Malone, Franklin NY
Civil War Medical Exams Index
Introduction & Index


Transcribed and submitted by John Austin


The following list shows the results of medical exams carried out by Dr. Theodore Gay in Malone NY. The exams were performed in order for men to either receive a pension or to increase the amount of their pension. These are transcriptions of the physician�s notes, taken from the originals which are in the possession of the Franklin Co. Historical Society in Malone .


Armstrong, John

Hill, James S.

Parker, Marshall

Asher, Henry

Holbrook, Augustus L.

Payne, Oberon

Atwood, Gustavus

Holden, William

Perkins, Reuben

Aubrey, Peter

Hoose, Peter

Perry, Alexander

Austin, Leavitt B.

Hovey, Theodore

Pelow, Julius

Barnes, Sylvester

Howe, Silas

Ploof, Henry

Bemis, Jonathan

Hoyt, Nathaniel A.

Potter, Charles H.

Bennett, Emrick

Hubbard, William T.

Poyer, Henry

Berry, William

Hugaboom, Cornelius

Riley, Martin

Bloomer, John

Huntington, Henry

Rousell, Joseph

Boyea, Barney

Irish, Henry S.

Rushford, Lanson

Brinning, John

Johnson, William J.

Russell, Charles L.

Butler, William W.

Joyner, Fletcher

Russell, Erastus C.

Campbell, Daniel

Keefe, William

Sanjule, Peter

Carpenter, Edwin M.

Kennedy, Michael

Savage, George

Carpenter, Orson S.

Kennedy, William H.

Seymour, Carlos

Carr, John S.

Kent, George H.

Shattuck, John

Cleaveland, George

King, Joseph

Sheldon, Clinton P.

Cody, Edward

King, Wallace W.

Skiff, Alfred N.

Collins, John A.

Knight, Charles A.

Slatterly, Daniel

Coyne, James

Laline, Eusebe

Smith, Fernando C.

Crosby, Albon

Lamay, Stephen

Smith, Oliver

Crosier, William

Lamontine, John

Soucisse, Bazel

Culliton, Pierce

Larock, Adolphus

Sprague, Anthony

Cummings, Reuben

Laughlin, James

Sprague, Joseph

Dailey, Cornelius

Learned, Martin D.

Stancliff, Morton

Danford, William

Lowe, Henry

Stanton, Daniel H.

Davenport, Peter M.

Mallett, Peter

Streeter, George

Davis, Harlow J.

Mannix, Patrick A.

Thomas, Joseph

Day, Henry H.

Martin, Antoine

Traversee, Reuben

Demo, Marcellus

Martin, John

Tromblee, Alexander

Dobbins, Patrick

Mason, Joseph

Trumble, John A

Downer, Theron

Maxam, George L.

Valley, Peter

Eldred, Joseph

McCabe, Edward

Vanyea, John

Farmer, Darwin J.

McCollum, Anthony

Ward, Luman F.

Featherstone, Henry W.

McCollum, Joseph

Ward, Oscar

Fletcher, George

McGrath, John

Washburn, George

Ford, Pierce

McNall, Martin P.

Wells, Edward

Friday, Mitchell

Meacham, Chauncey

Wells, Hiram K.

Garry, Thomas P.

Merritt, George

White, Adney O.

Gates, Joseph S.

Miles, John D.

Whitehouse, Thomas S.

Getty, Royal Q.

Mills, Charles

Wilber, Wallace

Gibbs, John C.

Mills, Seymour

Williams, Charles

Gott, John

Minor, William

Williams, Walter C.

Graves, Franklin N.

Morgan, Henry

Wills, Jacob

Green, Ira C.

Murphy, Patrick

Wilson, Horatio P.

Haney, William

Murray, George

Wolff, Francis

Hanly, Edward

Neddo, Joseph

Wood, Frank

Hatch, Martin

Nevins, Albert

Woods, Philemon

Havens, Henry H.

Oak, Joseph

Wright , Wilbur W.


Wylie, Saul

html by Debbie Spencer-Axtman

Copyright John Austin

October 2000


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