The following list shows the
results of medical examinations carried out in the fall of 1862 as a
prelude to the draft of July, 1863. The exams were performed in Malone,
New York by Dr. Theodore Gay. Most of the men were from rhe northern towns
of Franklin Co. The exact meaning of the initials "CR" and
RC" is unknown, but they apparently mean that the man was fit for
military duty. These are transcriptions of original physician notes which
are in the possession of the Franklin Co. Historical Society in Malone.
Name |
Residence |
Date |
Status |
Remarks |
Dickinson, Clark A. |
Bangor |
Nov. 5, 1862 |
exempt |
loss of two fingers of both hands
Donaha, Thomas |
Bangor |
Nov. 1, 1862 |
CR |
- |
Donahy, John |
Constable |
Oct. 31, 1862 |
CR |
- |
Donahy, Patrick Jr. |
Constable |
Oct. 31, 1862 |
CR |
- |
Doty, John D. |
Bangor |
Oct. 30, 1862 |
CR |
- |
Douglas, Theodore B. |
Chateaugay |
Oct. 31, 1862 |
CR |
- |
Douglass, Nathan H. |
Chateaugay |
Oct. 31, 1862 |
exempt |
left eye blind and hepatized left lung
Dowd, Nelson |
Chateaugay |
Nov. 5, 1862 |
CR |
- |
Downer, Albert W. |
Westville |
Nov. 5, 1862 |
CR |
- |
Drew, Francis G. |
Bellmont |
Nov. 5, 1862 |
CR |
- |
Driscoll, Martin |
Moira |
Nov. 5, 1862 |
CR |
- |
Drown, Alexander |
Bellmont |
Nov. 1, 1862 |
exempt |
incipient tuberculosis
Drum, Nathan |
Ft.Covington |
Oct. 31, 1862 |
CR |
- |
Drury, Charles |
Constable |
Nov. 5, 1862 |
CR |
- |
Dudley, Horace |
Malone |
Nov. 1, 1862 |
CR |
- |
Dudley, Jackson |
Constable |
Nov. 1, 1862 |
CR |
- |
Dudley, James S. |
Constable |
Nov. 1, 1862 |
CR |
- |
Duell, George |
Burke |
Nov. 1, 1862 |
exempt |
anchylosed left ankle
Dufrane, Maxim |
Bangor |
Nov. 1, 1862 |
CR |
- |
Dumas, Emery |
Burke |
Oct. 31, 1862 |
exempt |
Dunkelberger, Samuel |
Ft.Covington |
Nov. 5, 1862 |
CR |
- |
Dunken, Allen |
Brandon |
Oct. 31, 1862 |
CR |
- |
Dustin, Alva |
Westville |
Oct. 31, 1862 |
CR |
- |
Dustin, George W. |
Westville |
Nov. 1, 1862 |
exempt |
disease of the lungs
Earl, James M. |
Burke |
Nov. 5, 1862 |
exempt |
general debility
Eaton, Alfred P. |
Ft.Covington |
Nov. 1, 1862 |
exempt |
wound of abdomen extension
Eggleston, Sanford |
Bombay |
Nov. 5, 1862 |
CR |
- |
Eldred, Henry |
Bangor |
Oct. 31, 1862 |
CR |
- |
Ellier, Nelson |
Bangor |
Nov. 5, 1862 |
CR |
- |
Elliot, James W. |
Bombay |
Nov. 5, 1862 |
CR |
- |
Ellsworth, Alfred B. |
Ft.Covington |
Oct. 31, 1862 |
CR |
- |
Ellsworth, Elijah |
Ft.Covington |
Nov. 1, 1862 |
CR |
- |
Erwin, George |
Bangor |
Oct. 31, 1862 |
exempt |
defective vision in right eye
Evans, Samuel S. |
Burke |
Oct. 31, 1862 |
CR |
- |
Ewings, Hiram |
Brandon |
Nov. 5, 1862 |
CR |
- |
Fassett, Francis |
Constable |
Oct. 31, 1862 |
CR |
- |
Fay, John |
Burke |
Oct. 31, 1862 |
exempt |
bad piles
Fayette, Harrison |
Malone |
Oct. 30, 1862 |
- |
wound of right foot causing contraction of tendons, destroying
flexibility of toes and lameness
Ferris, James |
Westville |
Oct. 30, 1862 |
CR |
- |
Finney, William |
Chateaugay |
Oct. 31, 1862 |
CR |
- |
Firman, Russell, |
Chateaugay |
Nov. 5, 1862 |
CR |
- |
Fish, Louis |
Westvile |
Nov. 1, 1862 |
CR |
- |
Fisher, George W. |
Malone |
Nov. 5, 1862 |
exempt |
Fitch, Calvin H. |
Malone |
Oct. 30, 1862 |
exempt |
bad piles
Fitzgerald, Patrick |
Chateaugay |
Nov. 1, 1862 |
CR |
- |
Fitzpatrick, Matthew |
Bangor |
Oct. 30, 1862 |
exempt |
defective vision in right eye
Fitzpatrick, Michael |
Westville |
Nov. 1, 1862 |
CR |
- |
Flanders, Parker |
Bombay |
Nov. 1, 1862 |
CR |
- |
Flynn, Thomas |
Burke |
Nov. 5, 1862 |
CR |
broken left arm-recent fracture
Fobare, John |
Ft.Covington |
Oct. 31, 1862 |
exempt |
Folay, Thomas |
Ft.Covington |
Nov. 5, 1862 |
CR |
- |
Foot, Buel L. |
Malone |
Nov. 5, 1862 |
exempt |
enlarged ankles from rheumatism causing lameness
Foster, Laureston A. |
Dickinson |
Nov. 1, 1862 |
CR |
- |
Francey, James |
Bombay |
Oct. 30, 1862 |
exempt |
asthma; stiff toe right foot
Freeman, Joel S |
Westville |
Oct. 31, 1862 |
CR |
- |
French, Peter |
Ft.Covington |
Nov. 5, 1862 |
exempt |
Friend, Harry H. |
Burke |
Oct. 30, 1862 |
CR |
- |
Fry, Franklin |
Bombay |
Nov. 5, 1862 |
CR |
- |
Furniss, Henry |
Malone |
Nov. 5, 1862 |
exempt |
bad piles
Gardner, Antoine |
Bombay |
Nov. 5, 1862 |
RC |
- |
Gates, Joseph |
Bangor |
Oct. 30, 1862 |
exempt |
general ill health
Genaway, Stephen |
Chateaugay |
Nov. 5, 1862 |
CR |
- |
Gillette, Sidney W. |
Malone |
Oct. 31, 1862 |
- |
over 45
Glazier, Benjamin |
Malone |
Nov. 5, 1862 |
RC |
- |
Gleason, Levi |
Ft.Covington |
Nov. 5, 1862 |
exempt |
partial paralysis of right arm
Goodspeed, Ezra |
Burke |
Nov. 1, 1862 |
exempt |
disease of right lung
Grange, Davis |
Ft.Covington |
Oct. 31, 1862 |
exempt |
incipient tuberculosis and varicose veins above left knee
Graves, Alexander |
Westville |
Oct. 31, 1862 |
exempt |
wound of right foot
Green, Henry |
Chateaugay |
Oct. 30, 1862 |
CR |
- |
Greeno, Amos W. |
Westville |
Oct. 31, 1862 |
exempt |
varicose veins in left leg above knee