Name |
Boyea, Barney |
August 16, 1866
Late a private in Co. E, 98th Regt. NY Vols. who was discharged at
(blank) on the (blank) day of (blank) 1865, claims invalid pension by
reason of disease of right hip joint. Disease seems to be a result of
an inflammation of the tissues about the joint- muscles tendons and
ligaments- caused by lying on wet ground some time in October 1864.
The ligaments about the area are contracted, preventing free motion of
the joint. There is partial anchylosis. He is unable to walk without
the assistance of a cane. The limb is atrophied. Disability total. Fee
$1.50 paid. Certificate made and sent. Exam not ordered.
Brinning, John |
September 15, 1865
Who was a private of Capt. Scriban�s Co. C 6th Regt. NY Heavy
Art. Vols. who was discharged at Washington DC on August 24, 1865
claims invalid pension by reason of paraplegia. Paralysis affects both
limbs and pelvic viscera. Both legs are entirely useless. Disability
is total and probably temporary. Fee $1.50 paid. Certificate made and
sent. Exam not ordered.
Butler, William W. |
Late a private of Capt. Barton's Co. "C" 57th Regt. Mass.
Vols. was discharged at Worcester MA on February 9, 1865 and claims an
invalid pension by reason of alleged disability the ulceration of the
right leg just above the ankle joint, the result,as he claims of
fatigue and exposure while in the service of the US. I think that
there is a predisposition to ulceration of the leg before enlisting in
consequence of an old necrosis of the same. Forwarded a statement of
his case to the Pension Office.
Campbell, Daniel |
February 9, 1866. Living in Ottawa,Canada
Late a sergeant in Co. 34, 2nd Battalion of the VRC who was
discharged at Cairo IL on July 7, 1864 is an applicant for an invalid
pension by reason of lameness of the left knee. Wound caused by injury
to ligaments of the same. Much walking causes it to become painful and
Disability �. Probably permanent. Fee $1.50 paid. Certificate made
and sent. Exam not ordered.
Carpenter, Edwin M. |
September 29, 1865
Late a private of Co. 118, 2nd Battalion Vet. Reserve Corps, in
service of the US who was discharged at Baltimore MD on August 6, 1865
claims invalid pension by reason of disability resulting from a
gunshot wound of the right hand. Wound was caused by a musket ball
which entered the right hand on its posterior surface a little inside
and below the base of the metacarpal of bone of the thumb passing
through the hand greatly injuring the thumb and forefinger. The thumb
is atrophied and both the thumb and index finger are nearly useless.
Disability � and permanent. Fee $1.50 paid. Certificate made and
sent. Exam. not ordered.
September 14, 1866
Re-examination. Disability �.
Carpenter, Orson S. |
(September 4-6, 1865)
Late a corporal of Co. D 142nd NY Vols. in the service of the US
who was discharged at David�s Island NY Harbor on June 27, 1865 is
an applicant for invalid pension by reason of an alleged disability
resulting from a gunshot wound. Wound was caused by a musket ball
which entered the right arm about three inches below the shoulder
joint on the posterior surface passing through the arm in a direction
forward and upward fracturing the humerus and causing anchylosis of
shoulder joint. Dis. total and permanent. Fee $1.50 paid. Certificate
made and sent. Exam not ordered.
Carr, John S.
(October, 1863)
A private of Capt. William O. Sides Co. 39th Battalion of Invalid
Corps discharged at Albany NY Sept. 29,1863 claims an invalid pension
by reason of disability resulting from a gunshot wound made by a
musketball which entered the left side of the hip about 2 inches below
the superior sperous(?) process of the os illii passing directly
backward and emerging from the body near the sacrum
Cleaveland, George |
August 13, 1866
Late a private of Co. C, 98th Regt. NY Vols. is an applicant for an
invalid pension by reason of an alleged disability resulting from a
hernia. Applicant has a scrotal hernia on the right. This is a
decidedly bad case. A portion of his intestine immediately protrudes
through the abdominal rings whenever the truss, which he is obliged to
wear continually, and falls into the scrotum. (sic)
Disability � and permanent. Certificate made and sent. Exam.
Cody, Edward
Chateaugay. (June?) 1865
A private of Capt. Giles' Co."H" 98th Regt. NY Vols. who
was discharged at Washington DC on September 24, 1864 and claims an
invalid pension by reason of an alleged disability resulting from a
gunshot wound received in battle and from injury to his back caused by
a fall from a horse which happened immediately after his being shot.
The disability from the above causes totally disables him from
procuring his subsistence by normal labor. Wound was caused by musket
ball which entered the left leg on the inner surface passing inwards
and backwards emerging from the leg between the hamstrings. The inner
hamstring was wounded and is permanently contracted, which prevents
complete extension of the limb. He is also a good deal disabled from
the injury received by his fall. Disability total. Certificate made
and sent. Examination ordered.
October 17, 1865
Disability continues �.
December 18, 1865
Examination for an increase of pension. Recommend for an increase
to total on grounds of increase of weakness and pain in back and
increased atrophy of wounded limb.
Certificate made and sent. Fee $1.50. Paid, 50 cents
Collins, John A. |
April 18, 1866
Late a private in Co. B, 11th Vermont Vols. Artillery who was
discharged September 2, 1865 at Burlington VT claims invalid pension
by reason of gunshot wound. Wound was caused by a musket ball which
severed the 2nd finger of the right hand at the last joint.
Disability 1/3. Certificate made and sent. Exam. not ordered.