Name |
Birthplace |
Father |
Mother |
Unit |
Rank |
Enlisted |
Occupation |
Comments |
Mullholland, Eleazer |
New York |
1836 |
98th NY Co. G |
1st Lt. |
Oct., 1861 |
Trader |
mustered out June 3, 1863 at
New Berne NC. (AG; 1860) |
Murray, George |
1843 |
98th NY Co. D |
Pvt. |
Oct., 1861 |
discharged for disability
October 23, 1862. He was living in West Bangor in 1890. but does not
appear in the 1860 census of Bangor. He appears as "More" on
the muster roll of the 98th Co. D. d. 1902 (AG; muster roll; 1890;
pension app. ) |
Murray, James |
1817 |
98th NY Co. D |
Corp. |
Oct., 1861 |
enlisted at Bangor the same
day and in the same company as George Murray, so this might be his
father. Discharged April 1862 at Newport News VA. (AG) |
Oaks, Joseph |
1835 |
106th NY Co. I |
Pvt. |
Jul., 1862 |
mustered out in June 1865
from Hicks Hospital, Baltimore, MD. He enlisted in Malone but was
living in the Town of Bangor in 1890. d. 1916 and is buried at North
Bangor, NY (1890; AG; cem) |
Orton, John W. |
New York (Canada?) |
1844 |
George Orton |
Jane _______ |
142nd NY Co. F |
Pvt. |
Aug., 1862 |
Farmer |
absent, sick in hospital at
muster out of company. (Hurd; 1865) |
Orton, Oliver G. |
Canada |
1837 |
142nd NY Co. F |
Pvt. |
Sep., 1862 |
Farmer |
may have deserted right
after enlisting, but apparently came back as he was wounded in action
at Ft. Fisher NC in January 1865. Mustered out in June 1865 at Albany,
NY. Records of the 142nd list him twice. He was living in Bangor in
1890 but d. in 1915 and is buried at Brushton, NY. |
Packard, David |
Vermont |
1813 |
98th NY Co. F |
Pvt. |
Oct., 1861 |
Farmer |
mustered out February 6,
1862 at Malone NY. |
Patnode, Frank |
Canada |
1833 |
142nd NY Co. F |
Pvt. |
Aug., 1862 |
Blacksmith |
mustered out with company in
June 1865 at Raleigh NC. (Hurd) |
Patnode, Israel |
1832 |
Pvt. |
Jul., 1863 |
died July 27, 1864 at an
unknown location. The 1865 list of men who were killed says he was in
the 98th NY Inf. but there is no record of him there. (1865) |
Perkins, Albert |
Bangor, NY |
Sep., 15, 1842 |
Spencer Perkins |
Lorinda ______ |
11th Cav. Co. B |
Pvt. |
Aug., 1864 |
Farmer |
discharged in June1865. PO
address: South Bangor, NY |
Piper, James E. |
New York |
1824 |
142nd NY Co. F |
Pvt. |
Aug., 1862 |
Farmer |
discharged for disability
May 2, 1863. (AG; 1860) |
Place, Hiram |
New York |
1845 |
John Place |
Minerva ______ |
60th NY Co. E |
Pvt. |
Oct., 1861 |
Laborer |
transferred to the 6th US
Cavalry in October, 1862. (1860; AG) |
Place, John |
New York |
1827 |
60th NY Co. E |
Pvt. |
Sep., 1861 |
Laborer |
deserted August 12, 1862.
(1860; AG) |
Reynolds, Barber B. |
Vermont |
1822 |
6th Art. Co. M |
Pvt. |
Sep., 1864 |
Farmer |
mustered out in June 1865 at
Petersburg, VA. Appears on 1865 military list for Bombay, but was
living in Bangor in 1860. (1865; AG;1860) |
Reynolds, Solon |
Grand Isle, VT |
Aug. 11, 1831 |
Guy Reynolds |
Mary Hyde |
142nd NY Co. D |
2nd Lt. |
Sep., 1862 |
Merchant |
discharged for disability in
January 1863. d. 1914 and is buried at North Bangor, NY (1865; cem.
AG) |
Roach, Hartwell Samuel |
New York |
1839 |
Nicholas Roach |
Susan _______ |
142nd NY Co. D |
Corp. |
Aug., 1862 |
Farmer |
mustered out in June 1865 at
Raleigh NC. d. 1925 (1860; 1890; AG) |
Roach, Nicholas |
Canada |
1817(?) |
98th NY Co. D |
Pvt. |
Oct., 1861 |
discharged October 1862 at
Baltimore, MD. (1860; AG) |
Rockwell, Cyrus S. |
Canada |
1837 |
2nd VT Co. B |
Pvt. |
Sep., 1861 |
listed in the 1865 list of
discharged men and appears in the 1890 veterans census as living in
East Dickinson, NY. (1865; 1890) |
Rollins, Barber |
1832 |
Farmer |
discharged before June 1865.
(1865) |
Ross, John G. |
Vermont |
1825 |
142nd NY Co. F |
Pvt. |
Aug., 1862 |
Farmer |
deserted February 1864 upon
expiration of furlough. (Hurd; 1860; AG) |
Ross, Samuel |
1833 |
98th NY Co. B |
Pvt. |
Nov., 1861 |
enlisted in Stockholm, NY
and died of chronic dysentery in Annapolis MD on March 17, 1865.
Buried at Annapolis National Cemetery in Grave 794. (1865; AG) |
Sabin, Melvin |
Franklin Co. |
1847 |
Farmer |
appears on the 1865 military
list of men discharged by 1865, but with no details. (1865) |
Sampson, Sidney W. |
Vermont |
1835 |
98th NY Co. D |
Pvt. |
Nov., 1861 |
Farmer |
wounded May 31, 1862 at the
battle of Fair Oaks VA and died of his wounds June 14, 1862 at
Yorktown VA. Buried at Yorktown National Cemetery in Grave 1089.
(1860; AG) |
Santimo, Charles |
1841 |
98th NY Co. G |
Pvt. |
Nov., 1861 |
name may be
"Santamore". Appears on the 1865 military list for Brandon.
Mustered out in August 1865 at Richmond, VA and d. 1902 and is buried
at North Bangor, NY. (1890; 1865; AG; cem. ) |
Santimo, Dustin |
Canada |
1817 |
98th NY Co. G |
Pvt. |
Dec., 1861 |
Laborer |
discharged for disability in
October 1862 at Craney Island VA. (1860; AG) |
Shanta, Lewis |
Canada |
1845 |
Lewis Shanta |
Julia _______ |
98th NY Co. H |
Pvt. |
Dec., 1863 |
lived in Bangor, but was
living in Westville in 1890. He was discharged at Richmond VA in
August 1865. Name may be "Shantie" (which is how he is
listed in the 1860 census of Bangor). d. 1932 and is buried at North
Bangor, NY (1860; 1890; AG) |
Silsby, George |
New York |
1843 |
Alfred Silsby |
Lucy _________ |
60th NY Co. E |
Pvt. |
Dec., 1861 |
Farmer |
mustered out in January
1865. (1860; AG) |
Silsby, Herbert N. |
New York |
1844 |
Alfred Silsby |
Lucy _______ |
142nd NY Co. F |
Pvt. |
Aug., 1862 |
Farmer |
mustered out June 7, 1865 at
Raleigh NC. d. 1915 in Toledo, OH. (Hurd; 1860; AG) |
Silsby, James |
New York |
1841 |
Alfred Silsby |
Lucy _______ |
60th NY Co. E |
Pvt. |
Oct., 1861 |
Farmer |
re-enlisted in December 1863
and wounded in action June 19, 1864. Died of wounds June 20, 1864.
Buried at Marietta National Cemetery in Grave 8239. (1860; AG) |
Silsby, Samuel |
New York |
1839 |
Alfred Silsby |
Lucy _______ |
106th NY Co. H |
Pvt. |
Aug., 1862 |
killed in action at
Winchester VA September 19, 1864. (1865; AG; 1890) |
Smith, Horace C. |
Woodstock, Connecticut |
May 11, 1818 |
Dorcas ______ |
98th NY Co. D |
Pvt. |
Aug., 1864 |
Farmer |
shot in the head at the
battle of Chapin�s Farm VA on September 29, 1864 and died. Buried
near the fort. PO address: Moira NY |
Smith, Talmadge B. |
New York |
1845 |
Ordelin Smith |
2nd Vet. Cav. Co. H |
Pvt. |
Oct., 1863 |
died of disease July 4, 1864
at New Orleans. (AG; 1860) |
Somers, Austin |
Vermont |
1843 |
Bartholomew Somers |
Mary _______ |
60th NY Co. E |
Pvt. |
Oct., 1861 |
Sawyer |
mustered out in October
1864. (1860; AG) |
Somers, Benjamin Colson |
New York |
1841 |
Bartholomew Somers |
Mary ________ |
60th NY Co. E |
Pvt. |
Sep., 1861 |
Sawyer |
discharged for disability in
April 1863 at Washington DC. Living in St. Regis Falls in 1890 and d.
there in 1920. Buried at St. Regis Falls, NY (1860; 1890; AG; cem. ) |
Somers, George Arba |
Vermont |
1845 |
Bartholomew Somers |
Mary _______ |
142nd NY Co. F |
Pvt. |
Aug., 1862 |
Sawyer |
mustered out in July 1865 at
Albany while in hospital at Troy, NY. d. 1917 and is buried at St. Regis
Falls, NY as "Arba G. Somers" (1860; Hurd; AG; cem) |
Southworth, Elijah |
Vermont |
1815 |
106th NY Co. H |
Pvt. |
Aug., 1862 |
Farmer |
died August 10, 1863 at
Washington, DC and is buried at Soldiers and Airmen's National
Cemetery in Grave 862. (1860; AG; 1890) |
Spaulding, John Miles |
Ft. Covington, NY |
1844 |
James Spaulding |
Lydia Ann Allen |
142nd NY Co. D |
Pvt. |
Aug., 1862 |
Farmer |
mustered out in June 1865 at
Ft. Monroe hospital. (1860; AG) |
Spencer, William |
Franklin Co. |
1820 |
98th NY Co. C |
Pvt. |
Oct., 1861 |
Farmer |
discharged in July 1863 at
Philadelphia, PA. d. 1913 (1865; AG; 1890) |
Sperry, Lyman B. |
North Bangor, NY |
June 23 1838 |
Samuel Sperry |
Polly Hayward Bell |
98th NY Co. B |
Capt. |
Aug., 1862 |
rose from Private to Captain
and was discharged in August 1865. Married Ellen Augusta Dustin in
1865. d. 1920 at Malone, NY (AG;1890; 1860) |
Stanhope, Abner |
Bangor, NY |
June 11, 1846 |
Joseph Stanhope |
Maria Wilson |
193rd NY Co. F |
Pvt. |
Mar., 1865 |
Farmer |
mustered out in January 1866
at Harper's Ferry VA |
Stanhope, Josiah |
Franklin Co. |
1831 |
Farmer |
listed in the 1865 list of
discharged men but with no details (1865) |
Stanhope, Obed |
Franklin Co. |
1842 |
Joseph Stanhope |
Maria Wilson |
9th VT Co. A |
Pvt. |
Sep., 1863 |
Farmer |
appears on the list of men
from Moira who are still in service in 1865, but was from Bangor, NY.
(1860; 1865) |
Stanhope, Sylvester |
Richford, VT |
May 29, 1834 |
Joseph Stanhope |
Maria Wilson |
98th NY Co. D |
Pvt. |
Jan., 1864 |
Farmer |
received a slight wound in
the wrist at Cold Harbor, VA. Discharged in August 1865. PO address:
Cook's Corners, Town of Bangor, Franklin Co. NY |
Stanley, Myron D. |
Vermont |
1838 |
Abijah Stanley |
Mary _______ |
60th NY Co. E |
1st Lt. |
Sep., 1861 |
Shoemaker |
wounded at Gettysburg, July
2, 1863 and died of his wounds on July 8, 1863. Buried at Gettysburg
National Cemetery in Section B, Grave 81 (AG; 1860) |
Steenberge, Henry |
Franklin Co. |
1843 |
Allen Steenberge |
Sarah ______ |
142nd NY Co. D |
Pvt. |
Aug., 1862 |
Farmer |
discharged for disability in
July 1863. (1860; 1865; AG) |
Steenberge, Standish |
Franklin Co. |
1846 |
Stephen Steenberge |
98th NY Co. D |
Pvt. |
Mar., 1864 |
Farmer |
discharged for disability
(palsy due to measles) in December 1864 at Albany NY. d. 1927 and is
buried at North Bangor, NY (1860; 1865; AG; Cem. ) |