder E., SANFORD, G. BENNETT, Asa YEOMAN; Pultney, Peter POWERS, S. DREW; Second Milo, Elder SUTHERLAND, John R. POWELL, T. BENNETT, Isaac HEDGES, S. SHERMAN and others.  Elder POWERS was chosen moderator, Elder BIGELOW, clerk.  The following names are those of the constituted members of this church when organized; Janna OSGOOD, Ephraim WRIGHT, Joseph SUNDERLIN, Eli NORTHRUP, Deborah BAKER, Anna BAKER, Susan SUNDERLIN, Catherine SUTTON, Esther HOUSE, Clarissa BROWN, Martha KIRKHAM, Hannah TOWNSEND, Lydia SUNDERLIN, Lydia WRIGHT, Olla ROBLYER, Bethia BURR, Parthena WALKER, Jane OSGOOD, Meriam BENNETT, Sally DEMOND, Betsey BOOTH, Elizabeth DISBROW.  On the 27th of March 1819, the first regular church meeting was held.  At this meeting Janna OSGOOD was moderator, J. SUNDERLIN, standing clerk.  They voted to hold the church meeting on the first Saturday of each month at John WRIGHT�s.  Elder SUTHERLAND supplied the church with preaching on Wednesday, April 6, 1819.  The following were baptized: W. WORTMAN, John WRIGHT, C. KNAPP, S. CROSBY, Eunice KNAPP, Lydia CHASE, Elizabeth RARICK, Fanny WORTMAN.  Wednesday, Mach 12, 1819, James A. SWARTHOUT and Miss JACOBY were baptized.  Sunday, August 1, 1819, elder SUTHERLAND baptized Daniel SUNDERLIN and his sons, Dennis and Daniel W., Tippet, Ira and Eli SUNDERLIN and three of their wives, Nancy S., Hannah and Fanny SUNDERLIN, Azariah FINCH and wife, Nanah SILSBEE, Polly DAKIN, Nancy LONG and Polly BURR.  September 5, 1819, Stephen ROBINSON and wife, and Almeda SUNDERLIN were baptized.  Jonathan KETCHUM joined the church by letter April 8, 1820, and in October 1821, the �Church voted that Brother KETCHAM have the privilege of preaching in the bounds of the church.�  They erected their meeting house in 1821 in Sunderlin Hollow, on the north side of the east and west road.  The first meeting was held in this meeting-house April 6, 1822.  In February 1822, they chose Ephraim WRIGHT and Charles KNAPP, deacons.  When the town of Wayne was divided the greater part of the church society fell in Barrington, hence the name was changed to the Barrington Baptist Church, which name it now bears.  The meetinghouse is completely torn down, and nothing remains to mark its former location but the tombstones of its silent dead.  They now have their house of worship in the village of Wayne.  This Baptist Church has adopted resolutions that no member of the Baptist Church should belong to a secret society.  At about this time a number of their leading members joined some Masonic order and the church promptly expelled them, which created no little commotion in this and other Baptist Churches in the association and community.  The second minister that served this church was Daniel SHERWOOD and he was followed by Jonathan KETCHUM, who preached for them for over twenty years.  Jonathan FERRIS was also a preacher for them at an early period.  A daughter of Elder KETCHAM is the wife of Sacket B. WIXSON, of this town. 

Warsaw Baptist Church -  This church was organized at a meeting held at the house of John MOORE, March 20 ,1838, the following persons, mostly from the Barrington and Second Milo Churches, constituting the original membership: Tippett SUNDERLIN,  Peter H. CROSBY, Abraham HOPKINS, Elam W. HOPKINS, Thomas HOPKINS, Samuel B. SEYMOUR, John MOORE, William FREEMAN, Robert E. BAKER, Stephen ROBINSON, John SMITH Jr., Janna OSGOOD, Joseph FINTON, James BAKER, Stephen SMITH,  Larance CHUBB, Susan SMITH,  Lucretia KENYON, Rebecca SMITH, Eliza OSGOOD, Thankful FINTON, Almeda SUNDERLIN, Grace A. BEACH, Naomi HOPKINS, Rachel M. HOPKINS, Rebecca MILES, Mary OAKLEY, Sabra MOORE, Lucy FREEMAN, Alina ROBINSON, Sally MILES, Deborah BAKER, Julia BAKER, Mary S. MOORE, Charity BAXTER, Mahala KINNE.  A meetinghouse was built in 1828, at a cost of $1,200.  The church was supplied by Simon SUTHERLAND the first six months until the house was erected.  Reuben P. LAMB was the first pastor, and he served three years.  The next was Horace SPENCER, and after him David B. OLNEY preached for this church twelve years, then J. S. WEBBER, one year; George BAPTIST, nine months; Lewis BRASTED followed.  The first deacons were Stephen ROBINSON and Abraham HOPKINS, and subsequently Tippett SUNDERLIN, Peter H. CROSBY, John WILKINS, Richard LAWRENCE and Sacket B. WIXSON, and others have filled that office.  John MOORE was clerk three and one half years, Peter H. CROSBY for twenty-one years, and Sacket B. WIXSON for seven years.  The trustees have been Tippett SUNDERLIN, eight years; Philo CHUBB, twenty-three years; William KINNE, ten years; P. H. CROSBY, fifteen years, N. KINNE, three years, Samuel WILLIAMS, twelve years; R. E. BAKER, one year; John GIBBS, two years; Darwin SUNDERLIN, three years; Jesse C KNAPP, eight years, Martin WIXSON, five years; Daniel TUTTLE , three years.  The present house of worship was erected in 1867 and dedicated Aril 17, 1868.  Its costs, with lot and furnishing, was $5,000.  This church has had several important revivals during the fifty-three years of its history.  In January 1872, James PARKER began preaching for the church; he preached eight years, and was still their beloved pastor when eh was called away by death.  Rev. C. WARDNER preached from the spring of 1880 to the spring of 1883; Rev. A. D. CLARK, form the spring of 1883 to October 1, 1887; Rev. James NOBBS, from January 1, 1888 to August 1891.  The present pastor is Rev. Mr. WALKER.  In 1886 and 1887 the church built a new parsonage, valued at about $1,200.  The church as present is in a healthy condition, the membership being 107, after dismissing by letter thirty-six to help constitute a church at Crosby.  The present deacons are Joseph FENTON, R. A. LAWRENCE, Frank MC DOWELL, Ed CROSBY, present trustees, Michael POWLESON,  J. S. BAILEY, William CROSBY; present church clerk, Joseph GIBBS.  S. B. WIXSON has served as clerk, preceding J. GIBBS, for over twenty-five years. 

A Presbyterian Church was organized at Warsaw, September 21, 1830.  It had fifteen members in 1832, twenty-nine in 1837, and ceased to exist in 1840.  The clergymen of that faith who labored with them were Benjamin B. SMITH, J. S REASONER, Samuel T. BABBITT, and George T. EVEREST.  The American Home Missionary Society aided in their support. 

The Baptist Church at Crosby -  The Lake Keuka Baptist Church was organized May 15, 1888 at Crosby.  At this time there was a number of Baptists living in the vicinity of Crosby who were too far from any place of worship to be any ways convenient.  They organized a Sabbath-school at the Crosby schoolhouse, where they also had preaching for a time in the afternoon on Sabbath, by the pastor form the Warsaw Baptist Church.  There became quite an awakening under the preaching of Rev. Mr. CLARK; also a desire to have a house of worship in their midst.  Consequently, this little band of worshipers organized.  The Rev. James NOBBS was chosen moderator and C. GUILE, clerk.  The Rev. Mr. SHERER, of Penn Yan, and Rev. C. M. BRUDE form Milo, assisted in the organization.  The following are the names of the constituent members: Isaac CROSBY and wife, Henry BULLOCK and wife, Hermon BULLOCK and wife, Fred CROSBY and wife, Mrs. B. M. CROSBY, R. W WELTCH, his wife and two daughters, Frank and Ida, William I. CARR and wife, A. P. WORTMAN and wife, Susan BAILY, Libby BAILY, Mrs. C. KNAPP, Mrs. C. SWARTHOUT, Sarah M. EDWARDS, George W. EDWARDS and wife, E. EDWARDS, C. E. GUILE and wife, Mrs. G. W. FENTON, Eliza HEWITT, Mrs. L. B. GIPSON, Minnie GIPSOIN, Mrs. L. JANES, Timothy JANES and daughter Alice, also his two sisters Lydia and Mary, Mrs. K. PLASTED, Will BURT and wife, Mrs. Albert AMADON, L. J. BELLOWS, Hattie LEE, James GRACE, Mrs. B. GARDNER.  Thirty-six members came from the Warsaw Baptist Church, six from the Second Milo Church and two from Penn Yan.  Isaac CROSBY and Henry BULLOCK were chosen deacons, Isaac HEWETT, Herman BULLOCK, and Amos SWARTHOUT, trustees, Leroy J. BELLOWS, church clerk.  They proceeded at once to erect them a house, and now they have as neat a house of worship as they could desire; church property valued at about $3,000.  A goodly number have also been added by baptism, and some by letter until the present membership is eighty-seven.  Pastor James HOBBS has preached for them from the organization of the church until the spring of 1891.  The present pastor is Rev. Mr. WALKER.



 The source for the information below came from:

History & Directory of Yates Co., Vol. 1 

Pub 1873, by Stafford C. Cleveland  pg 150 - 164


Free Communion Baptist Church   

Elders Zebulon DEAN and John MUGG organized a Free Will Baptist Church of eleven persons, on the first day of May, 1819.  The members were Matthew KNAPP, John WEST, John SWAIN, Joseph B. RETAN, Mary KNAPP, Margaret SWAINE, Hannah KNAPP, Sarah KNAPP, Christiana KNAPP, Electa WEST and Catharine SOLES.  At that time John WEST was chosen clerk, and Matthew KNAPP elected deacon.  The records previous to 1827 were destroyed by fire.  At that time Elder John STEWART was their preacher.  In March 1828, Cyrus B. FEAGLES was expelled for drunkenness and profanity.  Matthew KNAPP, James BIGNAL and David F. RANDOLF, appear to have been the leading members at this time.  In 1829 Zebulon DEAN was their pastor, and John PRATT and Miss BENTON became members.  In 1830, Henry WISNER and wife, Thomas TUTTLE and wife, Elkanah FEAGES and others united with the church.  In 1831, Mary Ann PATTERSON, Samuel DELONG, George SOULES, D. OSBORNE, Jacob STEWARD and others became members.  Elder James BIGNAL, Thomas TUTTLE and Elkanah FEAGLES and David F. RANDOLPH were the delegates to the Quarterly Meeting.  In 1833 the Society erected a meeting house.  In 1834 the church voted that Matthew KNAPP have license to preach.  Thomas TUTTLE, William KNAPP, Matthew KNAPP and Elkanah FEAGLES, were the delegates to the Quarterly Meeting held in Gorham.  Nathan BAILEY was expelled for falsehood and drunkenness.  In 1835, the Society voted John PRATT have license to preach the gospel; and this year, Elder James BIGNAL baptized several persons.  In 1841, Elder BEEBE was their preacher, and the regular meetings were kept up in 1847.  Soon after the church was wholly disbanded, and the meeting house has been turned to other uses.


Barrington Baptist Church   

In 1815, Elder Simon SUTHERLAND commenced holding meetings in Sunderlin Hollow.  A revival followed which led to the organization of a Church, called the �Second Baptist Church of Wayne,� in the spring of 1819.A council was called to organize the church March 24, 1819, and met at Frederick TOWNSEND�s for the purpose of constituting a church.  The following churches met, namely: There were present from:

Wayne Elder Ephraim SANFORD, Gersham BENNETT, Asa YEOMAN 

Pultney Peter POWERS, Samuel DREW 

Second Milo Elder SUTHERLAND, John R. POWELL, Thomas BENNETT, Isaac HEDGES, Samuel SHERMAN and others. 

Elder POWERS was chosen Moderator, and Elder BIGELOW, Clerk.  The following names are those of the constituent members of this Church when thus organized: 

Brethren � Janna OSGOOD, Ephraim WRIGHT, Joseph SUNDERLIN, Eli NORTHUP. 

Sisters � Deborah BAKER, Anna BAKER, Susan SUNDERLIN, Catharine SUTTON, Esther HAUSE, Clarissa BROWN, Martha KIRKHAM, Hannah TOWNSEND, Lydia SUNDERLIN, Lydia WRIGHT, Olla ROBLYER, Bethiah BURR, Pothena WALKER, Lana OSGOOD, Miriam BENNETT, Sally DEMOND, Betsey BOOTH, Elizabeth, wife of Lodowick DISBROW. 

On the 27th of March, 1819, the first regular Church Meeting was held; and at this meeting Janna OSGOOD was chosen Moderator, and Joseph SUNDERLIN, standing Clerk.  And amongst other things, they voted to hold their Church Meetings on the first Saturday of each month at John WRIGHT�s .

Elder SUTHERLAND was invited to supply the church with preaching; and on Wednesday, April 6th, 1819, he preached, and the following were baptized: William WORTMAN, John WRIGHT, Charles KNAPP, Selah CROSBY, Eunice KNAPP, Lydia CHASE, Elizabeth, the mother of Anthony RARICK and Fanny WORTMAN.  Wednesday, May 12th, 1819, there was a meeting held at Frederick TOWNSEND�s; preaching by Elder SUTHERLAND, and James A. SWARTHOUT and Miss JACOBY were baptized, June 6th, 1819, Jane SUTTON and Nancy BROWN were baptized into the church. 

Sunday, August 1st, 1819, Elder SUTHERLAND preached and the following were baptized by him, namely: Daniel SUNDERLIN and his sons, Dennis, Daniel W., Tippet, Ira and Eli SUNDERLIN, and three of their wives, Nancy S., Hannah and Fanny SUNDERLIN, Azariah FINCH and his wife, Hannah SILSBEE, Polly DAKIN, Nancy LANG and Polly BURR.  Elder SUTHERLAND said be baptized fifteen persons that day in sixteen minutes. 

September 5th, 1819, the following were baptized: Stephen ROBINSON and wife, and Almeda SUNDERLIN.  Jonathan KETCHAM joined the church by letter, April 8, 1820, and in October, 1821, the �Church voted that Brother Jonathan KETCHAM have the privilege of preaching in the bounds of the church.�  They erected their meeting house in 1821, in Sunderlin Hollow, on the north side of the east and west road, nearly opposite John WRIGHT�s.  The first meeting was held in this meetinghouse, April 6, 1822.  In February 1822, they chose Ephraim WRIGHT and Charles KNAPP as deacons.  When the town of Wayne was divided, the greater part of the church society fell in Barrington, hence the name was subsequently changed to �The Barrington Baptist Church,� which name it now bears.  The dilapidated remains of this meeting house still stand.  The Barrington Baptist Church have a house of worship in the Village of Wayne. 

The second minister that served this church was Daniel SHERWOOD; He was followed by Jonathan KETCHAM who preached for them over twenty years.  Jonathan FERRIS was also a preacher for them at an early period.  Elder FERRIS was killed by lightening in his own house in the south part of Milo.  A daughter of Elder KETCHAM is the wife of Sackett B. WIXSON, the present Supervisor of Barrington. 


Warsaw Baptist Church & Presbyterian Church

This church was organized at a meeting held at the house of John MOORE, March 20, 1838, the following persons, mostly from Barrington, and Second Milo churches, constituting the original membership: Tippett SUNDERLIN, Peter H. CROSBY, Abraham HOPKINS, Elam W. HOPKINS, Thomas HOPKINS, Samuel B. SEYMOUR, John MOORE, William FREEMAN, Robert E. BAKER, Stephen ROBINSON, John SMITH Jr., Janna OSGOOD, Joseph FINTON, James BAKER, Stephen SMITH, Loranee CHUBB, Susan SMITH, Lucretia KENYON, Rebecca SMITH, Eliza OSGOOD, Thankful FINTON, Almedia SUNDERLIN, Grace A. BEACH, Naomi HOPKINS, Rachel M. HOPKINS, Rebecca MILES, Mary OAKLEY, Sabra MOORE, Lucy FREEMAN, Aliva ROBINSON, Sally MILES, Deborah BAKER, Julia BAKER, Mary A. MOORE, Charity BAXTER, Mahala KINNE. 

A meeting house was build in 1838, at a cost of $1,200.  The church was supplied by Simon SUTHERLAND the first six months, until the house was erected.  Reuben P. LAMB was the first pastor, and he served three years.  The next was Horace SPENCER, and after him, David B. OLNEY preached for this church twelve years.  Then J. S. WEBBER, one year; Reuben P. LAMB, three and one-half years; A. J. BUEL, one year; George BAPTIST, nine months; Lewis BRASTED, now serving.  

The first deacons, were Stephen ROBINSON and Abraham HOPKINS; and subsequently Tippett SUNDERLIN , Peter H. CROSBY, John WILKINS, Richard LAWRENCE and Sackett B. WIXSON, have filled this office.  John MOORE was the clerk three and one-half years, and Sackett B. WIXSON, seven years.  The trustees have been: Tippett SUNDERLIN, eight years; Philo CHUBB, twenty-three years; William KINNE ten years; Peter H. CROSBY, 14 years; Henry KINNE, 3 years; Samuel WILLIAMS, 12 years; Robert E. BAKER, 1 year; John GIBBS, 2 years; Darwin SUNDERLIN, 3 years; Jesse C. KNAPP, 8 years; Martin WIXSON, 5 years, and Daniel TUTTLE, three years.   The present house of worship was erected in 1867, and dedicated April 17th, 1868.  Its cost, with lot and furnishings, was $5,000.  This church has had several important revivals during the thirty-one years of its history. 

A Presbyterian Church was organized at Warsaw, September 21, 1830.  It had 15 members in 1832, 29 in 1837, and ceased to exist in 1840.  The clergymen of that faith who labored with them, were Benjamin B. SMITH, John S. REASONER, Samuel T. BABBIT and George T. EVERST.  The American Home Missionary Society aided in their support.


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