Malone, Franklin NY
Civil War Medical Exams Index
Jo - La


Transcribed and submitted by John Austin

Name Details
Joyner, Fletcher

Duane. Re-examined March 4, 1865.

Sergeant of Co. K, 118th Regt. NYS Vols. Chronic rheumatism of left leg and constant pain of the right side. He is inscribed on the pension list roll of Albany NY Agency for 8 dollars per month. Certificate made and given to Taylor.


Disability continues �.

March 14, 1866

Disability continues 1/3 of total. Certificate delivered.

September 11, 1866

Late a sergeant in Co. K 118th Regt. NY Vols. re-examination. Disability continues at the rate of � of a total disability. Rheumatism affects left hip. Motion impaired in consequence of contraction of tendon about joint. Disability �.

Keefe, William

January 29, 1866

Late a private in Co. E, 18th Regt. NY Cavalry Vols. who was discharged from the service of the US on September 13, 1865 at Ira Harris US Gen. Hospital at Albany NY is an applicant for an invalid pension by reason of an alleged disability resulting from a wound caused by the kick of a horse in the abdomen while in the line of duty at Key West March 1st, 1864 while engaged in adjusting a sling to a horse. He received a kick from the animal, one foot striking him in the pit of the stomach, the other over the region of the bladder. Inflammation ensued accompanied by obstinate vomiting, and constipation and difficulty voiding urine. There is at the present time a swelling over the epigarthium and tenderness over the whole abdomen. He is unable to stand and walk erect. The vomiting, constipation and difficulty voiding urine continue. The disability is total and permanent. Fee $1.50 paid. Certificate made and sent. Exam. not ordered.

Kennedy, Michael

Sept. 11, 1863

Disability the result of a gunshot wound. Ball entered the chest between the cartilages of the 5th and 6th ribs, fracturing in its passage the left edge of the sternum causing, as he alleges, lameness of the chest aggravated by much exertion. 2/3 disability. Fee paid.

Kennedy, William H.

January 13, 1866

Late a private in Co. A, 17th Regt. Vermont Vols. who was discharged from the service of the United States in the field near Alexandria VA on July 14, 1865 claims an invalid pension by reason of an alleged disability resulting from a gunshot wound of the left leg. Said Kennedy received a wound made by a musket ball which entered the left leg on its posterior surface about three inches below the knee passing downwards and forwards coming out near the junction of the upper and middle thirds of the leg, in its passage it fractured the tibia. The leg has not recovered its strength. Walking much causes the leg to swell and become painful.

Disability permanent and is � of a total disability . Certificate made and sent Fee $1.50 paid. Re-exam. August 30 (1866?) and certificate sent.

Kent, George H.

September 8, 1866

Late a private in Co. C, 118th Regt. NY Vols. and Co. G 19th Veterans Reserve Corps who was discharged at Buffalo NY on the (blank) day of April, 1865 is an applicant for an invalid pension by reason of a disability resulting from a gunshot wound. Wound was caused by a musket ball which entered his right side two inches above the crest of the ileum passing backwards and coming out near the spinal column, producing inflammation, ulceration, and causing great destruction of tissue. He suffers much from pain of the affected side. He is unable to perform any manual labor.

Disability total and permanent. Fee $1.50 paid. Certificate made and sent. Exam not ordered.

King, Joseph

June 15, 1866

Late a private in co. A, 98th Regt. NY Vols. who was discharged at Hampton Hospital, Ft. Monroe, VA on (blank) is an applicant for an invalid pension by reason of physical disability resulting from opacity of cornea of right eye , a result of inflammation. Vision in that eye is destroyed.

Disability �. Fee charged to Govt. Certificate made and sent. Exam ordered

King, Wallace W.


of Malone, late a private of Co. B, 98th Regt. NY Vols. whose name is on the pension roll at the Albany Agency for 8 dollars per month. Disability caused by a gunshot wound . Musket ball entered the neck, just behind the tendon of the sterno mastoid muscle, passing forward into the mouth fracturing the upper maxillary bone and emerging at the center of the left cheek There is permanent contraction of the left mastic(?) muscle. There is chronic neuralgia.

Disability continues and is total. Certificate made and delivered.

Knight, Charles A.

Duane. September 7, 1865

Late a private of Co. A, 14th Veteran Reserve Corps, who was discharged at Washington, DC on July 31, 1865 is an applicant for an invalid pension by reason of the loss of the index finger of his right hand � the result of a gunshot wound.

Disability 1/3. Fee $1.50 paid. Certificate made and sent. Exam not ordered.

Laline, Eusebe

September 23, 1865

Late a sergeant of Capt. H. Giles� Co. H, 98th Regt. NY Vols. in service of the US who was discharged at Albany NY on September 16, 1865 claims invalid pension by reason of gunshot wound of left shoulder. Wound was made by a musket ball which entered the point of the shoulder joint. The functions of the joint are somewhat impaired by reason of the injury.

Disability 1/3. Fee $1.50 paid. Certificate made and sent. Examination not ordered.

Lamay, Stephen

Westville. May 4, 1863

Claims a pension on account of a gunshot wound made by a musket ball which entered the breast joint below that end of the clavicle which is united with the sternum. The ball passing outwards and backwards emerging form behind immediately beneath and four inches below the point of the right shoulder fracturing in its passage the scapula, causing inflammation and suppuration and the discharge of fragments of bone. There is at the present time a rigidity and tenderness of muscles about the shoulder joint and an inability to raise the arm from the body to a horizontal position. Motion at the joint is greatly impeded. Fee $1.50 . Total disability

Reviewed examination made Sept. 19, 1863. Disability remains as recorded above. Fee $1.50

html by Debbie Spencer-Axtman

Copyright John Austin

October 2000


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