Barrington Biographies 


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History & Directory of Yates Co., Vol 1, Pub 1873, by Stafford C. Cleveland


BAILEY    pg 160

The BAILEY and FISH families were later in the town than others that have been mentioned.  Sylvenus BAILEY has held the office of Justice of the Peace more years, than any other person in town. 


BASSETT   pg 155-159

The father of Allen BASSETT was Justus BASSETT of Connecticut, and his mother, Beulah TUTTLE of the same State.  In 1800 the father died in Great Barrington, Massachusetts, where they had taken up their abode, leaving their children, Polly, Julia and Allen.  The widow afterwards married John BOYCE of Hillsdale, Columbia county, New York, whiter the family removed. They came to Barrington (then Wayne), in 1812.  Three children were added to the family by the second marriage, Clorinda, Chauncey and Harriet.  They settled on lot 16 where Mr. BOYCE died three years later, leaving the mother�s oldest son, Allen, the dependence of the family.  He has therefore had a large experience of live in a new country, and has borne himself bravely and well in the battle of life. 

Polly, the elder sister, married Hiram BISHOP of Hillsdale, settled in Barrington and had seven children, who reached adult age and married; Sally, Betsey, Louisa, William ,James S., Emily and George W.    Emily married Alexander PATTEN, and resides in Hornellsville.  They all reside beyond the limits of Yates county.  Julia BASSETT married Orrin BISHOP of Hillsdale, and settled near her mother and brother in Barrington, where he died, leaving four children, Philemon, Mary A., Beulah E. and Harriet.  Philemon married Caroline BIGELOW of Barrington, and died, leaving his widow and one child, Charles P.  This boy was a drummer in the 33rd regiment of NY. Vols., enlisting at the age of twenty, and serving in the Army of the Potomac, through all its campaigns and all its principal engagements, until GRANT conquered at Richmond, after which he was honorably discharged. Mary A. BISHOP married George P. LORD of Barrington.  They reside at Urbana and have seven children.  Beulah E. BISHOP married Joseph WESTCOTT of Dundee, a son of James M. WESTCOTT.  They have four children, Mary, Corinne, Ella and Ruth.  Harriet D. BISHOP married Martin W. WESTCOTT, a brother of Joseph, resides in Urbana and has two children.  William W. and James M. 

Allen BASSETT married Druzilla W. EDDY, and settled near the maternal homestead, where she died in 1829, leaving four surviving children.  Mr. BASSETT�s mother died the same year.  The children of the first marriage were Zenecia F., Palmer H., Julia and Richard A.  Zenecia F. married James THAYER of Milo.  Palmer H. married Susan J. SMITH and resides in Dundee.  They have had two children, Charles E. and Fred P.  

Charles E. was a member of the Brass Band of Dundee, and though but a lad of fifteen accompanied them when they enlisted, and went to Norfolk, Va., during the war of the rebellion, where they were stationed as a Post Band.  He there died and was much lamented by his associates and friends, to whom he was greatly endeared both by reason of this personal and musical accomplishments.  He was a proficient with several musical instruments, but his favorite was the tenor drum.  His monument stands in the Dundee Cemetery, a broken column, with his drum and the flag of the Union, representing his untimely death and its accompaniments.  Palmer H. BASSETT canvassed the county of Yates for the sale of this book.  Julia married Andrew WORTMAN of Barrington in 1845.  They have three children, Huldah A. Eugene A. and Cassie L.  Huldah married Henry FREEMAN and they reside in Steuben county. 

Richard A. married Mary A. HENDRICKSON, and has two children, Edward P. and George W., and resides in Warsaw, Indiana.  He entered the military service during the late war as First Lieutenant of Co. B, 126th Regiment, NY, Vol., of which he was subsequently, Captain.  He shared the hard fortunes of that regiment through the war, and after the battle of Gettysburg was Captain of the Provost Guard before Richmond, where he participated in the closing scenes of the war. 

Allen BASSETT married for his second wife, Jemima C. MANN, of Truxton, NY and they have eight adult children, Ansem L. Druzilla J., Erasmus E., George W., Helen C., A. Carlton, Charles M. and Frances A.  Ansem L. is a fur merchant at Cleveland, Ohio, where he married Angia COOK.  He has no children.  Drizilla J. lives at home, single. 

Erasmus E., was unmarried, and was a volunteer in Co. B., 126th regiment, and fell at Gettysburg, July 2, 1863, at the age of twenty-seven, while bearing the colors of the regiment, which he had taken from the hands of a falling comrade a few moments before, while making a charge to recover a piece of artillery.  He was Sergeant while his brother was acting Captain, in this battle.  He was buried in the Cemetery of the Methodist Church in Barrington, near his brother George, who fell first at Antietam.  

George W. enlisted at the opening of the war in the 33rd regiment.  He was Sergeant Major, and followed all the fortunes of the Army of the Potomac till he was killed at Antietam, September 18, 1862, by a fragment of a bursting shell, while making a charge.  He died at the age of twenty-four, and was a young man of much promise, having nearly completed his law studies in the office of Judge Henry WELLES, when he responded to the call of his country. 

Helen C. BASSETT, born in 1842, is a Preceptress in Starkey Seminary and Charles M. and Frances A. are students in that institution.  Archibald C. resides with his parents.  The father, at the age of seventy-three, is still a man of vigorous habit, and one of the most useful and respected citizens of his town.  It remains to speak of his mother�s children by her second marriage.  

Clorinda BOYCE married James LONGCOR and settled in Barrington.  They had two children, Beulah Ann and Harriet A.  Beulah Ann married Cyrus SUNDERLIN, and died in Pennsylvania.  Harriet A. married Clifton WALLING of Starkey.  They moved to Rockford, Illinois, where she was left a widow with three children, Emma, Sarah and Clinton.  She is the matron of the Female Seminary at Rockford. 

Harriet BOYCE married Asa WORTMAN of Barrington.  They have seven children, Emily, William, Ezra, Chauncey, Andrew, Charlotte and John.  Of these, Emily married James BASKIN of Starkey and resides in Tyrone.  William married Susan HUSON of Starkey, and lives in Barrington.  Ezra marred Mary HORTON of Barrington, and died, leaving three children, Samuel, Herbert and Ezra.  Chauncey married Anna COLE and lives in Barrington. 

Chauncey BOYCE married Betsey BUNCE of Barrington, settled at first on the maternal homestead, and afterwards moved to another location.  He was a man of ability and note in his town, and was Supervisor when he died in 1850.   His term was filled out by Lodowick DISBROW.  His children were Maria A., John, Edmund, Melissa and Margeina, two of whom are not married.  Maria married Mr. FLETCHER of Otsego, lives in Tyrone and has four children.  John married Lucretia BASKIN of Starkey, and moved to Iowa.  Edmund married Susan BASKIN of Starkey and lives in Barrington.  They have two children, Francis E. and Helen.  John BOYCE was the first settler where Lodowick DISBROW lives. 

Daniel HUSTED owned one of the original lots in Barrington, and one in Milo.  He as a remarkably capable and efficient business man, and established a woolen factory near the east line of Barrington, on Big Stream, where Clinton RAPLEE has a mill.  Mr. HUSTED did not prosper, although he was fruitful in enterprises of great public benefit.  He died some years ago.  He has a son, in Chicago.


CROSBY   pg 147 - 148

Nathan CROSBY came from Putnam county in 1812, and settled near the Crystal Spring in Sunderlin Hollow; lived there two years and went back to Delaware county.  A year later he returned to Milo and lived there three years, and then went to Barrington, then Wayne, and settled where his son, Peter H. CROSBY now resides, on land adjoining Joseph FINTON on the south.  He died in 1825.  His children were Selah, Mariam, Sarah, Esther, Abigail, Peter H. and Cyrus.  

Selah CROSBY was one of the early school teachers of Barrington.  He taught in 1815 and 1816 near the residence of Lodowick DISBROW, on the PARKER farm, near the SHOEMAKER place, and taught winters for a number of years.  Selah CROSBY married Fanny WORTMAN, sister of Andrew and Joel WORTMAN; has raised a large family and lives now, well advanced in years, near where his father first settled in Barrington. A few of his descendants remain in this county.  Mariam, the oldest daughter of Nathan CROSBY, married David BENNETT and went to Michigan.  Sarah, the next sister, married Thomas TUTTLE and also emigrated to Michigan.  Esther became the second wife of Isaac R. FINTON, and died sixteen years ago.  Abigail married Daniel HOLMES and moved to Pennsylvania where she died.  Cyrus married, lost and wife and went to Texas. 

Peter H. CROSBY, now sixty-seven years old, is one of the most substantial citizens of Barrington.  He married Catharine, the daughter of Joseph FINTON, and their children are Emillia, Alanson, Joseph F., Selah, Druzilla and Isaac.  Mr. CROSBY has long been a leading man in the Baptist Church of Barrington, a firm supporter of temperance, and prompt and ready in the aid of benevolent and reformatory measures.  He has held numerous town offices, and as commissioner of highways laid out many of the roads of the town.  His life has been one of industry and good example.  His recollections are good of the early years, when Barrington was principally a forest, and when James FINLEY�s tavern on the town line was but one of ten between Penn Yan and the present line of Wayne.  His second wife is widow HAIR, daughter of Andrew RAPLEE.  Of his children, Emillia married John, son of William MC DOWELL, and Alanson married Catharine, daughter of William MC DOWELL, both living near by in Barrington.  Selah married Elsie, another daughter of William MC DOWELL, and lives on the lake road in Barrington.  Durzilla married John OVENSHIRE, and lives on the place formerly known as the PUTNAM farm.  Isaac married Druzilla EDDY, and lives on the CARR farm, long owned by Job L. BABCOCK. 

Joseph F. CROSBY married first, Amanda KETCHUM, and for a second wife, Phoebe SWARTOUT.  He is an enterprising and successful grape grower, at Point Pleasant on the lake; is an active business man and was Sheriff of Yates county three years, beginning with 1865.


CUMMINS  pg 160

The first sawmill in Barrington was erected by William CUMMINS, near the present residence of George J. LAZEAR, on lot 14, and remained many years. 


DISBROW  pg 153 - 155

The Barrington Octogenarian, also came from Putnam county in 1813, at the age of twenty-four.  He too made a very humble beginning in the woods, having married in 1814, Elizabeth SUNDERLIN, of the family herewith noted.  Their cabin was provided with scarcely more furniture than his axe could supply, but they had courageous hears and industrious hands, and soon ameliorated their circumstances.  After two years residence on another place, Mr. DISBROW bought the farm he still owns, and where he has resided over fifty years.  He bought the land of Israel ARNOLD, to whose wife, Penelope BROWN, it had been given by her grandfather, Judge William POTTER, who drew the lot, (No. 27,) in the original draft of the township.  James PARKER had an interest in it, and Oliver PARKER, his son, was given 100 acres, 150 going to the POTTER interest.  Oliver PARKER lived on his land several years, but did not prosper, and the family is not now in the county.  By industry, temperance and frugality, Mr. DISBROW became one of the most substantial and prosperous citizens of Barrington.  He has dealt with great liberality towards his children, and still retains his premises at home, which he considers, perhaps with good reason, the most desirable situation in Barrington.  His children are: Dennis W., Watson, Ira S. Daniel and Anna Maria and Mary Ann (twins).  Dennis W. married Dorcas RAPALEE, lives in Starkey and has three daughters, two of whom are married.  Watson married Anna, daughter of Alexander PATTEN.  He was accidentally drowned at Big Stream in sheep washing.  He had one posthumous child, a daughter, who married Oliver HURD, District Attorney of Schuyler county.  Ira S. married Mary Jane HAUSE, lives in Rochester and has two children.  Daniel married Hannah SECOR, lives in Barrington near his father and has four children, one of whom is married and lives west. Anna Maria married Charles HAUSE, had three children and died in 1840.  Mary Ann married Oliver SNOOK, lives in Barrington and had five sons. 

Lodowick DISBROW relates that he paid less than four dollars an acre for his land, and that when he first settled on it, the wolves continued to howl frightfully in the dense forest about the Crystal Spring.  Before Barrington was taken from Yates County, he was three times a grand juryman at Bath, where he served without a cent of pay.  He never used tobacco, never went to a ball or a circus, never belonged to any society, never used profane language, is a thorough cold water man, and was one of the first to quit the use of liquor for work-hands.  His life and vigor of frame have evidently been prolonged by his good habits.  He was always popular with his fellow citizens, and has held many town offices.  In 1862, his first wife died and he subsequently married the widow of Julius STANTON, the mother of George and Julius STANTON of Barrington.  He has a brother in Tyrone, two years his senior. 

Mr. DISBROW states that Thomas BRONSON, who settled in the valley in 1806, sold his place to Elisha BOOTH, a Baptist clergyman.  Cyrus BOOTH, a son of this minister, was the founder of the Dundee Record.   BOOTH sold his place to Eli NORTHROP, and he to John SPICER, who lived there forty years and did a large business both as a farmer and millwright.  He and Julius STANTON, his partner in the millwright enterprise, built a large number of mills; among others, those in Penn Yan were rebuilt by them.  They made their labors highly profitable.  MR. SPICER finally emigrated to Kansas, where he died.  One of his sons, James SPICER, is a lawyer at Dundee. 

On the Daniel RAPALEE farm, John SHOEMAKER, the father of Smith SHOEMAKER, was the original settler.  Richard EDDY, the first supervisor of Barrington, was the first settler on the Allen BASSETT place.  Mr. EDDY was a man of great personal worth, and was a severe sufferer by the famine which pervaded the country in 1817.  A number of the early settlers were dispossessed by Herman H. BOGERT, whose title from Livingston prevailed where mistakes or carelessness had mane any lapse in the titles of the settlers.  He acquired the Gore on the south line of Barrington in this way.  The lot on which Joshua RAPLEE now resides, was taken from a Mr. DEAN in this way, and one from a Mr. CUYLER, near Mr. DISBROW at an early day, run by one BISHOP and an ashery run by Isaac P. SEYMOUR, now keeping a store at the Crystal Spring.  Thomas BRONSON carried the mail for many years on horseback form Eddytown to Wayne, once a week, and there was then a Post Office at SPICER�s, called East Barrington.  The only Post Office in Barrington since that was discontinued has been at Warsaw, under the name of Barrington, and Cranston HEWITT is the present Post Master.


FINTON    Pg 145 � 147

Joseph FINTON was a Revolutionary soldier, and came with his family into Barrington (then Wayne), from New Jersey in the spring of 1806, and settled on land in the northwest part of the town, which, for some unexplained reason, was not run into lots and numbered with the original survey.  There was enough of this land for about five lots, and it was marked on an early map as �very poor�.  Mr. FINTON chose this location rather than land more heavily timbered in Milo, because in the open, less wooded land, there seemed a prospect of sooner getting food for stock, which was an object of great importance to the pioneer settler.  The Bath road at that time was a crooked way through the woods, and Mr. Joseph S. FINTON, who now lives on the spot where his father settled, things it was not opened as a highway till after the lake road.  Their first school for that neighborhood, was in a log house, north of the Barrington line, near the present residence of Job L. BABCOCK, on land long owned by Jonathan BAILEY.  The house was warmed by a huge old-fashioned fireplace, capable of holding almost a cord of wood.  School was principally attended to in the winter; and Mr. FINTON says that on all the pleasant days they had to stay at home and break flax.  Cotton was not king then, and flax wrought by home industry, was the most important element for clothing the family. 

Joseph FINTON�s children were Mary, Phoebe, Eleanor, Stephen, Charity, Isaac R., Joseph S., Catharine, Susan and Amelia.  The last was the only one born in Barrington.  Mary married James HIGBY.  Phoebe married Samuel CARR.  Eleanor married Nehemiah HIGBY, and moved to Ohio, where she died.  Stephen married Mary Ann MARING, and went to Michigan, where she died.  Charity died at thirty-six, unmarried.  Isaac R., married Esther, a sister of Peter H. CROSBY, for his second wife, and removed to Steuben county.  Catharine married Peter H. CROSBY.  Susan married John GIBBS, the father of Joseph F. GIBBS.  Amelia married Samuel WHEATON. 

Joseph S. FINTON, who resides at the age of sixty-nine, on the original homestead, married Mary PORTER, and has a second wife, Emerancy GLEASON.  His children are Susan, Mary Ann, George W., Joseph, William W. and Druzilla.  Susan married David LOCKWOOD, and after his decease, George KELS of Barrington.  Mary Ann married Peter S. BELLIS.  George W. married Martha Ann BAILEY, and lives in Barrington. Joseph married Minerva SPINK, and lives on the homestead farm.  William W. married Amanda CASTNER and lives in Michigan.    



Abraham FREEMAN, a blacksmith, made the start for a village at Warsaw.  William H. LAMPORT and James HOLMES, had the first store there, about 1825.  After them was Horace HOLMES, John MOORE and Sylvanus BARDEN, and now J. C. GUTHERIE.  

Oliver P. WOLCOTT was the first physician at Warsaw.  He succeeded Lewis A. BIRDSALL who began near where the Methodist Church stands.  The place was named during the Polish revolution of 1830, and hence was called Warsaw from the Metropolis of Poland.

Major COOLBAUGH, a grandson of William COOLBAUGH, one of the original settlers, is still a resident of Barrington.


HOLLISTER   pg 160

Orange HOLLISTER, the father of Ashbel HOLLISTER of Dundee, was a settler on East Hill in 1814.  When Mr. WINTERS came, the road from Eddytown to Bath was the only road in the neighborhood.

KNAPP    Pg 149 � 150 

At the age of eighty-eight years, this primitive settler of Barrington still survives.  When he went to that town he says there was but one house between Penn Yan and Col. TEEPLES�, and that was the FINLEY�s tavern.  He is a native of Orange county, and his wife was Mary KNAPP (not a relative), who died at the age of eighty-seven.  He had a brother, Charles, who lived in Barrington, and John, another brother, who lived and died there.  Mr. KNAPP was largely instrumental in organizing a Free Will Baptist Church, near the old TEEPLES place at an early day and was one of its earnest leaders.  His children are Hannah, Sally, Christiana, Eliza, William, Levi C., and Jesse C.   Hannah married John PRATT and had four sons and two daughters.  Sally married James BIGNALL, a Free Will Baptist preacher, had seven children, and died in Pultney.  Christiana married David RANDOLPH of Milo, and has four children. Eliza married Ira DERRING, lived in Barrington till recently and now in Elmira.  She has several children.  William married Eliza OSBORN and moved to Steuben county.  Levi C. KNAPP married Maria TURNER of Jerusalem.  They have had five children of whom but two are living; both are married and living in Wayne.  Jesse C. KNAPP married Rachel HOPKINS, and has had seven children, of whom two are married.  He is a prominent citizen and has held various public positions.


KRESS   pg 161

John KRESS was the predecessor of William OVENSHIRE on the same place and Henry SPRING was near the same location.


MAPLES  pg 160

Isaac H. MAPLES was another settler of the same date (as STANTON) on lot 20.  His youngest son, Josiah, who married Jane COYKENDALL, lives on the place with his father, redeemed from the wilderness.


MC DOWELL     Pg 148 � 149 

John MC DOWELL came from New Jersey, and in 1795 settled in Jerusalem, on the west branch of Keuka Lake; he bought land of John GREIG, agent of the HORNBY Estate, and lost a large part of it by the re-survey of the line of Steuben county, throwing most of his farm into Ontario instead of Steuben, where it was before.  He left there about 1805 and lived for a time at the foot of Keuka Lake, where he worked land for Abraham WAGENER.  After living there about six years, he settled on the farm now owned by James M. LEWIS, where he died in 1814.  Among the children he left, were William, Sarah and Esther.  Sarah married David HALL, and they made the first beginning where Alfred BROWN now resides, on the south boundary of Penn Yan; they moved to Steuben, where he became a leading man.  Esther married Wallace FINCH, who lived near David HALL.  Esther died early, leaving two or three children.

William MC DOWELL, now in his seventy-eighth year, married Dorothea DECKER in 1813, who still survives with her husband.  Mr. MC DOWELL remembers well the incidents of his father�s early labors in the wild region where he settled.  He has seen the wolves devour their sheep almost before their eyes, and bears testimony to the manifold hardships of the pioneer life.  The enterprise of Gen. WALL, who attempted to found a village at the foot of Keuka Lake, was entirely familiar to him.  The streets, he says, were surveyed and lots numbered, and it was confidently expected a village would grow up on the west side of the outlet.  A mill was built on the east site, by John CAPELL for Meredith MALLORY and there was a bridge across. The failure of the mill and the death of Gen. WALL, put an end to that embryo town.  In 1825, Mr. MC DOWELL bought 250 acres of land on lot 46 in Barrington, one mile south of Warsaw, where he has lived forty-five years.   He paid four dollars an acre for his land, and cleared it all himself, and it is now worth $100 an acre.  

Eleven of their thirteen children are still living.  Among them are: William, John, Matthew, Catharine, Elizabeth, Nancy and Elsie.  William is married and lives in Barrington. John married Emillia, daughter of Peter H. CROSBY, and is also a citizen of Barrington.  Matthew was for a time a citizen of Barrington, and moved to Wayne, where he died.  Frank and George MC DOWELL of that town are his sons, and the widow of the late Samuel HALLETT, is his daughter.  Catharine MC DOWELL married the late Henry CONKRIGHT of Tyrone.  Elizabeth was the first wife of Jonathan TAYLOR of Barrington.  Nancy married Caleb HEDGES of Bradford, a brother of Daniel HEDGES of Milo.  Elsie married Selah, a son of Peter H. CROSBY. 

William MC DOWELL was a member of the Presbyterian church, organized in Barrington in 1830, of which George KELS, Andrew FLEMING, David PUTNAM, Elam STEBBINS and Roscuis MORSE were also members.  They erected a meeting house at Warsaw, but the church was disbanded in a few years and the edifice became a private residence.


OVENSHIRE    pg 142 -145 

Almost alone among the primitive settlers of Barrington, is William OVENSHIRE, a native of the state of Delaware, who is still among the living (1873), at the age of eight-six.  When but six years old, his father moved to Sheshequin, Pennsylvania, and died there a few years later.  At the age of twenty, he was married to Mary COLE, about four miles below Elmira, where he then lived, and in the spring of 1806, came to Barrington, (then Wayne), and bought a farm now owned by Erasmus WRIGHT.  He states that at that time, there was no road along Big Stream, but an Indian trail, and he was obliged to work his way as best he could through a dense forest, and around fallen trees, which made the route almost impossible.  There were no inhabitants except a few who were just penetrating that region to make a beginning.  An old man by the name of DOTY, lived near the present site of Wayne Hotel, who was a manufacturer and vender of counterfeit money, and was afterwards sent to the State Prison.  After two years residence on his first purchase, he found his land extended on the Gore, and that its title was doubtful.  This induced him to sell his interest there, when he bought a place afterwards, owned by Ezekiel BLUE, and now by Joshua RAPLEE.  This he soon exchanged for the one where he has lived sixty-one eyras, a short distance from the Methodist Church.  He states that in trading for his farm when he left the Gore, the property exchanged paid for all but thirty-eight dollars on the new place.  A cow paid twenty dollars more, and the remaining eighteen dollars he raised by selling wheat at fifty cents a bushel.  The wheat was taken to Melchoir WAGENER�s mill, at Penn Yan, three bushels at a time, on the back of a horse, by a path only recognized by blazed trees through the woods.  Near where the Second Milo Baptist Church now stands, there was then a very steep place, where steps had to be dug in the bank to enable travelers to climb it.  Up this steep ascent the horse clambered, stopping two or three times to get breath.  In this way, thirty-six bushels of wheat finally made the last payment on the farm.  The land was bought of the PULTNEY estate at four dollars per acre. 

Mr. OVENSHIRE was for many years, a constable, and traveled over all parts of Steuben county, then quite a state of itself, in his official capacity.  As a constable, and afterwards, Justice of the Peace, he did a large amount of business of the Penn Yan merchants.  In those days, Penn Yan was �Egypt�, for Barrington, and many debts had to be collected by legal process.  As Justice, he sometimes had 30 to 40 precepts returned in one day.

Mr. OVENSHIRE is a patriarch of the only Methodist Church ever organized in Barrington.  His own conversion occurred in 1809, and he immediately held meetings among his own neighbors, and had a class of fifteen organized before any preacher could be obtained.  Rev. B. G. PADDOCK gave them the first preaching and took them into the Church.  Among the first admitted to the church fellowship in 1810, was William OVENSHIRE and Mary, his wife, Joseph GIBBS and Mary, his wife, Joseph KANANN and wife, Peter PUTNAM and wife, Mrs. Mary NORRIS, Mrs. DEAN, Mrs. SHOULTS, Mrs. BARNES, and James Taylor and wife. 

Among the early preachers were George HORMAN, Palmer ROBERTS, P. BENNETT, Reuben FARLEY, Loring GRANT, James GILMORE, William SNOW, William KENT, Fried DRAPER, Robert PARKER, John BEGGARLY, and others; and of a later period, there were, Asa STORY, J. CHAMBERLAIN, Ira FAIRBANKS, Allen STEELE, Jonas DODGE and others well known on most of the former Methodist circuits of this region.  Mr. OVENSHIRE had preaching in his own house about fifteen years.  Afterwards the meetings were held in the nearest school house till 1842, when the present church was erected in sight of his own residence.  He was himself the class-leader about thirty years.  His son, Samuel OVERSHIRE, with whom the old patriarch now lives, is the present class-leader.  The church has had one hundred and fifty members at one time, and has sixty now.  The present trustees of the church are Samuel OVENSHIRE, Cranston HEWITT, Lewis B. OVENSHIRE, Myron OVENSHIRE, and Charles SWARTZ.  The second class-leader was Jonathan YOUNG. 

Mr. OVENSHIRE married a second wife, after the loss of his first, in 1816.  His second marriage was to Elizabeth GIBBS, who is still living.  He has had fifteen children, for of whom were children of his first wife, and eleven of the second.  Paulina, the oldest, born 1806, married Meli TODD and lives in Jerusalem.  Mr. TODD first married Lydia, the third daughter, who died early.  They have one son and other adopted children.  Nancy married Orlando SKIFF, had two daughters, and died in middle life. 

Samuel, the fourth child, and only son of the first wife, was born 1812 and married Sophronia BEEBE.  They have had six children.  Samuel owns the homestead, and takes his father�s place in business and in the church.  William, the next son, married Almira Jane GRAY, lives near Dundee, and has four children, one of whom, Sarah Jane, at the age of 22, was killed by an accident on the Northern Central Railway in the winter of 1868.  Isaac married Matilda SNOOK.  He is now dead, leaving six children, who reside in Barrington.  Mary married first, Rev. Charles W. BARCLAY, and Gilbert LAMB for her second husband; has no living children.  Lewis, married Sophronia HYATT and lives in Barrington. They have two children living; one was killed by a horse running away.  Morris married Matilda FINTON, and lives in Michigan.  John married Druzilla, daughter of Peter H. CROSBY.  They live in Barrington and have three children.  Albert married first, Sarah MILES and second, Mary LORD, and had two children. Susan married Thomas BARDMAN, and lives in Schuyler county.  Mr. OVENSHIRE has of sons and daughters, with their wives and husbands, twenty-two; grandchildren, thirty-one; great grandchildren, five and two of the fifth generation among his descendants.  His house has been one of hospitality, and his life without reproach. 


STANTON    pg 160

Julius STANTON was from Connecticut.  He also bought land in the woods on lot 29.  He as a very industrious man, a good citizen and skillful millwright, and was for many years a partner of John SPICER in mill building.  His son, Julius, lives on the original homestead.  One brother, Lorenzo, lives in Starkey and another, George, in Barrington.

Benjamin OSBORN was another settler in the same neighborhood about the same time, and also a man of worth and a good citizen.


SUNDERLIN    Pg 151 � 152 

This locality that has become so famous by reason of the Crystal Springs, was settled about 1812, by a cluster of settlers, who came from Putnam county, of whom the SUNDERLINS were the most numerous, and it took the name of Sunderlin Hollow.  David SUNDERLIN followed his son Dennis to this locality in 1814, having visited it the previous year.  The children of this family were Dennis, Joseph, Daniel W., Tippett, Ira, Eli, Anna, Lydia, Elizabeth and Polly, all of whom came to this place.  Eli, Ira, Tippet and Dennis, settled in Barrington.  Tippett and Ira have no children.  Eli had two, of whom Lewis SUNDERLIN of Rochester is one, and a daughter, Alice, the other.  Eli married Minerva KENDALL, sister of Abel KENDALL.  Tippett married Almeda BEACH.  Anna married Edmund BAKER and lived in Tyrone.  Lydia married John WRIGHT.  Polly married Elijah WRIGHT, and settled in Barrington, afterwards going to Michigan.  Elizabeth married Lodowick DISBROW. 

Dennis SUNDERLIN married Nancy FINCH and had two children, Alonzo and Delazon J.   Alonzo has been a noted minister of the Baptist faith, preached a number of years in Milo, and lives now at Wayne.  He married Mary Ann WORTMAN and has five sons, some of whom reside in Yates county.  Delazon J. SUNDERON, is a capable lawyer of extended reputation and large practice, as well as a farmer and grape grower.  He was admitted in 1833 in the Common Pleas, under the old Chancery forms, and three years later in the Supreme Court, and has always maintained a leading position in the Yates county bar.  His success has arisen from his innate ability and energy, as his education was derived wholly from early and slender opportunities in the common school, except what he gained at home, including his legal acquirements.  He was District Attorney on term, and has been for many years a leading man in the county.  As a conspicuous member of the Democratic Party, he has stood firmly by all its fortunes and has always been honored by its confidence.  In 1856 he was chosen a delegate to the Democratic National Convention.  In early life he attend school with Francis KERNAN, in a log schoolhouse on the border of Tyrone.  He resides where his father originally settled, and the road that  passes his house, is the one which was early laid out from Seneca Lake to Bath, by way of Eddytown.  Mr. SUNDERLIN married Louisa, daughter of James A. SWARTHOUT, of Barrington.  Their children are Ursula, Emily Ann, Martin J., Edward D., John Lewis and Nancy E.  Ursula married Erastus SWARTHOUT, and lives in Wayne.   Emily Ann married first, Nathaniel BERRY of Dutchess county, who died in 1856.  She afterwards married Edward KERNAN, a son of Gen. William KERNAN, formerly of Tyrone.  He left her a widow, again, in 1867, with four daughters.  Martin J. SUNDERLIN is also a lawyer, admitted in 1856, but omits the practice of his profession and engages in the labors of agricultural life.  He married Eliza SHARPE and has no children.  Edward D. married Augusta SLEEPER, and died a few years ago, leaving one son, Edward.  John Lewis married Emeline PUTNAM, and lives on the homestead.  He is also without children.  Nancy E. married Hiram MURDOCK, a hardware merchant of Dundee, now of Rochester. 

The first of the numerous saw mills on Big Stream, in Barrington was built by Tippett SUNDERLIN and his father at the Crystal Spring.  Dennis SUNDERLIN built another just below, in 1817.   


TAYLOR   pg 160

Jonathan TAYLOR of Barrington is a son of Francis TAYLOR, who moved into Milo in 1810, near the Luther SPOONER place, from Otsego county.  Jonathan, the oldest of the family, married Elizabeth, a daughter of William MC DOWELL.  Of their children, Hiley E., the oldest, married Joel WORTMAN of Milo, and died leaving two children.  

Nancy married Truman GOBLE and lives in Orange, Schuyler county.  George W. TAYLOR married Mary, a daughter of Reuben HORTON and resides on lot 48 in Barrington.  On his place, formerly know as the CROW farm, it is said the first framed barn in Barrington was erected in 1813.  

Matilda married John BAILEY and is now a widow, without children.  William M. is single.  Sarah Elizabeth married John JOHNSON, now of Penn Yan.  Jonathan TAYLOR married for a second wife, the widow of Chauncey BOYCE. 


TOWNSEND   pg 161

Elijah TOWNSEND had the first store in Barrington, near the location of the Methodist church.  The older residents say he was a man without hare on his head or beard on his face.  He had an ashery at the same place.  Near the old COOLBAUGH farm, there was a distillery run by Norman WELLS.


WINTERS    pg 159

The southeast corner of Barrington was some years later in being occupied than the valley below.  Daniel WINTERS came from Putnam county in 1820, bought 80 acres of Daniel HUSTED on lot 30, where he built a log home and commenced to clear away the forest.  He had been a valuable and prosperous citizen, added much to his original purchase and made valuable improvements.  His wife was Mary ROBLYER, [or RAPLEE, as modernized], and they have a very worthy family of children.  They are William, Alonzo, Augustus C. Emily, Olive, Addie and Annette. 

William married Mariette MATHER and resides near his father.  Alonzo married Ann Eliza PECK and also resides in the same vicinity.  Augustus C. married Hetty PAINE.  He and his wife are both teachers of celebrity and rare acquirements, and have since their marriage, spent some time in Europe perfecting their studies.  Emily WINTERS is also a superior teacher, now at Nyack, NY.


WRIGHT   pg 153

In 1812, John WRIGHT and Joseph SUNDERLIN, his brother-in-law, came from Putnam county to Barrington.  They bought a wagon in partnership, and each owning one horse put he two together, and brought their possessions to the new country.  Both had been to view it the year before, on foot.  John WRIGHT married Lydia SUNDERLIN of the family just mentioned, and from the most humble beginning acquired a large estate by industry and good management of his affairs.  He died at the age of seventy in 1858.  His children were Maria, Martha, Lydia, Erasmus and Alzada. 

Maria married first, James SWARTOUT and after his decease, Joseph MERRIT.  Some of her children reside in Barrington.  Martha married Samuel BAILEY, and lives in Barrington.  She has two children.  Lydia married Joel WIXSON, and lives in Wayne.  Alzada married Baxter KINNE and lives near New York. 

Erasmus WRIGHT married Sally, the daughter of William WORTMAN.  They have had ten children, of whom but four are living.  The oldest, a daughter, married Henry ARMSTONG, and resides at the Crystal Spring.  Erasmus owns the homestead of his father (500 acres), and one half the Crystal Springs property, and has lost none of the hereditary qualities by which it was acquired.


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