Malone, Franklin NY
Civil War Medical Exams Index
Wi - Wo


Transcribed and submitted by John Austin

Name Details

Williams, Walter C.

(November or December 1865)

Late a corporal in Co. E, 47th Regt. NY Vols. who was discharged at Raleigh NC on August 30, 1865 is an applicant for an invalid pension by reason of alleged disability resulting from injury of left leg caused by the fall of a horse . While he was carrying mail from brigade Headquarters to the Post Office on horseback, his horse fell upon his left leg badly bruising the same resulting in inflammation and suppuration and ulceration. There are at the present time two ulcers situated on the posterior surface of the leg near the junction of the middle and lower thirds, the result of the injury. Disability 2/3. probably temporary. Fee $1.50 paid. Certificate made and sent. Examination not ordered.

Wills, Jacob

July 11, 1865

A private of Capt. H.H. Bosworth�s Co. D 142nd Regt. NY the service of the United States who was discharged at Foster US General Hospital New Berne NC on June 5, 1865 claims an invalid pension by reason of chronic bronchitis. Said Wills has a chronic affection (infection?) of bronchial tubes which disables him half temporarily. Disability 1/3. Temporary. Fee $1.50 paid, certificate made and sent.. Examination not ordered.

Wilson, Horatio P.

Bangor (January, 1865)

A 1st Lt. in Capt. W.A.Jones' Co."D" 142nd Regt. NY Vols discharged at Washington DC October 31, 1864 claims an invalid pension for an alleged disability resulting from a wound caused by a bursting shell received on the right side of the spine 2 inches above the sacrum injuring the spinal cord and causing lameness and partial paralysis of both legs. He is unable to move about without the aid of crutches. $1.50 paid. Certificate sent.

September 19, 1866 Exam ordered for increase. Disability equivalent to loss of both legs. Certificate made and sent.


Disability total and continues. Certificate made and delivered.

Wolff, Francis

February 22, 1866

Late a private in Co. H, 98th Regt. NY Vols. who was (discharged) at Brattleboro VT on September 12, 1865 is an applicant for an invalid pension by reason of a gunshot wound. Wound was caused by a musket (ball) which entered and passed through the calf of the left leg. There is a chronic inflammation of the leg. The wound occasionally breaks out afresh. Disability �. Fee paid by contract(?). Certificate made and sent. Exam. not ordered.

Wood, Frank

September 18, 1866 Exam ordered for increase.

Late a private in Co. E, 60th Regt. NY Vols. claims an increased pension by reason of disability resulting from gunshot wound of right arm. Wound was caused by a musket ball which entered the right arm about two inches below the elbow joint passing upwards communisting(?) the ulna and coming out a little bit above the joint causing extensive inflammation and suppuration and necrosis of the ulna. The arm is much deformed. He is unable to ____________ the hand or produce complete extension of the arm. Disability should be rated as total under the old law but is hardly equivalent to that resulting from complete loss of an arm.

Certificate made and sent. No increase recommended in new law.

Woods, Philemon

October 1865.

Late a private in Co. K, 14th Regt. NY H. Artillery whose name is inscribed on the pension list at Albany NY for 6 dollars per month by reason of a disability resulting from a gunshot wound. Wound was caused by a musket ball which entered the left leg on its inner surface at or near the knee joint passing through the leg severing the outer hamstring and injuring the popliteal nerve. Limb is contracted to an angle of 45 degrees permanently. Leg below the knee is very much atrophied�foot completely paralyzed.

Disability is really total and permanent. Should apply for an increase of pension. Certificate made and delivered.

html by Debbie Spencer-Axtman

Copyright John Austin

October 2000


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