Franklin County, NY
Veterans' Census
Elliott - Fountain
Name | Town | Rank | Unit | Enlisted | Remarks |
Elliott, Allen |
Malone |
Pvt. |
1st Eng. Co. G |
Mar., 1863 |
kidney complaint and rheumatism |
Elliott, George W. |
Westville |
Pvt. |
57th MA Co. E |
Jan., 1864 |
wounded in left leg and arm |
Ellis, George W. |
Malone |
Pvt. |
106th NY Co. I |
Aug., 1862 |
kidney disease and rheumatism, great sufferer |
Ells, William widow Ann |
Harrietstown |
Pvt. |
2nd Cav. Co. H |
Dec., 1863 |
discharged in July 1865 |
Ellsworth, Horace B. |
Westville |
Pvt. |
106th NY Co. F |
June, 1862 |
hurt across back |
Ellsworth, Melvin |
Waverly |
Pvt. |
10th Art. Co. N |
1864 |
heart disease, Bright's disease and kidneys |
Elmer, Hiram E. |
Moira |
Pvt. |
94th NY Co. E |
Dec., 1861 |
discharged in December 1864 |
Emerson, William |
Burke |
Pvt. |
13th VT Co. H |
. |
discharged in Washington in July 1863. Cannot give date of enlistment |
Emlaw, Zebulon |
Dickinson |
Pvt. |
98th NY Co. C |
Nov., 1861 |
blind piles. Re-enlisted veteran |
Erwin, David |
Moira |
Corp. |
106th NY Co. I |
Aug., 1862 |
discharged in June 1865 |
Erwin, John |
Moira |
Corp. |
106th NY Co. I |
Aug., 1862 |
discharged in June 1865 |
Erwin, Ralph |
Malone |
Surg. |
2nd VT Brigade |
Feb., 1862 |
chronic diarrhea and loss of right eye |
Estabrooks, Ashbell P. |
Constable |
Pvt. |
142nd NY Co. H |
Aug., 1862 |
deafness and lost left arm from grapeshot wound |
Evans, Benjamin F |
Dickinson |
Pvt. |
6th MA Co. A |
Aug., 1862 |
mustered out in June 1863. Chronic diarrhea |
Everest, Byron |
Malone |
Pvt. |
16th NY Co. I |
Apr., 1861 |
discharged in 1865 |
Fairchild, Henry |
Bangor |
Pvt. |
142nd NY Co. G |
Aug., 1862 |
chronic diarrhea |
Fairman, Russell |
Chateaugay |
Pvt. |
1st Eng. Co. H |
Sep., 1864 |
discharged in June 1865 |
Farmer, Harrison B. |
Brandon |
Pvt. |
11th Cav. Co.E |
Aug., 1864 |
discharged in June 1865 |
Farquhar, William |
Chateaugay |
Corp. |
96th NY Co. I |
June, 1861 |
discharged for disability in 1862 |
Farr, Alfred |
Brandon |
Pvt. |
142nd NY Co. H |
Aug., 1862 |
chronic diarrhea and dropsy. Blind in one eye and deaf in one ear |
Farr, Allen |
Dickinson |
Pvt. |
142nd NY Co. F |
Aug., 1862 |
piles, gunshot wound |
Farr, Isaac |
Waverly |
Pvt. |
142nd NY Co. F |
Aug., 1862 |
mustered out in August 1865 |
Farrar, Columbus |
Dickinson |
Pvt. |
92nd NY Co. G |
Oct., 1861 |
heart, lungs and liver. Re-enlisted veteran, also served in the 193rd NY Inf. |
Farrar, Howard |
Malone |
Pvt. |
1st NH Lt. Batt. |
Aug., 1861 |
gunshot through hip, lodging between hip and back bone. Discharged for disability in February 1863. |
Farrar, Isaac B. |
Malone |
Pvt. |
106th NY Co. H |
June, 1862 |
chronic diarrhea prevents work |
Farrell, Peter |
Constable |
Pvt. |
5th CT Inf.Co. C |
Apr., 1861 |
gunshot wound in leg |
Farrier, Julius |
Constable |
Pvt. |
98th NY Co. B |
Nov., 1861 |
chronic asthma |
Fay, Charles W. |
Burke |
Pvt. |
4th MA Art. Co. D |
Aug., 1864 |
discharged in June 1865 |
Fay, Joseph |
Ft.Covington |
Pvt. |
98th NY Co. H |
Nov., 1861 |
failure of eyesight |
Fayette, Gilbert H. |
Brighton |
Pvt. |
26th Cav. Co. I |
Feb., 1865 |
asthma and heart trouble |
Fayette, Harrison |
Malone |
Pvt. |
98th NY Co. F |
Mar., 1864 |
chronic diarrhea and rheumatism. Health gone |
Fayette, Nelson |
Malone |
Pvt. |
98th NY Co. F |
Mar., 1864 |
asthma |
Felica(?), Joseph |
Brighton |
. |
. |
. |
. |
Fellows, Loreston |
Dickinson |
Sgt. |
60th NY Co. E |
Sep., 1861 |
discharged for disability and later re-enlisted as a private |
Fellows, William |
Malone |
Hos.St. |
19th US Inf. |
Jan., 1863 |
hospital steward. Discharged in December 1865 |
Fenton, Theodocius |
Burke |
Pvt. |
98th NY Co. D |
Aug., 1864 |
discharged in June 1865 |
Fifield, William widow Maria |
Bellmont |
Pvt. |
92nd NY Co. B |
Oct., 1861 |
sunstroke |
Finn, William |
Chateaugay |
Cab.St.Mas.Mt. |
USS Colorado USS Shawsheen |
Apr., 1861 Feb., 1864 |
cabin steward on the USS Colorado and USS Cayuga. Masters Mate on USS Shawsheen. Chronic diarrhea |
Finnegan, Richard M. |
Harrietstown |
Corp. |
118th NY Co. C |
Jul., 1862 |
wounded in left hip and abdomen |
Fish, Peter |
Waverly |
Pvt. |
43rd NY |
. |
. |
Fisher, Luke widow Melissa |
Westville |
Pvt. |
142nd NY Co. D |
Aug.,1862 |
died of disease in March 1863 |
Flagg, Silas S. |
Harrietstown |
Pvt. |
118th NY Co. F |
Aug., 1862 |
chronic diarrhea |
Flanders, Napoleon B. |
Franklin |
Corp. |
1st Eng. Co. L |
Dec., 1863 |
heart trouble and rheumatism. Went out as a private |
Flanders, Oren L. |
Franklin |
Pvt. |
96th NY Co. C |
Nov., 1861 |
rheumatism and chronic disease of the throat. Re-enlisted veteran |
Flanders, Warren C. |
Franklin |
Pvt. |
96th NY Co. C |
Nov., 1861 |
re-enlisted in 1864. Heart disease |
Fletcher, John W. |
Franklin |
Pvt. |
118th NY Co. K |
Jul., 1862 |
discharged in May 1865 |
Flint, Warren J. |
Bangor |
Pvt. |
60th NY Co. I |
Aug., 1864 |
. |
Fobare, Henry |
Malone |
Pvt. |
. |
1861 |
discharged in 1865 |
Foote, James |
Duane |
Corp. |
98th NY Co. D |
Oct., 1861 |
4 months in Salisbury prison |
Ford, John |
Waverly |
Pvt. |
16th NY Co. B |
Apr., 1861 |
mustered out in June 1865 |
Forkey, Delvado |
Bellmont |
Pvt. |
193rd NY Co. B |
Mar., 1865 |
no discharge, deserter |
Foster, Nelson R. |
Harrietstown |
Pvt. |
93rd NY Co. C |
June, 1864 |
chronic diarrhea |
Foster, Henry W. |
Bangor |
Pvt. |
3rd NH Co. H |
Aug., 1861 |
name may be Willliam H. Discharged for disability in June 1862 |
Foster, William H. |
Bellmont |
Corp. |
106th NY Co. H |
Aug., 1862 |
shot in right leg. |
Fountain, Francis |
Malone |
Pvt. |
98th NY Co. K |
Dec., 1863 |
hernia, great sufferer |
Fountain, George |
Malone |
Pvt. |
98th NY Co. A |
Oct., 1861 |
chronic diarrhea |
Fountain, Jerry |
Malone |
Pvt. |
26th Cav. Co. A |
Mar., 1865 |
discharged in July 1865 |
Fountain, John |
Bellmont |
Pvt. |
98th NY Co. B |
Oct., 1861 |
does not appear in the records of the 98th NY. May be Louis J. Fountain |
Fountain, Louis widow Charlotte |
Chateaugay |
Pvt. |
98th NY Co. E |
Sep., 1864 |
deserted in November 1864. Charity by son in law and daughter |
Copyright John Austin
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