Malone, Franklin NY
Civil War Medical Exams Index
Ha - Hu


Transcribed and submitted by John Austin

Name Details

Haney, William

March 30, 1863

Claims an invalid pension on account of receiving gunshot wound causing destruction of left phalanx right thumb and also an injury to the left shoulder caused by the fall of a limb of a tree cut off by a shell fired by the enemy while he was on duty as a picket before Yorktown VA. Certificate granted. Fee paid. 3/4 disability

June 18, 1866

Late a corporal in Co. C, 98th Regt. NY Vols. who was discharged at Philadelphia PA on September 11, 1862 claims an invalid pension by reason of a gunshot wound of the right hand causing the loss of the first phalanx of the thumb and also of an injury of the left shoulder caused by the fall of the limb of a tree which was cut off by a shell fired by the enemy at the siege of Yorktown, VA The branch of the tree struck him upon the point of the left shoulder causing a deep wound, injuring the upper portion of the humerus and causing necrosis of the same. The action of the joint (is) impaired.

Fee $1.50 paid. Certificate made and sent. Disability 2/3. Exam not ordered.

Hanly, Edward

October 31, 1865

A private in Co. A, 98th Regt. NY Vols. whose name is inscribed on the pension roll of Albany agency for 4 dollars per month. Wound was caused by a musket ball which severed the right thumb from his hand. The inflammation resulting from the wound completely destroyed the use of the right hand, it being in a state of permanent extension.

Certificate to be made as soon as blanks are received.

March 10, 1866

Certificate delivered.

Hatch, Martin

Malone Sept. 5, 1863

A soldier of 1812. Disability the result of a gunshot wound of right arm producing permanent flexure of the arm and atrophy of same. Disability total.


Martin Hatch, of Malone, late a corporal of the 11th Regt. US Army whose name is on the pension roll of the agency at Vermont at 8 dollars per month. Disability caused by a gunshot wound of right (arm). Musket ball passed through the right arm just above the elbow joint (torn) flexure of the arm. Certificate made and delivered.

Havens, Henry H.

March 16, 1866

Disability continues 2/3. Certificate sent.

Hill, James S.

January 4, 1865.

A private of Capt. H.D.Hickock's Co. "D" 98th NY Vols. discharged at Albany NY on Oct.29,1864 claims an invalid pension by reason of a gunshot wound of the left hand causing the loss of the second finger of that hand. He is regarded as 1/4 disabled. Fee paid $1.50. Certificate sent..

Holbrook, Augustus L.

April 23, 1866

Late a private in Co. H NY H.. Art. who was discharged at Washington DC on August 26, 1865 claims an invalid pension by reason of an injury of the right ankle joint caused by the fall upon it of a barrel of pork which he was unloading. The chims(?) of the barrel which struck him upon the instep close to the joint scarring(?) the outer ligament of the joint and causing inflammation and necrosis of the bones of the instep. There is a great weakening of the joint which becomes partially dislocated whenever he walks unless great care is used.

Disability total. Fee charged to Govt. Certificate made and sent. Exam. ordered.

Holden, William

March 29, 1866

Late a sergeant in Co. H, 142nd Regt. NY Vols. who was discharged at Raleigh NC on June 7, 1865 claims an invalid pension on account of neuralgia of chest and back. He complains of pain in the back and chest when he returned from the army and they have been increasing in severity ever since. Certificate made and sent. Exam. not ordered.

Hoose, Peter

(September, 1865)

Late a private of Co. D, 142nd Regt. NY Vols. who was discharged at Smithville US General Hospital NC on June 22, 1865 claims an invalid pension by reason of chronic bronchitis. Said Peter Hoose has dyspnea and a troublesome cough . He is unable to perform hard labor and is one half disabled for obtaining his subsistence by manual labor.

Disability �. Fee $1.50 paid. Certificate made and sent. Exam not ordered.

Hovey, Theodore

July 12, 1865

A private of Capt. Orr�s Co. D 96th Regt. NY Vols. in service of the United States who was discharged on June 21, 1865 at Camp Parole near Annapolis MD is an applicant for an invalid pension by reason of an alleged disability resulting from a gunshot wound of the right arm. Wound was caused by a musket ball which entered the arm two or three inches below the shoulder joint a little above the insertion of the right pectoral muscle passing through the arm in a direction downward and backward fracturing the humerus. The arm is entirely disabled. The wound was received on the 27th of October 1864. The wound is not healed. Disability Total. Fee $1.50 paid. Certificate made and forwarded. Examination not ordered.

Howe, Silas

A private of Capt. D.S. Griffin's Co. "G" 142nd NYS Vols. was discharged at St.Augustine FL and claims an invalid pension by reason of an alleged disability resulting from chronic rheumatism of the back and chest. Thinks he's half disabled. Fee $1.50 paid. Letter sent stating the facts.

Hoyt, Nathaniel A.

October 30, 1865

Late a private in Co. G of the 11th Regt. of Vermont Vols. who was discharged at Bennington VT on June 12, 1865 claims an invalid pension by reason of a gunshot wound of the left thigh. Said wound was caused by a musket ball which entered the left thigh on its inner surface at middle third, passing through just behind the femur wounding the flexor muscles of the leg causing inflammation. and extensive damage of tissue. The muscles are greatly weakened. The wound has broken out afresh several times. Standing or walking on the leg any length of time causes pain. Disability �. Certificate made and sent. Fee12/ charged to Government.

Hubbard, William T.

Malone. June 15, 1865

A private of Co. "H" 106th Regt. NY Vols. who was discharged from the service of the United States at Camp Parole near Annapolis MD on June 3, 1865 claims an invalid pension by reason of the loss by amputation of the third finger of the left hand the result of a wound of the same received while in the line of duty. The whole hand became involved in the inflammation from which it has not recovered. There is at the present time a discharge issuing from the palm of the left hand. The functions of all the remaining fingers of the left hand are much impaired. Disability 1/3. Certificate. Fee $1.50 paid.

html by Debbie Spencer-Axtman

Copyright John Austin

October 2000


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