1850 Ft. Covington, Franklin, NY Census
This is the 1850 census of Ft.
Covington NY. The writing itself is not very difficult to read,
but the spelling of many of the names, especially French names,
was erratic and many were changed as they were typed. The list
below explains the major editorial changes that were made so as
to make this census easier to use.
Charlotte Babcock�s name may have been a mistake. The census taker did not list an age, sex or birthplace for her Benjamin Bacy�s name was spelled with what looks like one "c", but it may be an "r", which would make it Barry John Baptiste�s name is hard to read. It looks like Battease in the original, and may be something else entirely John Barry was originally listed as Berry, but Barry is the more common Irish name by far Catherine Beatty was listed as Batey Peter Besaw may not have been related to Harvey Besaw, but they were both living with Horace Danforth so they were listed together Seth Blanchard�s oldest child was listed as Aletus here, but as Ziletus in 1860. Also, the 1 yr. old "infant" must be the 13 yr. old Rollin listed in the 1860 census Sleeman Blood was listed as Solomon Blood Louis Bona�s name could be several different things eg "Bonnet" Emily Bouchere�s name looks like Busher in the original Michael Caldwell was listed as Colwell and could also be Coldwell. Son Lawrence�s wife is listed as Lasell(?), but appears to be Susan in the baptismal records of St. Patrick�s Church in Hogansburg Daniel Cameron�s family was listed as all having been born in NY. However, it looks much more like "NC" in the original than it does "NY" John Cartwright�s family are all listed as being mulattoes, including 90 year old Margaret Gorette, who may have been his mother in law Francis Champion appears as Shompia in the original; Champier is another possibility Ellen Cheever, Mary Cheever and Orissa Cheever were listed as Cheber/Cheeber and were probably orphan sisters Elizabeth Costello appears as Castellaugh in the original, which is not an Irish name Dennis Coughlin is listed as Coffin in the original, but as Coughlin in church records so that was the name chosen Mary Coydon�s name may be Cogden, but neither appears to be an Irish name Thomas Creed may have been listed twice, once with family and once with his employer Louisa Daben�s name is not correct. It is smudged in the original and hard to see Franklin Despain�s last name definitely begins with "Disp�" and followed by approximately 3 letters. Perhaps "Despaw"? Persian Dewell�s name may have been Duell, and his first name may also be incorrect Thomas Diamond was originally listed as Demond Henry Ellsworth appears as Harry in the original Baptiste Fayhee�s name is a puzzle. Fahy is an Irish name, but it would appear that he was French-speaking. The name was probably "Jean Baptiste ��.." All Foberts originally were listed as Fobare Lyman Folsom appears as Lymon Falsem in the original Plazam(?) Frenchman is almost certainly not the correct name, but there is no clue as the correct surname Alexander Gallagher appears as Galliher, and there are many other ways to spell this name Peter Gebraw�s name appears exactly like that in the original, but may be Gibault, Jebo, Gibo, or something else Wiiliam Gillis and Hugh Gillis may not have been related, but they were both rooming at Spencer�s Hotel, and they were listed together as it seemed likely that they were somehow related Simon Gleason was listed as Simeon Glasson in the original. However, he appears as Simon Gleason in the 1845 and 1860 censuses of Ft. Covington Philip Glover is listed as Glever in the original Mary Gokey is listed as Goachey in the original Enos Goslow could be Ignace Goslow if his name was of French origin Robert Graham was listed as Grame, which may have been correct afterall Thomas Harran and his brother Stephen are listed as Herin, and could also be Herron John Harran may be Hennon, or the more proper Irish name Heran Vincent Hart is listed as Bassaw Hart, but was also known as Andrew Polo Christina Herriman may have been named Chastine, according to her gravestone in Ft. Covington Maurice Jandreau was listed as Morris Shandro Joseph Jandreau was listed as Shandraw. His oldest son Philemon was listed as being a mulatto William Keefe�s wife Anastasia was listed as Annis, but baptismal records say her full name was Anastasia David Kind could be David Rind, but neither sounds correct as a Scottish name John Laban could be Sabin, but the first letter looks more like an "L" Peter LaBare and Charles LaBare are actually spelled LaBar The LaBrakes could all be LaBreck/LaBrecque Maurice LaDuke�s first name was listed as Morris in the original Michael Lafayette�s name looks like "Lafyell", but perhaps there were "t�s" at the end which just did not get crossed Vincent LaFlesh and his son were both listed as Bassaw in the original Theodore LaFort was originally listed as Lafore, which may be correct afterall Sarah Lanthy�s last name is certainly not correct, but no other alternative suggests itself Louis LaVigne was listed as Lewis Labean in the original Joseph LeCoeur was actually listed as Joseph Liquor Alexander Lemban could be several other names eg Leraban, Lambert or perhaps one that begins with "S" Michael Leonard and family appear to have been counted twice, once on each side of John Foster�s house. Oddly enough, his daughter Bridget was 5 yrs old on one side, and 6 yrs old on the other. Apparently his wife�s name was Mary Ann, as she was listed as both Mary and Ann Dennis Mahansah�s name does not seem to be an Irish name, but no alternative could be found James McCarty appears as McCarter in the original but as McCarty in 1860. McCarty is a much more common name than McCarter, but McCarter may be correct Ann McCrea was listed as Crea, and may have been Ann Creagh or McCrae John McDonald and Catherine McDonald may not be related, but they were both living with and working for Thomas Richey Christmas McDonald�s wife was listed as simply "Mrs." but appears as either Margaret or Mary in baptismal records Margaret McDougal appeared as McDougald in the original, but McDougal seems more likely George McEwen was originally listed as McCuen The McGiven family is listed as McGiffen in 1860, and both names are possible William McKinney could also be McKenna, which is how some of the family was listed in 1860 John McLaughlin appears as McGlough, which is not an Irish name but would be pronounced like the first part of McLaughlin, so the change was made Jane McLean appears as McClain in the original, a spelling which is now commonly found in Franklin Co. Angus McMarshall�s name looks like McMarsha in the original, and may be something completely different Lily McPherson was listed as McPerson, but McPherson seems more likely Edward McQuain�s name appears in other records as McQueen, McQuinn and McQuinny James McVicker is actually listed as McBiggar, but the census taker often inserted "B" for "V" Uria Merrick�s name is unclear. He was listed as I. A. Merrick in 1860 and his grave appears to say Iavin Daniel Nolan is actually listed as Knowlin, which can be a variant spelling. However, Nolan was chosen because it is the much more common form Alden Pecor�s name is smudged and looks like it might be Oldin Julia Perica could be Perikee, or Perrigo. She appears to be 15 and living by herself The Portalance family appears as Pelass in the original, but as Portalance in baptismal records and as Portallos in the Ft. Covington Vital Records of 1848. The baby Napoleon is listed as an un-named female infant in the original David Reid was listed as David Read originally Isaac Reynolds� infant son may have been the Elander P. Reynolds listed as being 8 years old in the 1860 census Benjamin Rolfe appears as Rolphe, and Francis Rolfe was listed as Rolph, and any of those choices may be correct Dennis Rousseau is listed as Resaw in the original, and Mark Rousseau appears as Rusaw Peter Russell and his wife Matilda are listed with one child, 7 yr. old Joseph. But then 3 other Russell children, all under the age of 7 are listed as being in the next house, living with 4 yr old Rosa Martin and 19 yr old Margaret Mind. It seemed unusual, so all the people mentioned above were reported in this listing as living in the same house with Peter Russell Hiram Russell�s infant son has no name in this census, but is listed as Daniel in the 1860 census, so that is how he is listed here Louis Sadboy cannot be correct. Perhaps Gadbois? However, the name definitely is spelled as "Sadboy", not with a "G". Frederick Sharra�s name could be something like Charet or Charais Alexander(?) Shayon(?) is not correct. However, the first name was scratched out and is hard to read. It may be Alexander after all. The correct spelling of the last name probably begins with "Cha�" Jebo Shorette is listed as Jebo Short in the original, and his wife as "Mrs." Tuffield Shorette appears as Treffel, but as Tuffield in the 1860 census Adeline Smith is listed as living with Daniel Griffin, but she may be the wife of Heman Smith who lived next door, and may have been put in the wrong household by mistake James Spencer�s occupation might be Sawyer instead of Lawyer Julia St.Jule was listed as Julia St.Julia in the original, and that name may be correct, but the name St.Jule was much more common in Franklin Co. Similarly, Peter St.Julia may have been Peter St.Jule Azubah Stiles seems to be listed as 12 yrs old, but that may be transcription error on his part. She was the wife of Abial Sr. and would have been about 72 yrs old, so that is how she was listed here Platte Streeter is listed as Plate in the original, which did not seem likely, although Platte may also be wrong John Tuper is listed as Tupa in the original, and both were probably pronounced "TooPAY" Joshua Vachon was listed as Vishaw in the original John Vast is listed as Vass in the 1860 census, and Voss seems a likely alternative Harriet Vavio is listed as Babyo, and the "B�s" were changed to "V�s" because the census taker had a habit of mis-hearing those letters. The actual last name may be almost anything, but it is probably not Babyo. Perhaps Vavient? Benjamin Villeneuve appears as Binob in the original. The name is also spelled Villenave, Villnave,and Villeneuf. Julia Villeneuve may also have been his daughter John Vivlamore was listed as Biblamore. His son Ham was listed as Cano(?) in 1860 and son listed as "infant" in 1850 was listed as Lawrence in 1860
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