Franklin County, NY
Veterans' Census
Fountain - Griffin
Name | Town | Rank | Unit | Enlisted | Remarks |
Fountain, Paul |
Malone |
Pvt. |
9th NY Co. I |
Jul., 1863 |
rheumatism and lost finger on right hand |
Fox, Nicholas |
Franklin |
Pvt. |
142nd NY Co. D |
Sep., 1864 |
discharged in June 1865 |
Fox, Patrick |
Franklin |
Pvt. |
5th VT Co. H |
Aug., 1861 |
gunshot wound in head. Re-enlisted in US Infantry and Marine Corps, served 8 years 2 months. |
Foy, Patrick H. |
Malone |
Corp. |
26th Cav. Co. I |
Jan., 1865 |
discharged in July 1865. Last name may be "Fay" |
Fraser, Collin |
Malone |
Pvt. |
98th NY Co. H |
Dec., 1861 |
foot wounded and weak lungs |
French, George H. |
Malone |
. |
. |
. |
. |
French, Hiram T. |
Malone |
2ndLt |
142nd NY Co. D |
Aug.,1862 |
discharged for disability in March 1864 |
French, Joseph |
Moira |
Pvt. |
98th NY Co. H |
Mar., 1864 |
shot in neck and wrist |
French, Peter |
Ft.Covington |
Pvt. |
97th NY Co. D |
Aug., 1863 |
rheumatism and palsey complaint |
Friend, Harry H. widow Hannah |
Burke |
Pvt. |
83rd NY Co. I |
Jul., 1863 |
gunshot wound right forefinger. Discharged in Feb. 1864 |
Fuller, Alonzo R. |
Duane |
Pvt. |
16th NY Co. B |
Apr., 1861 |
discharged in August 1863 |
Gabree, William |
Bangor |
Pvt. |
60th NY Co. E |
Sep., 1861 |
injury to foot. Re-enlisted veteran |
Gale, Edmund A. |
Franklin |
Sgt. |
2nd Cav. Co. M |
Oct., 1861 |
hurt back by horse falling on him |
Gardner, Joseph |
Dickinson |
Pvt. |
11th VT Co. K |
Jul., 1862 |
diarrhea and eyesight |
Garland, John |
Duane |
Pvt. |
60th NY Co. E |
Jan., 1864 |
discharged in July 1865 |
Gaskill, William Monroe |
Harrietstown |
Corp. |
118th NY Co. C |
Aug., 1862 |
discharged in June 1865 |
Gates, George E. |
Constable |
Pvt. |
106th NY Co. H |
Aug., 1862 |
phthisis of right lung |
Gebo, Moses |
Malone |
Pvt. |
98th NY Co. E |
Dec., 1861 |
discharged in August 1865 |
Gebo, Reuben |
Malone |
Pvt. |
106th NY Co. I |
Jul., 1862 |
eyes injured by blast at New Creek VA |
Genaway, Samuel C. |
Chateaugay |
Pvt. |
1st Eng. Co. H |
Sep., 1864 |
discharged in June 1865 |
Gero, John |
Malone |
Pvt. |
98th NY Co. F |
Mar., 1864 |
shell wound in left leg |
Gero, Peter widow Sarah A. |
Bellmont |
Pvt. Pvt, |
98th NY Co. B 5th US Art. Co. M |
Nov., 1861 Nov., 1864 |
fever and ague |
Gerow, Benjamin |
Waverly |
Pvt. |
2nd VT Co. G |
Aug., 1862 |
gunshot wound and sunstroke |
Gerow, Emile |
Westville |
Pvt. |
134th IL Co. E 26th Cav. Co. I |
May, 1864 Feb., 1865 |
breach |
Gerow, John |
Santa Clara |
Pvt. |
16th NY Co. C |
May, 1861 |
gunshot left side of head, eyesight hurt |
Gibbs, George W. |
Bangor |
Pvt. |
1st Art. Co. H |
Oct., 1861 |
. |
Gibbs, James W. |
Waverly |
Pvt. |
60th NY Co. E |
Feb., 1864 |
ruptured |
Gibbs, John E. |
Waverly |
Pvt. |
106th NY Co. H |
Aug., 1862 |
gunshot wound |
Gibbs, Newell C. |
Bangor |
Pvt. |
193rd NY Co. A |
Mar., 1865 |
. |
Giffin, Martin E. |
Waverly |
Corp. |
98th NY Co. G |
Nov., 1861 |
discharged in August 1865 |
Gilbert, Ebenezer |
Bellmont |
Pvt. |
98th NY Co. D |
Nov., 1861 |
papers in Washington |
Gilbert, Nelson widow Rosella |
Bangor |
Pvt. |
98th NY Co. D |
Jan., 1862 |
died in June 1862 |
Gilbert, Wesley |
Waverly |
Pvt. |
16th Art. Co. B |
Nov., 1863 |
kidney(?) complaint |
Gillen, George A. |
Waverly |
. |
. |
. |
. |
Gillis, Duncan |
Ft.Covington |
Corp. |
1st Eng. Co. G |
Oct., 1862 |
wounded in knee, heart disease |
Glazier, Charles H. |
Bellmont |
Pvt. Pvt. |
98th NY Co. A 96th NY Co. G |
Nov., 1861 Apr., 1865 |
lived near Chasm Falls. Injured right knee |
Gleason, Levi B. |
Ft.Covington |
Corp. |
144th IL Co. A |
Sep., 1864 |
typhoid fever |
Gleason, Samuel W. |
Dickinson |
Pvt. |
16th NY Co. I |
Sep., 1861 |
bronchitis, catarrh; re-enlisted veteran |
Gobin, Philander widow Mary Jane |
Burke |
. |
. |
. |
seaman. No further facts can be obtained. |
Gonia, Isaac |
Moira |
Pvt. |
16th NY Co. I 18th Cav. Co. I |
May, 1861 Jan., 1864 |
shot in hand and index finger shot off. Not able to work 1/4 of the time. |
Gonyea, Lewis |
Dickinson |
Pvt. |
11th VT Co. K |
Aug., 1862 |
scurvy, rheumatism and piles. Prisoner at Danville, Salsbury, Libby, Belle Isle, and Andersonville. |
Goodrow, William |
Malone |
Pvt. |
12th VT Co. G |
1862 |
disease of testicles. Discharged in July 1863 |
Goodspeed, Augustus |
Franklin |
Pvt. |
17th VT Co. D |
Feb., 1864 |
chronic diarrhea, hydrocoele, piles, varicose veins. Partially disabled ever since the war |
Gordon, Julius |
Malone |
Pvt. |
69th NY Co. E |
Aug., 1864 |
dyspepsia and bowel complaint |
Grandy, Lewis N. |
Moira |
Pvt. |
98th NY Co. G 8th MI Co. F |
Oct., 1861 Jan.., 1863 |
effects of typhoid fever and chronic rheumatism |
Grant, Joseph |
Malone |
Pvt. |
27th CT Inf. |
Oct., 1862 |
discharged in June 1865 |
Grant, Silas W. |
Malone |
Pvt. |
2nd Cav. Co. H |
Sep., 1864 |
sunstroke. re-enlisted in the regular army |
Gratton, Jerry |
Ft.Covington |
Pvt. |
98th NY Co. H |
Oct., 1861 |
heart disease increasing |
Gratton, Lewis |
Westville |
Pvt. |
121st NY Co. A |
Mar., 1865 |
. |
Gravell, Michael |
Constable |
Pvt. |
98th NY Co. D |
Nov., 1861 |
lost or blinded in left eye |
Graves, Thompson Jr. |
Malone |
Pvt. |
1st Ind. Batt. |
Aug., 1864 |
rheumatism, great sufferer |
Gray, Charles widow Phebe |
Harrietstown |
Pvt. |
2nd Cav. Co. E |
Aug., 1864 |
discharged in June 1865 |
Green Ira C. widow Hattie J. Evans |
Waverly |
Pvt. |
193rd NY Co. F |
Mar., 1864 |
discharged in January 1866 |
Greene, Jesse |
Burke |
Pvt. |
96th NY Co. A |
Oct., 1861 |
discharged in April 1862 |
Greenleaf, George C. |
Moira |
Sgt. |
10th Art. Co. F |
Aug., 1862 |
sunstroke |
Greeno, John B. |
Moira |
Pvt. |
16th Cav. Co. F |
Aug., 1864 |
discharged in May 1865 |
Griffin, David |
Moira |
Pvt. |
13th Art. Co. H |
Jan., 1864 |
discharged in August 1865 |
Griffin, George W. |
Westville |
Music. |
142nd NY Co. D |
Aug., 1862 |
general disability, heart disease and rheumatism |
Copyright John Austin
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