1860 Franklin Town, Franklin County, NY Census


Transcribed and submitted by John Austin
This is the 1860 census of the Town of Franklin, Franklin Co., NY. The Brady, Bailey, Bunyan, Morehouse, Thomas and Hollan families were black, originally from Maryland or Delaware, and may have been associated with the abolitionist John Brown.
Bosford, Alice looks more like Bosfosh
Dillon, John actually appears as Delen, which is not an Irish name. Dillon may not be correct either.
Ennis, Thomas appears as Enos
Gelaht(?), Thomas the last name is not correct, but is too faint to make a better guess
Hawkins, Lemuel he and wife are at the bottom of a page, the children at the top of the next page were listed as Hopkins, but that is probably a mistake
Hughes, Nancy was listed as Hews
Lamois, William appears as Lamwa
Lamsons may be Lampsons, as one was listed that way
McKillip, John was listed as McCaleb but as McKillip in 1870
Woodruff, William his wife and children�s names are missing, just labeled as Mrs. and boy/girl. However, the girl is listed as a male in the sex column

Copyright John Austin

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