Name |
Murphy, Patrick |
July 11, 1865
A private of Co. C 98th Regt. NY Vols. in the service of the United
States who was discharged at Ft. Monroe, VA on June 17, 1865 is an
applicant for an invalid pension by reason of a gunshot wound. Wound
was received at Cold Harbor VA on June 1, 1864. Wound was made by a
musket ball which entered the right arm two inches below the elbow
joint passing through the arm and entering the body a little above the
cartilages of the ribs of the right side then passing in a horizontal
line and coming out the pit of the stomach wounding the superficial
fascia of the abdomen. The flexor muscles of the hand are much
impaired in function � the hand is atrophied and greatly weakened.
He is greatly weakened in his body by the wound of the abdomen.
His disability is total . Fee $1.50 paid. Certificate made and
sent. Exam. Not ordered
Murray, George |
(June, 1865)
A private of Capt. James Doty�s Co. D 98th Regt. NY Vols. In the
service of the United States, who was discharged at Philadelphia PA on
October 21, 1862 on surgeon�s certificate of disability, claims
invalid pension by reason of alleged disability arising from paralysis
of the right side. Said palsy was caused by an attack of typhoid fever
which he contracted while in the service of the United States in the
line of duty. This is a decided case of paralysis. The arm is entirely
useless; he can only walk with difficulty. The muscles of the right
side are atrophied. The disability is total . Certificate made and
sent. Fee $1.50 paid. Examination not ordered.
September 20, 1866. Exam ordered for increase.
This is a case of paralysis of right side. He has no use of his
right hand or leg. Disability total and ________________ to full
amount allowed. Certificate made and sent.
Neddo, Joseph |
Late a private of Co. I, 16th Regt. NY Vols. whose name is
inscribed on the pension list roll of the Albany Agency for 8 dollars
per month for disability arising from a gunshot wound of right arm.
Wound was caused by a musket ball which (entered) the right arm on the
posterior surface, passing upward and forward fracturing the bone of
the forearm and causing anchylosis of the elbow joint at an angle of
about 50 degrees.
Disability continues and is total. Certificate made and delivered.
September 1866. Exam for increase. None recommended. Certificate
made and sent.
Nevins, Albert |
September, 1866
Late a private of Co. K, 92nd Regt. NY Vols. in the War of
1861whose name is inscribed on the pension list roll of the Albany
agency for eight dollars per month by reason of alleged disability
from a gunshot wound which he says to have been received in the line
of duty while he was in the service of the US. The said pensioner�s
wound was caused by a musket ball which entered the right side of the
face near the lower margin just anterior to the angle of the jaw
passing through the mouth and roots of the tongue carrying away all
that portion of the lower jaw which is anterior to its angle. The
direct consequences of the injury are impossibility of masticating
food, great impairment of functions of the tongue and throat,
difficult distution(?) liquids alone can be swallowed. The secretion
of the salivary glands cannot be wholly retained, much of which is
constantly escaping from his mouth. There is great deformity of the
face owing to the collapsing of the lower part of the mouth. An
indirect consequence of the pensioner�s injury is a disordered
condition of the digestive organs.
Certificate made and sent. Recommend $25 per month.
late a private of Co. K, 92nd Regt. NY Vols. whose name is
inscribed on the pension list of roll of the Albany agency at $8 per
month by reason of alleged disability resulting from a gunshot wound.
Wound was caused by a musket ball which entered the right cheek
passing through the mouth, carrying the entire anterior portion of the
lower jaw.
(no further comments listed in original. Ed.)
Oak, Joseph |
July 12, 1866
Late a private in Co. C, 98th Regt. NY Vols. who was discharged at
Albany on September 15,(1865) is an applicant for an invalid pension
by reason of a gunshot wound of the left hand requiring amputation of
the index finger at the last joint.
Disability 1/3. permanent. Certificate made and sent. Fee $1.50
paid. Exam not ordered.
Parker, Marshall
Ft.Covington. June 13, 1865
A private of H.C.Ward's Co. "H" 57th Regt. Mass. Vols. in
the service of the United States who was discharged from the service
on February 20, 1865 at Carver Hospital, Washington DC, by reason of
disability caused by wounds received in battle in the action at
Spotsylvania Court House VA on May 12, 1864 claims invalid pension on
account of the disability occasioned as above stated. Applicant
received 2 wounds made by musket balls- one of the right foot, the
ball entering and passing through the great toe at the last joint
destroying the toe and injuring the metatarsal bone of that toe and
causing inflammation of the whole foot. The foot is at the present
time swollen, tender, debilitated and in consequence of which walking
is rendered difficult and painful. The other wound was made by a
musket ball which entered the left leg near the junction of the lower
and middle third wounding the tibia causing it to exfoliate. There is
permanent lameness of that leg. The disability is permanent and total.
Fee $1.50 paid. Certificate sent. Not ordered.
November 8, 1865
Marshall Parker, whose name is on the pension list roll of the
Albany agency at the rate of eight dollars per month was re-examined.
Disability continues and is total. Certificate made and delivered.
Payne, Oberon |
September 7, 1865
Late a private of Co. C, 9th Regt. Vermont Vols. in service of the
US who was discharged at Montpelier VT on August 7, 1865 is an
applicant for an invalid pension by reason of a shell wound of the
left leg. Wound was caused by a piece of shell which struck his left
leg about two inches below the knee joint on its outer surface causing
inflammation, ________ and great destruction of tissue. There is a
large deep and adherent cicatrix. There is still swelling and
tenderness of the leg and the function of the knee joint is much
The disability is total and permanent. Fee $1.50 paid. Certificate
made and sent. Exam. not ordered.