Malone, Franklin NY
Civil War Medical Exams Index
Sh - Th


Transcribed and submitted by John Austin

Name Details

Shattuck, John


Late a corporal (torn) of the United States Army of the war (torn) examined for disability caused by (explosion?) of shell which entered the left leg just below the knee causing necrosis etc. of bones of leg. Disability total. Certificate made and delivered.

Sheldon, Clinton P.

(June or July, 1866)

Late a private in Co. K, 153rd Regt. NY Vols. who was discharged at Washington DC on October 25, 1865 claims an invalid pension by reason of aphonia(?) and general physical disability . The aphonia(?) is complete and his constitution is broken. He is unable to perform manual labor.

Disability total. Certificate made and sent. Exam ordered.

Skiff, Alfred N.

December 20, 1865

Late a 1st Lt. in Co. E, 60th Regt. NY Vols. who was discharged near Alexandria VA on July 17, 1865 by reason of disability caused by a gunshot wound of the left hand. Wound was caused by a musket ball which passed through the ring finger, making amputation necessary. The inflammation which ensued resulted in permanent contraction of extensors of fingers which prevents complete closure of the hand. Disability permanent and 1/3. Certificate made and sent. Fee $1.50. Exam. not ordered. (copy of the above made and sent July 27, 1867)

Slatterly, Daniel

May 14, 1863

Fracture of collar bone in outer third -- bone shortened. Impaired function of shoulder joint. Fee $1.50 paid. 1/2 disability

Smith, Fernando C.

October 11, 1865

Late a corporal in Co. C, 98th Regt. NY Vols who was discharged at Richmond VA on August 30, 1865 is an applicant for an invalid pension by reason of a gunshot wound. Wound was caused by a musket ball which entered the throat on the right side just below the angle of the lower jaw , passing through the roots of the tongue emerging from about the center of the (neck?). His left arm is paralyzed as are also the tongue and muscles of (deglotition?) His general health is broken down. Disability is total and permanent. Fee $1.50 paid. Certificate made and sent. Exam. not ordered

Smith, Oliver

December 5, 1865

Late a private in Co. M, 6th Regt. NY H. Art. Vols. in service of the U. States, who was discharged at Philadelphia PA on April 28, 1865 by reason of general physical disability caused by chronic diarrhea and chronic bronchitis. The applicant is suffering from the above complaints at the present time. He is very feeble and is unable to perform any manual labor. Disability is total and will probably be permanent. Fee $1.50 paid. Certificate made and sent. Exam not ordered.

Soucisse, Bazel

August 17, 1865

Late a private of Capt. Giles Co. "H" 98th Regt. NY Vols. in service of the United States who was discharged at Rochester NY about the 21st of June 1865 claims an invalid pension by reason of an alleged disability resulting from chronic rheumatism. The said Bazel Soucisse is totally disabled from the above named disease. The rheumatism affects chiefly the left arm and leg . The arm is permanently flexed at the elbow joint. He is unable to close his left hand. The joints of the fingers are swollen and tender. The left knee is enlarged from chronic inflammation. The joints are painful and the whole limb atrophied and weak.

The disability is permanent and total. Fee to be charged to the Government. Certificate made and sent.

Sprague, Anthony

February 13, 1866

Late a private in Co. F, 59th Regt. Mass. Vols. who was discharged at Rochester NY on July 21, 1865 claims an invalid pension by reason of an injury to his back and side caused by being struck by a splinter from a tree, the result of the explosion of a shell. There is constant pain and weakness of the back and side which is aggravated by exercise. A hernia appeared soon after (within a few days) the injury which he believes, and which may have been, the result of the injury.

Disability � and permanent. Fee charged to govt. Exam ordered.

Sprague, Joseph

March 8, 1865

Late a private of Co. "B" 106th Regt. NY Vols. who was discharged at Haddington US General Hospital Pennsylvania on February 18, 1865 and is an applicant for invalid pension by reason of alleged physical disability resulting from a gunshot wound. Said wound was caused by a musketball which entered the right leg on the inner side about 2 inches below the knee joint passing through the leg resulting in great loss of tissue and atrophy of leg. The flexor muscles are much contracted preventing complete extension of the limb. There is a prospect of improvement in this case. Disability total. Fee $1.50 paid. Certificate made and sent March 9, 1865

September 1866. Exam ordered for increase.

Though a serious injury, it is hardly equivalent to the loss of a foot. Certificate made and sent.

Stancliff, Morton

Oct. 3, 1863

Private, Co. A Capt. Mannix, 98th Regt. NYS Vols.. Claims invalid pension by reason of disease and tumifaction of the abdomen caused by an injury while in the service of the US in line of his duty. Disability is (the word "total" is crossed out) nihil. Fee paid.

Stanton, Daniel H.

(February, 1865)

Ist Lieut. of Capt. Russell's Co."B" of the 98th Regt. NY Vols. claims an invalid pension of an alleged disability by reason of a gunshot wound. Said wound was caused by a musketball which entered his chest just under the collar bone about one inch from the shoulder joint. Said wound has caused permanent contraction of muscles and tendons around the left shoulder joint in consequence of which the motion of the joint is much impeded. He is unable to clench(?) his left arm beyond an angle of 20 degrees. This officer was discharged at Ft.Barnham in front of Richmond VA on November 18, 1864. Disability 3/4. Fee 12/ paid. Certificate sent..


D.H. Stanton, whose name is on the pension list of the roll of Albany agency at 71/2 dollars per month. � disability. Description of injury on the original record. Disability continues and is �. Certificate made and delivered.

Streeter, George

September 13, 1866 . For renewal

Late a private in Co. H, 2nd VT who was discharged at Washington DC on the (blank) day of (blank) 18__ claims an invalid pension by reason of alleged disability resulting from a gunshot wound. Wound was caused by a musket ball which entered and passed through the right leg just above the knee joint resulting in anchylosis of said joint.

Disability total(?) Fee $1.50 paid.

Thomas, Joseph

Brandon. July 10, 1865

A corporal of Capt. Marvin Potter�s Co. F 142nd Regt. NY Vols. in service of the United States who was discharged at New Berne NC on June 3, 1865 claims an invalid pension by reason of an alleged disability resulting from a gunshot wound. Said wound was caused by a musketball which entered his abdomen on the right side passing through the same on a line a little below the umbilicus and coming out on the left side wounding the external abdominal fascia. The ball then entered the left arm about four inches above the wrist joint passing through it wounding the tendons of flexors of the last two fingers. The wound of the abdomen causes pain and weakness, the pain being aggravated by bringing the body to an erect position. The muscles of the (arm?) are contracted . The two fingers of the left hand are partially disabled. Disability total. Fee $1.50 paid. Certificate made and sent. Exam not ordered.

September 17, 1866 Joseph Thomas re-examined this day. Disability total. Certificate made and sent.

html by Debbie Spencer-Axtman

Copyright John Austin

October 2000


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