JOHN LEO SCHWARTZ, President of the Clinton Co-operative Brewing Company, and President of the State Brewers’ Association, is a leading business man and citizen of Buffalo, and one of the best-known brewers in the State.
Col. Schwartz is of German ancestry, being a grandson of John Schwartz, Sr., who came from Kutzenhausen, Alsace, to America in 1827. He settled in Buffalo, afterward removing to Black Rock, where he engaged in garden farming. Later he conducted a quarry business, and was proprietor of an inn, in Buffalo. ‘He became a large real estate owner and was one of the leading citizens of early Buffalo. He was an active churchman, and took a prominent part in the building of St. Louis’, and St. Michael’s Churches, and was one of the founders of St. Vincent’s Church, of whose congregation he was a member at the time of his death, which occurred forty years ago. The wife of John Schwartz, Sr., was Anna Maria Kuhnmulich, whom he married in Alsace. Their children were: John, Jacob, Joseph, Katherine (Mrs. George Diebold), Mary (Mrs. Bakert), and Caroline (Mrs. Michael Doll). John Schwartz, Jr., was born in Alsace in 1820, and in boyhood came with his parents to Buffalo. As a boy he worked during the summer months and attended school winters. When he grew to manhood he became a carpenter and building contractor. He prospered, and later engaged in the planing mill business, under the style of Schwartz & Rebmann, the firm becoming John Schwartz & Son by the admission of John L. Schwartz. John Schwartz, Jr., was an active Republican, but never held public office. He was a staunch supporter of the Catholic Church, and a liberal contributor to its charities. He married in 1854 Mary A. Kiefer, daughter of Anton and Katherine Kiefer. Their children are: John L., Joseph A., and Edward A. Schwartz; Mary, wife of John C. Lutz; Rose, widow of Harry Smith, and Clara, wife of Edward A. Diebolt. The surviving children of a former marriage are: Mrs. Louisa Knauber, and Mrs. Johanna Thomas. John Schwartz, Jr., died in 1877.
John Leo Schwartz was born in Buffalo, April 13, 1859. His early education was obtained at St. Michael’s Parochial School, and in 1870 he entered Canisius College, where he continued three years. At the age of fourteen he became assistant in his father’s office, and before he had attained his majority was admitted to partnership. With the firm of John Schwartz & Son he continued until the concern was dissolved by the death of his father,’ when Mr. Schwartz became connected with the insurance and coal office of Joseph Berlin, with whom he remained about a year. In 1879 he engaged in the coal trade on his own account, continuing in it till 1890, when he established the Star Brewery, his associates being John S. Kellner, Edward A. Diebolt and Joseph Pospered and the partnership existed ten years, its continuance being marked by a wide patronage and an enviable business reputation. When the firm was dissolved the brewery was consolidated with the Clinton Co-operative Brewing Company. Of this concern, which does an immense business, Col. Schwartz is principal owner, President and Treasurer. For the last eight years he has served as Vice-President of the Buffalo Beavers’ Exchange. He is a trustee and ex- Vice-President of the New York State Brewers’ Association, was for a year its Vice-President, served as President of the State Association in 1906, and was reelected in 1907.
Col. Schwartz is a very active churchman. A charter member of the Knights of St. John, of St. Michael’s Church, he was Adjutant of the Buffalo Regiment, Knights of St. John, under Col. Feist and Col. Lanahan, and in 1889 was elected to the Colonelcy, which he has held ever since. In 1903 he was Adjutant-General with the rank of Brigadier-General, on the staff of Gen. Henry J. Werst, Supreme Commander of the order. For the last fifteen years he has served as Grand Treasurer of the State of New York of the Catholic Mutual Benefit Association. A member of the Buffalo Catholic Institute, he was for many years one of its trustees. He belongs to the Catholic benevolent Legion, and was a trustee of St. Michael’s Church. He is identified with the Elks, the Royal Arcanum, the Buffalo Orpheus and many social organizations, and is a former President of the Alumni of Canisius College. He was for several years a member of the Democratic Advisory Committee and has served as one of the directors of the Vollisfreund Printing Company.
Col. Schwartz married October 12, 1887, Elizabeth A. Zegewitz, daughter of J. Adam and Elizabeth Zegewitz of Rochester, N. Y. The children of the union are: J. Raymond, Karl, Marguerite, Rudolph, Lauretta, Harold and Elizabeth Marie.
SOURCE: Memorial and Family History of Erie County New York; Volume I