THE SANGSTER FAMILY. Since the early ’40’s the Sangsters have been among the prominent families of Buffalo, one representative of the stock having been a noted sculptor, and another a painter of national fame.
Hugh Sangster was born in Quebec June 27, 1790. He came to Buffalo in 1834, where he engaged in the copper and tin trade, and the manufacture of lanterns. He later removed to Newark, Ohio, returning to Buffalo after 1840. Here Mr. Sangster resided till his death in 1876. In April, 1827, at Kingston, Canada, Hugh. Sangster married Mary Jane Fisher. Mrs. Sangster was born in 1813 and died in 1876. Eleven children were the issue of the marriage. They were: James, Amos W., Francis, Mary, Christine, William H., Charles H., Rena, John Thomas, Frances, and another child that died in infancy.
SOURCE: Memorial and Family History of Erie County New York; Volume I