Name |
Ford, Pierce |
September 8, 1866 Exam ordered for increase
Late a private in Co. E, 22nd Regt. Mass. Vols claims an increase
of pension by reason of total and complete disability. Applicant is in
confirmed consumption. Both lungs are affected seriously, the right
one is so completely impacted with tuberculous matter as to be wholly
unfit for the purpose of respiration. He is very much emaciated and
very weak. He is unable to perform any manual labor whatsoever.
Certificate made and sent. recommend $20 per month.
Friday, Mitchell |
September 8, 1865
Late a private of Co. C, 9th Regt. NH Vols. in service of the
United States who was discharged at Webster US General Hospital in
Manchester NH on June 2, 1865 on account of disability resulting from
a gunshot wound of os colius(?) of the right foot. Wound was caused by
a musket ball which entered the right foot a little below and behind
the ankle joint on ventral(?) surface passing downwards ________ the
os coleus(?) __________ the same. There is some contraction of tendon
Achilles and tendons of the heel which produces lameness. Disability
�. Fee $1.50 charged to Govt. Certificate made and sent. Exam.
September 17, 1866 Re-examination
Exam ordered. Certificate made and sent
Garry, Thomas P. |
May 15, 1865
A private of Capt. Asaph Clarke's Co. "D" 9th Regt.
Vermont Vols. who was discharged at Brattleboro VT on February 25,
1865 claims invalid pension by reason of an alleged disability
resulting from a gunshot wound of the right arm. Wound was made by a
musket ball which entered the arm about 4 inches below the shoulder
joint passing through the arm in a direction downward and backward
injuring the brachial nerve causing partial paralysis of the muscles
of the arm. There is a permanent flexure of all the fingers of the
right hand and a decided atrophy of the whole arm. Disability
permanent and total. Fee $1.50 paid. Certificate made and sent.
Disability continues and is total as per original record.
Gates, Joseph S. |
(January 1866)
Late a private in Co. H, 2nd Regt. NY Cav. Vols. who was discharged
at New Orleans LA on May 21, 1864 is an applicant for an invalid
pension by reason of disability resulting from chronic diarrhea and
dyspepsia. Said J.S. Gates is subject to frequent attacks of diarrhea
and disordered digestion in consequence of which he is unable to
perform manual labor.
Disability total and probably permanent. Certificate made and sent.
Fee $1.50 paid. Exam. not ordered.
Getty, Royal Q. |
of Bangor
Late a private of Co. D, 39th Regt. NY Vols. whose name is
inscribed on the pension roll of the Albany Agency at the rate of 8
dollars per month by reason of disability caused by a gunshot wound of
the right chest. Wound was caused by a musket ball which entered the
right side of the chest one and a half inches below the external third
of the collar bone, passing into the chest and wounding the apex of
the right lung. There is weakness of the right arm lameness of the
chest which incapacitates him for the performance of hard labor.
Disability total. Certificate made and sent.
Gibbs, John C. |
May, 28, 1866
Late a private in Co. C, 14th Regt. Vet. Res. Corps in service of
the United States who was discharged at Washington DC on June 28, 1865
claims an invalid pension by reason of an alleged physical disability
by reason of a gunshot wound. Wound was caused by a musket ball which
entered his back just above the spine of the left scapula passing
downwards and to the right coming out a little below the right scapula
causing inflammation, ulceration and great depletion of tissue. There
is a large deep, and adherent cicatrix and a contraction of the
muscles and tendons about the left shoulder which impairs to a
(certain?) extent the function of the arm.
Disability 2/3. Fee $1.50 paid. Certificate made and sent. Exam.
not ordered
Gott, John |
August 15, 1866
Late a sergeant in Co. H, 142nd Regt. NY an invalid
pension by reason of disability resulting from a gunshot wound. Wound
was caused by a musket ball which entered and passed through the
middle finger near the last joint. It also passed through the palm of
the hand between the thumb and index finger, resulting in the entire
loss of the middle finger and causing a stiffness of the fingers of
the hand.
Disability 1/3. Certificate made and sent. Exam ordered.
Graves, Franklin N. |
October 7, 1865
Late a sergeant in Co. E, 98th Regt. NY Vols. in the service of the
US who was discharged at Richmond VA on August 30, 1865 is an
applicant for an invalid pension by reason of an alleged disability
resulting from a gunshot wound . Wound was caused by a musket ball
which entered the point of the left shoulder, passing downwards in
front of the joint and behind the tendons of the pectoral muscles,
wounding them, continuing in a downward direction in front of the ribs
and came out at the lower margins of the cartileges of the ribs. The
function of the arm is impaired in consequence of injury done to the
muscles and tendons surrounding the shoulder joint. Disability �. Fee
$1.50 paid. Certificate made and sent. Exam. not ordered.
Green, Ira C.
January 5, 1865.
A private of Capt. Jacob Jacob's Co. "F" 83rd Regt. NY
Vols. discharged at Albany NY Oct. 14, 1864 claims an invalid pension
by reason of an alleged disability resulting from a gunshot wound of
the left wrist. The ball entered the wrist from before and passed
directly through resulting in the destruction of the function of the
joint.. Disability permanent and total. Fee $1.50 paid. Certificate
made and sent.