Contributed by Roger W. WILSON


The following is a transcription from the "Dean-Fox Reunion Ledger"


Dean Family History

Laura J. Dean




My history commences (sic) with the family of my great grandfather Samuel Dean. I know not his birthplace but he was a Scotchman or of Scotch descent though the first real history we have of them is of their living in New Hampshire.  His family consisted of six children, three sons and three daughters. The sons were Samuel, Darius, Brazilla. The three daughters married three brothers by the name of Dagget. Darius married and went to Canada, Brazilla never married.


Samuel was my grandfather, of his family I will give you a history as I have it from old records, some in his own handwriting. He was born in New Hampshire Dec 12 1760, was married to Rachel Chamberlain Feb 24, 1785, and went to housekeeping in Westmoreland, New Hampshire. Grandmother Dean was born in 1763 and died Dec 13 1810 at Ellisburgh, Jeff. Co., N.Y.


After the birth of his second daughter in 1789, he removed to Vermont settling on a farm in the town of Chester Windham Co., remaining there until the spring of 1810. Then he with his family came to Ellisburgh Jeff. Co. N.Y., his wife dying Dec. 13 of the same year.


He then kept house with his children until Oct 22, 1812 when he was married the second time, to the widow Pierce of the same town (Ellisburgh) and in 1816 came to Italy  settling on the farm now owned by Warren Hayes.


The last years of his life were spent with his children. He died April 18, 1846, at the home of his son, Davis in the town of Naples on the farm now owned and occupied by Joel Gillett.

His second wife died Sept. 19 1850 at the (home) of her daughter,  Polly, in Wisconsin.

Grandfather was a soldier in the war of 1812, had made application for a pension, his widow getting it after his death.

His family by the first marriage consisted of ten children, five sons and five daughters. Their names were. Rachel, Jane, Hannah, Hepsibah, Samuel, Amos, Increase, Freeman, Davis and Nancy.


(John and Rachel Graham) - Rachel was born Nov. 23 1785, was married to John Graham Feb. 15 1803, by Esq. Heald

Uncle John was in the war of 1812 and received a pension.

Their family was ten children.  Their names were, Elizabeth, William, Alvira, Jeremiah, Adaline, Phebe, Nancy, Rachel, John and Edward. All lived to grow up, all married but John and Rachel. There are now (1889) living Jeremiah, Alvira, and Edward.

Aunt Rachel died April 17 1845. Uncle John died Nov. 4 1871.


(James and Jane Fox)  -  Jane was born Jan. 29, 1788, was married to James Fox, Dec 1809 by Aaron Leland. Uncle James was a soldier    in the war of 1812, did not receive a pension.

He was the first Militia Captain in town, was known as Captain Fox. He was a teacher of some note in his day, and held various town offices, was Justice of the Peace from 1819 to 1843. Their family consisted of nine sons: Thomas J. James L., Amos D., William H., Ira S., Lewis M., Alden D., Charles H., and Jeremiah F. There are now living, Thomas J., William and Alden D. Aunt Jane, died Feb 11 1853, Uncle James died Feb 1868.


(Amos and Hannah Wood) -   Hannah was born March 26 1790; was married to Amos Wood, Jan 31 1819. Uncle Amos was a soldier in the War of 1812. Aunt Hannah receives a pension.  Their family numbers six children; two sons and four daughters. Their names were Simeon, Freeman, Alvira, Marina, Mary, and Marion. All are living but, Alvira. Uncle Amos died Feb 25, 1863. Aunt Hannah is still living in her 100th year. Let us celebrate the 26 day of March next if she still lives.


(Wm. and Hepsibah Wood) -  Hepsibah was born Dec 20, 1791, was married to William Wood. Their family was two daughters; Clarica and Nettie. They grew up and were married, and are both dead. Aunt Hepsibah died Jan 28, 1816 and Uncle William soon after.


(Samuel and Martha Dean)  - Samuel was born Dec 12 1793 was married to Marth Haynes, March 4 1821. Uncle Samuel was a soldier with his father in the war of 1812. His widow received a pension. Their family consisted of eight children; four sons and four daughters. Their names were Alvira, Philancy, Emila, Edwin, Lyman, Aruna, Dillisand Martha. All grew up, all married, and all are living now. The youngest over fifty years of age. Uncle Samuel died Aug. 28, 1840. Aunt Martha or “Aunt Polly” as she was called, died Feb 11, 1881.


(Amos and Betsy Dean) - Amos was born July 3, 1796, and in the of 1814 or 15 came from Ellisburgh to Italy on foot bringing his ax with him. He was married to Betsy Ludlow July 14, 1824. Their family was nine children; five sons and four daughters Their names were Amos, Darius, Ezra, Thomas and Emory, Nancy, Rachel, Amanda and Rosetta. All grew up but one, Thomas died in infancy. All married but Ezra, he was in the late war, and has never been heard from since. Five are now living, Amos, Darius, Emory, Rachel and Amanda.

Uncle Amos died June 26, 1858. Aunt Betsy died Apr. 17, 1888.


(Increase and Polly (Mansfield)  Dean)   - Increase was born Oct 18, 1798 and married Polly Mansfield. Their family was two children, one son and one daughter. The son went west about 1844 at the age of 18. Uncle Increase died Nov 1831, and Aunt Polly some years after.


(Freeman Dean)   - Freeman, was born Dec. 19, 1800, and was killed in a carding machine at Ellisburgh,  July 15, 1815.


(Davis and Hannah Dean)

Davis was born Apr. 13, 1803, was married to Hannah Bradish,  Feb. 1, 1827. Their family consisted of nine children, four sons and five daughters: Freeman, Josiah, Laura, Roxa, Luther, Samuel, and Amy and two died in infancy. The others are all living, three are married. Uncle Davis died Nov. 1, 1874, Aunt Hannah died Dec. 27, 1886.


(George and Nancy Carpenter)  -

Nancy was born May 30, 1805, was married to George Carpenter Nov. 5, 1826. Their family consisted of six children; four sons and two daughters. Rebecca, Chester, Eastman, George, Samuel and Alice. All grew up, one daughter died, and Samuel was in the late war, was wounded at the battle of Gettysburg, July 2, 1863 and died of his wounds on the 10 of the same month. He was brought home and buried at Sandy Creek.

Uncle George and Aunt Nancy celebrated their Golden wedding,  Nov. 1876 the only ones left of the ten children.

Uncle George died April 21, 1888, and Aunt Nancy, on Nov. 3 of the same year.


Grandfather's family by the second marriage was on son and two daughters, Harvey Eliza and Harriet.


(Harvey and Eliza Dean)

Harvey was born May 2, 1814 and was married to Eliza Wilkins Sept. 23, 1838. Their family consisted of five children, two sons and three daughters.  Charles, Martin, Susan, Chrisa and Caroline. All grew up, all married and all are living. Uncle Harvey died Jan. 14, 1865 and Aunt Eliza is still living with his children, in Wisconsin.  They have twenty five grand children, and four great grand children.


(Decker and Corwin Family)  - 

Eliza was born July 23, 1816, was married to Solomon Decker, who died in Dec. 1836. She was married again to Noah Corwin Aug 1839. Of the first marriage there was one daughter, Mary who is married and now lives in Pulteney. Of the second marriage five children, two living,


(William and Harriet Caldwell)  -

Harriet was born Nov 25, 1818, was married to William Caldwell in 1847. Their family numbered eight children three sons and five daughters; William, J. Parrish, and Thomas D, Mary J., Harriet, Eliza S., Marrilla and Emma. Six grew up, four married. Uncle William died Apr. 8, 1881, Aunt Harriet died Oct 13 1883.


(Pierce Family)  - 

Grandfather's second wife (the widow Pierce) had four children by her former husband. As they all came to Italy and were more or less connected with the family I will a history of them. Their names were Martin R, Fanny, Polly and Wealthy.


(Martin Pierce family)  - 

Martin married Nancy Bartlet for his first wife. They had two sons, Frances and Byron. For his second wife he married Emily Graham. Their family was six children, two sons Seymour and Martin, four daughters Emily, Mariah, Fanna and Ella. All grew up and married and all are living Honeoye.

(Valentine and Fanny Graham) - Fanny married Valentine Graham. They had a large family of children, seven are now living: Fidelia, Amy, Lydia, and Calisha, Guy, Martin and Elisha.

Valentine was the first Post Master in town, having been appointed in 1824. He also erected the first distillery in 1818. He was Justice of Peace and Town Clerk for several years. He died in 1864 his wife in 1873.


(John and Polly Bartlett)

Polly married John Bartlett, they had a large family of children. They moved to Wisconsin in 1847 or 8 and are yet living.



Wealthy married Mr. Bebee and went west. No history of their family.


The grandchildren of Samuel Dean Jr. was seventy seven in number; of this number seventy one grew to be men and women, sixty married. Among them we find ministers and farmers, professional men and worthy politicians, some of them filling honorable offices in town and county. While none have acquired great wealth, still all are in their way independent.

None of the daughters are remarkable for great beauty, but all are good housekeepers, good cooks, pleasant wives and mothers, the kind that makes a home, pleasant.  





The Following is the Dean Family History

Corrections and additions

Roger W. Wilson




The earlier Samuel Dean was probably born in Raynham, MA in 1735. He was of English descent. He and his wife Hannah had eight children and three of the girls; Anna, Hepzabeth, and Polly did marry young men with the last name of Daggett, though not all brothers. (Anna married Simeon; Hebzabeth married Darius, and Polly married John.)  There is no record of a Brazilla.  

Darius ended up in Chester, VT (see below deposition)


 The following is a deposition from Darius Dean, Samuel Dean’s brother supporting Samuel’s application for a Revolutionary War Pension.


State of Vermont - Windsor County  ss  -  Personally appeared before the  subscriber, a justice of the peace, in and for the said county, Darius Dean of Chester in said county, aged seventy eight years this present month, after being duly sworn according to law, deposes and says that Samuel Dean, formerly of Taunton in the county of Bristol and state of Massachusetts, late of Chester, Vermont, and now of Yates County State of New York, who made application for a pension from said Yates county, is this Deponent's brother, that his said brother Samuel Dean was born in the year 1760, that this deponent was born in1767, being nearly seven years younger than his said brother Samuel, that this deponent, Samuel Dean, and his father whose name was also Samuel Dean, resided in Taunton during the War of the Revolution; that his said brother Samuel Dean, served in the War of the Revolution in the service of the United States several terms of enlistment; one of nine months, one of three, and some other terms amounting to about two years in all from the year 1777 to the year 1780 or 1781according to his now best recollection, knowledge, and belief. That this deponent well recollects his going to the army with his said brother Samuel Dean and encamped with him one night on Rhode Island. This deponent further says that his father’s name also being Samuel Dean Served in the War of the Revolution in the three years service. That he knows of no other person of the name of Samuel Dean except his father and his brother above mentioned.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    DariusDean


Sworn and subscribed this   

7th day of July 1845  


The deposition also puts Samuel’s place of birth as Taunton, Massachusetts.  


The “widow Pierce” was Jemima Round, born about 1777/78. She was the daughter of Martin Rounds and Jemima Ballou. She married Leonard Pierce of MA. They had four children: Wealthy/Weltha born 1804, Martin born 1807, Leonard, and Polly born 1810.                                                                                                                                                       

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