Early Marriages

Franklin County, NY Marriages
Parmalee Collections

Adams - Beebe

Many thanks to John Austin, who is sharing these marriage records with everyone! 





Adams, Mary L.

Apr. 26, 1843

Edward T. Sargent

he was a farmer from Bangor ae 27; she was a ae 22 from Bangor. Witnesses: Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Dickinson, Mr. and Mrs. Adams, the parents of the bride

Adams, Miss _________

May __, 1814

Hiram Lawrence

both of Bangor. Date and her first name are missing in the original

Adams, Nathan O.

Jan. 25, 1848

Martha S. Weekes

he was a farmer from Bangor ae 25; she was ae 24 from Bangor. Witnesses: Mr. and Mrs. Weekes, parents of the bride, William Dickinson, Mary and Sarah T. Parmelee

Amsden, Lucinda

Jan. 23, 1822

Stephen Wead

he was from Hopkinton, she was from Malone

Anderson, Horatio

Aug. 2, 1853

Abigail Wentworth

he was ae 29 from Chicago, IL; she was ae 21 from Constable. Witnesses: Betsey, Mary and Sarah Parmelee, and Anne M. Hazard

Andrus, Leonard

Dec. 5, 1827

Delia Linsly

both of Malone

Angill(?), Mrs. Hester

Nov. __, 1859

J.E. Manning

he was from Hinchinbrook, PQ ae 57; she was a widow from Moira ae 32. Married in Malone before witnesses: Mr. and Mrs. Henry Holbrook, Fanny Fitch and others

Archer, Peter

Apr. 29, 1841

Emily Dunham

he was a mason from Malone ae 23; she was ae 20 from Malone. Witnesses: Hiram Dunham, Elizabeth Peck, Howard Bell

Ashley, Beulah

June 28, 1816

Ashley Stowers

both of Malone. This was the third time Mr. Stowers was married by Rev. Parmelee

Ashley, D. Alon

Dec. 27, 1843

Nancy Smith

he was a farmer from Malone ae 53; she was the 30 yr old daughter of Daniel Smith of Chateaugay. Witnesses: Elisha Drury, Beulah Drury, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Smith

Austin, Hiram

May 5, 1830

Alvira Jones

he was a farmer from Moira ae 25; she was a domestic from Malone ae 20. Witnesses: Mr. and Mrs. Phineas Jones

Bailey, Polly

Mar. 29, 1810

Edmund Chapman

both of Malone (she died Oct. 7, 1815 ae 30 and is buried in Webster St. cemetery in Malone)

Bailey, Relief

April __, 1811

Arunah H. Wood

both of Malone. The day of the month is

missing in the original

Baker, Elisha

June 11, 1815

Betsey Moses

both of Malone

Baker, Elvira

Sep. 6, 1810

Elihu Thomas

both of Malone

Balch, Albert V.

Dec. 1, 1853

Sarah T. Parmelee

he was from Weyauweega,WI ae 26; she was the daughter of Rev. Parmelee of Malone ae 27. Witnesses: Edward Fitch, Clark Meigs, Ashbel B. Parmelee, Emily Parmelee, Pamelia Hitchcock, Jane Fisk

Balch, Chester

Oct. 4, 1842

Mrs. Delia Horton

he was a widower farmer from Plattsburgh, NY ae 46; she was a widow from Constable ae 44. Witnesses: Hiram Horton, Adeline Horton, Samuel C. Wead, Elvira Wead, Mary Balch

Barnes, John J.

Apr. 1, 1847

Melvina Parlin

he was a farmer from Malone ae 24; she was ae 27 from Malone. Married in the evening before witnesses: John and Hepsibah Barnes, Jeremiah Conant and Jenette Moody

Barnes, Samantha

Oct. __, 1831

George Hutton

he was a chair maker from Malone ae 25; she was a spinner and cook from Malone ae 22. Witnesses: Asa Hascall, Hiram Horton, John and Hepsibah Barnes, Charles Barnes

Barnes, Sophronia

Oct. 7, 1835

Wynant Williamson

he was a farmer from Malone ae 22; she was a domestic from Malone ae 19. Witnesses: John Barnes, Samantha Hutton, Clark Williamson, Hepsibah Barnes, George Hutton

Barnum, Abigail

August, 1811

Dr. ______ Mott

both of Bangor, married at Jehiel Barnum’s house in Bangor. The day of the month is missing in the original, as is Dr. Mott’s first name

Barnum, Barnabas

Mar. 10, 1810

Mary Winchester

he was from Bangor, she from Malone (born June 11, 1788 Died Sept. 13, 1869 and buried at North Bangor)

Barnum, Emily

Oct. 19, 1836

Robert Gibson

he was a farmer from Bangor ae 28; she was a cook from Bangor ae 22. Witnesses: Elijah Barnum, Talmage Barnum, Polly Barnum, and Sophronia Parmelee. (she lived 1814-1871 and is buried at North Bangor)

Barron, John

Jul. 3, 1854

Mrs. Jane Sheels

he was a widower from Canada ae 57; she was a widow from Malone ae 49. Married at George Hutton’s house in Malone before witnesses: Charles Barnes and wife, John B. Barnes, Electa Barnes

Bartlette, Emeline

Oct. 10, 1814

Arunah H. Wood

both of Malone. He was a widower

Bashaw, Francis

Nov. 27, 1841

Catherine Degon

he was a widower ae 30; she was ae 16. They were married in Bangor. The bride’s parents were present as were Mr. and Mrs. Peter Lamica, Mary Degon "etc. etc., all French people"

Bateman, Diadatus

Nov. 1, 1824

Mary Brooks

he was from Chateaugay, she was from Malone

Bateman, George

June __, 1838

Philena Cook

he was a tanner and shoemaker from Rodan, PQ ae 26. She was also from Rodan, PQ ae 22. Married in Belmont before witnesses: Alvah Orcutt, Amos Greeno, Betsey Parmelee, Eudina Wood

Beals, John

Dec. 4, 1828

Hannah Fairfield

both of Malone

Beauvais, Emily

Jul. 26, 1842

Benjamin Duquette

he was 31, she was 26. They were both French and both from Malone. Witnesses to the marriage at Amos Greeno’s house in Malone: Mr. and Mrs. Bean, Amos Greeno, Sophia Greeno

Beebe, Elmira C.

Jan. 6, 1854

Franklin B. Norton

he was ae 23 from Malone; she was ae 22 also from Malone. Married at Parmelee’s house in Malone before witnesses: Lucy Ann Beebe, Abel Beebe, Betsey and Mary Parmelee, Henry M. Coburn (she died June 11, 1895 ae 63 and is buried at Dimmick Cemetery)

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