Malone, Franklin NY
Civil War Medical Exams Index
Pe - Ri


Transcribed and submitted by John Austin

Names Details

Pelow, Julius

September 18, 1865 (listed as "Phelan" in original record)

Late a private of Capt. Hildreth�s Co. A, 98th Regt. NY Vols. who was discharged from service of the US on September 4, 1865 is an applicant for an invalid pension by reason of a disability resulting from a shell wound of left leg. Wound was caused by a fragment of shell which which struck him on the internal surface of the left leg one and a half inches above the knee joint passing through the leg wounding the inner hamstring. Wound was followed by gangrene. There is permanent contraction and weakening of the leg.

Disability � and permanent. Certificate made and sent. Fee $1.50 paid. Exam. not ordered.

Perkins, Reuben

February 6, 1866

Late a private in Co. D, 98th Regt. NY Vols. who was discharged at Elmira NY on May 27, 1865 is an applicant for an invalid pension by reason of disability resulting from a gunshot wound of the right hand. Wound was caused by some missile, musket ball or piece of shell which struck the right thumb lacerating the same so that amputation was necessary. It was amputated between the first and second joint.

Disability 1/3. Fee $1.50. Certificate made and sent. Exam. not ordered.

Perry, Alexander

June 8, 1866

Late a private of Co. G, 106th Regt. NY Vols. who was discharged at Washington DC on June 22, 1865 claims an invalid pension by reason of disability resulting from a gunshot wound. The thumb and index finger were wounded by a musket ball so as to require amputation. Disability �. Fee 12/ paid. Certificate made and sent. Exam not ordered.

Ploof, Henry

July 26, 1866

Late a private in Co. G, 15th Regt. NY Engineers, who was discharged at Fort Barry VA on June 13, 1865, claims an invalid pension by reason of physical disability resulting from chronic bronchitis. Applicant has a troublesome and persistent cough and severe dyspnea and he has become so feeble and prostrated as to be unable to perform any manual labor whatever.

Disability total and probably permanent. Fee $1.50 to be paid by Mr. Sabin. Certificate made and sent. Exam ordered.

Potter, Charles H.

May 22, 1866

Late a corporal in Co. H of the 142nd Regt. NY Vols. who was discharged (from) the service of the US at Wilmington NC on May 25, 1865 is an applicant for an invalid pension by reason of an alleged disability resulting from a gunshot wound. The wound was caused by a musket ball which entered the left leg just outside the tibia about two inches below the knees passing directly backwards through the leg comminuting(?) the fibula causing weakness and atrophy of the leg.

Disability 2/3 and permanent. Fee $1.50 paid. Certificate made and sent. Exam. not ordered.

Poyer, Henry

June 26, 1863

No disability existing. Result of examination forwarded to department.

Riley, Martin

Burke. March, 1863

Gunshot wound which was caused by a musket ball which entered the right arm on its

anterior surface 2 and a half inches above the elbow joint shattering in its passage the

humerus causing extensive inflammation and suppuration. Wound is healed but arm is

weak. Function of joint is considerably impaired. 1/2 disability

html by Debbie Spencer-Axtman

Copyright John Austin

October 2000


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