Franklin County, NY
1883 Military Pensioniers 
Co - Ed

Transcribed and submitted by John Austin

Name PO Address Reason for Pension Amount Date of Allowance Remarks

Conant, Eunice


widow 1812


Mar. 1879

Leonard Conant had served in Capts. Erwin's and Perry's company of NY militia

Conlin, James L.


gunshot wound left arm and leg


May, 1867

enlisted in the 60th NY Co. K in Sep. 1861 and was wounded at Reseca Ga.

Connell, Teriac


gunshot wound right hand



Coopy, Peter


wounded left leg


Aug. 1867

enlisted in 98th NY Co. E in October 1861

Copeland, Mary C.




Jul. 1867

John Copeland of the 106th NY Co. E died in May, 1864.

Cox, James


wounded right finger


June, 1868

enlisted in the 9th NYS Militia in 1863

Crandall, Joseph

Dickinson Center



Sep. 1871


Crocker, Noahdiah


chronic rheumatism


Feb. 1878

listed as "Croker" in the original record. Enlisted in the 98th NY Co. D

Crosier, William


gunshot wound neck and right shoulder



enlisted in the 1st Art. Co. D in August 1864

Culliton, Pierce


gunshot wound right arm


June, 1865

enlisted in the 57th MA Inf Co. I and was discharged in 1864 for wounds.

Cummings, Reuben S.


wounded left arm


Jul. 1865

enlisted in the 98th NY Co. E in October 1861

Curran, Robert


disease of abdominal visc. and chronic rheumatism


Aug. 1876

enlisted in the 5th VT Co. I in August 1861

Daggett, Electa




Dec. 1863

lost three sons in the war, Ransom, George and Nelson. They lived in the Town of Dickinson

Dailey, Cornelius J.


wounded left thigh & right hand


May, 1867

enlisted in 57th MA Inf. in Feb. 1864 and was wounded at the Wilderness in May 1864.

Danford, Hiram


lost left arm above elbow


Mar. 1865

originally in the 98th NY Inf. re-enlited in the 14th Art. and was severely wounded in 1864

Danford, William


gunshot wound right hand


Aug. 1865

enlisted in the 98th NY Co. B in November 1864

Darling. Mary A.

Burke Center



Oct. 1866

David K. Darling of the 142nd NY Co. H died in 1864

Danforth, Jane

Fort Covington

widow 1812


Jul. 1880

listed as "Davenforth" in original. Luther Danforth served under Capt. Warren Powers in the NY militia in 1812

Davenport, Peter


wounded right arm and hand


Aug. 1866

enlisted in the 142nd NY Co. D

Davis, Eunice


widow 1812


Sep. 1880

George Davis served in Jos. Hazen's company of Vermont militia in 1814

Davis, Harlow, J.

Dickinson Center

wounded left knee


May, 1866

enlisted in the 142nd NY Co. F in August 1862.

Davis, Harriet E.

Ft.Covington Ctr.



Jul. 1867

Darius Davis of the 14th Art. was killed in March of 1865 and she may be his widow.

Dee, Julius W.


injured right ankle


June, 1865

enlisted in August 1862 in the 106th NY Co. E and was discharged for disability in 1865

Denio, Charles


wounded left shoulder


June, 1869

enlisted in the 16th NY Co. I in 1861

Deuel, Mary A.




Dec. 1866

Jacob M. Deuel of the 142nd NY Co. D died of disease in 1864

Dewey, Permelia P.




Aug. 1879

Nathaniel H. Dewey of the 92nd NY Co. H died in 1862

Deyette, Lizine

West Bangor



Oct. 1867

Francis Deyette of the 98th NY Co. D died at Andersonville prison in 1864

Dimmick, Sybile


widow 1812


Mar. 1879

Loren Dimmick had served in the Vermont militia under Capt. Stephen Brown

Disotell, Philenda

North Bangor



Sep. 1867

Israel Disotell of the 98th NY Co. D died at Andersonville prison in 1864

Douglas, Caroline


widow 1812


Oct. 1878

Augustus Douglas served under Capt. Asaph Perry in the NY militia in 1813

Downer, Isabella P.




Dec. 1866

Rockwell P. Downer of the 17th VT Co. B died of disease in 1864

Drury, Beulah


widow 1812


Nov. 1879

Elisha Drury served in Capt. Asaph Perry's company of NY militia in 1813

Dunn, Justine




June, 1867

James Dunn of the 98th NY Inf. was captured in action near Petersburg VA June 24, 1864 and died of scurvy at Andersonville prison in Georgia on August 13, 1864.

Dupree, Joseph


gunshot wound right leg and face


Dec. 1868

enlisted in the 98th NY Co. E in October 1861

Dyke, Maitland J.

West Bangor

heart disease


Oct. 1880

listed as "Martland" in original record. Enlisted in the 142nd NY Co. F in August 1862

Edwards, Charity

St. Regis Falls

widow 1812


Jul. 1880

John M. Edwards served in Capt. Peter van Buren's company of the 29th US Infantry in 1813 and 1814

Edwards, William

St. Regis Falls

shell wound left knee


Aug. 1873

enlisted in the 142nd NY Co. F in either 1862 or 1864

html by Debbie Spencer-Axtman  

Copyright John Austin

October 2000


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