Early Marriages

Franklin County, NY Marriages
Parmalee Collections

Sheals - Smith

Many thanks to John Austin, who is sharing these marriage records with everyone! 

Name Date Spouse


Sheals, Mary

Feb. 18, 1835

Hiram Risden

he was a farmer from Hopkinton, NY ae 21; she was a domestic from Malone ae 20. Witnesses: Oliver Webb, David Winchester, Betsey Parmelee, and Sophrona Parmelee

Sheels, Mrs. Jane

Jul. 3, 1854

John Barron

he was a widower from Canada ae 57; she was a widow from Malone ae 49. Married at George Hutton’s house in Malone before witnesses: Charles Barnes and wife, John B. Barnes, Electa Barnes

Sheffield, Catherine

Jan. 7, 1843

William Matthews

he was ae 28 from Clintonville, NY; she was ae 20 from Duane. Married at Parmelee’s house in Malone before witnesses: Mr. Sheffield and Miss Sheffield, brother and sister of the bride, Betsey, Fanny and Sarah T. Parmelee

Shepherd, Sophia

Jan. __, 1826

Harvey Whipple

both of Malone. Day of the month is missing in the original

Shonyo, Mary

Nov. 4, 1840

James M. Wilder

he was a farmer from Malone ae 27; she was a housemaid from Constable ae 20. Witnesses: Mr. and Mrs. Abiel Wilder, Mr. and Mrs. Shonyo, parents of the bride, Mr.Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. Nichols

Smallman, William E.

Oct. 4, 1861

Mary J. Broughton

he was from Malone ae 22; she was also from Malone ae 21. Married at the house of Mr. Broughton in Malone before witnesses: Mr. and Mrs. Broughton, parents of the bride, Pulaski Wood, Smith S, White, Dr. and Mrs. Bates, Carrie Parmelee, Betsey Parmelee, Frederick Horton, and perhaps 50 more

Smally, Lewis

June __, 1833

Abigail L. Hill

he was a farmer from Constable ae 26; she was a cook from Constable ae 25. Married at Parmelee’s house in Malone. Witnesses: David Freeman, Lovina Freeman, Betsey and Ashbel B. Parmelee

Smith, Benjamin

Mar. 26, 1814

Sally Sabans

both of Constable

Smith, Henry C.

Oct. 21, 1841

Sarah Stowers

he was a farmer from Chateaugay ae 24; she was ae 20 from Constable. Witnesses: Mr. and Mrs. Smith, parents of the groom, Elisha Drury, father-in-law (i.e. step father?)and Beulah Drury, mother of the bride (formerly wed to Ashley Stowers), Mr. and Mrs. Nichols

Smith, Henry H.

Aug. 24, 1861

Hannah J. Bohart

he was from Belmont, the 20 yr old son of Moses Smith; she was also from Belmont ae 20. Married at Parmelee’s house in Malone before witnesses: Betsey Parmelee and Susan Gilligan

Smith, Julia

Sep. 2, 1845

Charles E. Heading

he was a farmer from Belmont ae 27; she was also from Belmont ae 21. Married at Philip Miller’s Inn in Malone before witnesses: Mr. (perhaps Marcus?) Heading (father), Mr. Heading (brother), Philip B. Miller. (She died June 12, 1908 ae 85 and is buried at Belmont Center)

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Created April 8, 2001

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