Malone, Franklin NY
Civil War Medical Exams Index
Da - Fl


Transcribed and submitted by John Austin

Name Details

Day, Henry H.

August 24, 1865

A corporal of Co. H 106th Regt. NY Vols. in service of the US who was discharged at US General Hospital Frederick MD on August 11, 1865 claims an invalid pension by reason of disability caused by a gunshot wound of the right foot. Wound was caused by a musket ball which entered the right foot on its outer side a little in front and below the ankle joint passing through the foot in a direction inwards and backwards and emerging near the point of the heel. The ankle joint is greatly injured � enlarged and deformed. He is unable to bear his weight upon the foot. His disability is total and permanent. Certificate made and sent. Fee $1.50 paid.

Demo, Marcellus

Lawrence, NY

A private of Co. A, 14th Regt. NY H. Artillery, whose name is on the pension roll at Albany NY for 8 dollars per month. Disability caused by a musket ball which entered and passed through the left arm at the middle third, fracturing the bone and completely disabling the arm.

Certificate made and sent. disability total.

Dobbins, Patrick

Late a private of Co. A, 164th Regt. NY Vols. whose name is on the pension list roll of Albany NY for 6 dollars per month. Disability caused by a gunshot wound of the right hand . Wound was made by some missile which extending (sic) from the palm of the hand to the last joint of the index finger of the right hand partially paralyzing the hand and producing complete paralysis of the fingers.

Disability continues and is � of a total disability. Certificate made and delivered.

Downer, Theron

Westville. June 2, 1865

A private of Co. "H" 106th Regt. NY Vols. who was discharged at Chester US General Hospital, Chester PA on May 15, 1865 is an applicant for an invalid pension by reason of an alleged disability arising from a shell wound of the right leg. Applicant's wound was caused by the bursting of a shell, a fragment of which struck him on the right thigh near its middle, severing the flexor muscles of the same, causing great destruction of tissue and resulting in the permanent contraction of all the above-named muscles leaving a deep cicatrix. He is unable to make full extension of his leg and it (is) greatly weakened. He is totally incapacitated for obtaining sustenance by manual labor. Fee $1.50 paid. Certificate made and sent.

March 16, 1866

Re-examined. Disability continues total.

September 22, 1866

Theron Downer, private in Co. H, 106th Regt. NY Vols. re-examined this day. Disability continues total. Certificate made and sent.

Eldred, Joseph

Bangor. June 9, 1865

A private of Co."H" 106th Regt. NY Vols. who was discharged at Albany NY May 20, 1865 by reason of surgeon's certificate of disability caused by wounds received in battle on the 9th of July 1864 at Monacacy MD claims an invalid pension by reason of the present existence of the asforesaid disability. Applicant's wound was caused by a musket ball which entered his left breast just below the collar bone passing downward and backward emerging from the chest just below the shoulder blade passing through the left lung. The nerves supplying the left arm were so much injured as to partially paralyze the arm and hand which have been decidedly atrophied. Disability is total. Certificate made and sent. Fee $1.50 paid.

March 20, 1866

Re-examined. Certificate delivered.

September 26, 1866.

A private and ordered to be examined for an increase. Disability equivalent to the loss of a hand. Certificate made and sent.

Farmer, Darwin J.

May 26,1864

A sergeant of Capt. McKane's Co. "I" 92nd Regt. NYS Vols. discharged at Carver's Hospital ,Washington DC June 4, 1862 by reason of surgeon's certificate of disability claims a pension on account of asthma, piles and rheumatism, none of which are constantly present.

Featherstone, Henry W.

September 4, 1865

A private of Capt. R.D. Morehouse�s Co. H, 142nd Regt. NY Vols. who was discharged at Raleigh NC on June 7, 1865 claims invalid pension by reason of wounds received in battle. Applicant received a wound caused by a piece of shell which entered the left leg just above the knee on the inner surface passing backwards and a little outwards and emerging near the popliteal space, severing some and injuring others of the tendons of the flexor muscles of the leg. The limb is greatly weakened by the wound. He also received an injury of the left arm caused by some hard substance which struck it just above the elbow which injured the brachial nerve causing a partial paralysis of the arm. Disability total. Fee 12/ paid. (certificate) sent. Exam not ordered.

Fletcher, George

Chateaugay. (1864)

A sergeant of Capt. Hiliker's Co. "I" 16th NYS Vols. discharged at Albany NY the 15th of May, 1863 claims invalid pension by reason of a gunshot wound of the right leg made by a musketball which entered the anterior surface of the right thigh 2 or 3 inches below the groin. The ball was never extracted. Long continuous exercise of the leg causes lameness. Also, damp weather causes it to become painful. Fee paid. Certificate sent. 1/4 disability

October 19, 1865

Disability continues �.

html by Debbie Spencer-Axtman

Copyright John Austin

October 2000


You are the � Since July 20, 2000.

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