Malone, Franklin NY
Civil War Medical Exams Index
Ma - Mc


Transcribed and submitted by John Austin

Name Details

Martin, John






Oct.__, 1863

A private of Capt. E.J. Rice's Co. "G" 98th NYS Vols. who was discharged at Beaufort NC the first day of June 1863 claims an invalid pension on account of incontinence of urine. Disability total.

October 6, 1865

Disability continues and is total

Mason, Joseph

Late a private of Co. G of the 2nd Regt. of Mass. Vols. who was discharged at Washington DC on the 18th day of March, 1865, is an applicant for an invalid pension by reason of a gunshot wound. Applicant received two wounds: one of the right hand through thumb, anchylosing all the joints of the same; and one of the left arm, ball passing through it about 2 inches above the wrist joint fracturing the radius and causing a deep and adherent cicotrix, greatly weakening the hand and arm.

Disability total. Fee $1.50 charged to Govt. Certificate made and sent. Exam ordered.

Maxam, George L.

September 10, 1866

Late a private in Co. F, 7th Regt. Conn. Vols. who was discharged at Washington DC on August 11th , 1865, claims an invalid pension by reason of a gunshot wound. Wound was caused by a musket ball which severed the right index finger between the first and second joints and wounded the middle finger causing necrosis of the second phalanx and enlargement(?) of second. Both fingers are nearly useless.

Disability 1/3. Certificate made and sent. Fee $1.50 paid. Exam not ordered.

McCabe, Edward

June 7, 1866

Late a private in Co. G, 10th Regt. Conn. Vols. who was discharged on September 2, 1865 at Richmond, VA, claims an invalid pension by reason of an alleged disability resulting from a gunshot wound. Wound was caused by a musket ball which entered the right shoulder at the junction of the clavicle with a crossing process of the scapula. There is a large and adherent cicotrix. The motion of the joint is much impaired and weakened..

Disability is 2/3 (and) permanent. Fee12/ chgd. to Govt. Certificate made and sent. Exam ordered.

McCollum, Anthony


Claims an invalid pension on account of diseased right lung-probably tubercular. Disability total. Certificate given and sent

September 8, 1866

Late a private in Co. A, 98th Regt. NY Vols. who was discharged at Yorktown VA claims an invalid pension by reason of physical disability resulting from a disease of the right lung. He is suffering from chronic disease of the right lung. There is a solidification of the upper half of the right lung. He has shortness of breath and general debility. He is considerably emaciated. There is no ulceration of the lung. The solidification is probably due to tuberculous deposit.

Disability is total and permanent. Certificate made and sent. Exam ordered.

McCollum, Joseph

(September 1865)

Late a private of Co. G, 98th Regt. NY Vols. who was discharged at Ft. Monroe, VA on or about June 19, 1865, claims an invalid pension by reason of alleged disability resulting from a gunshot wound of the right arm. Wound was caused by a musket ball which entered the right (arm) on the posterior surface one and a half inches below the elbow joint, passing through the arm and fracturing the ulna , severing the muscles and permanently injuring the nerves of the forearm. There is permanent contraction of the flexor muscles of the hand. The fingers of the right hand are permanently contracted. Disability total. Fee charged to Govt. Certificate made and sent. Exam. ordered.

html by Debbie Spencer-Axtman

Copyright John Austin

October 2000


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