THOMAS STODDART, of the Arm of Stoddart Bros., proprietors of the largest drug and surgical instrument store in the United States, is one of Buffalo’s leading business men,’ and a public-spirited citizen.
John Stoddart, grandfather of Thomas Stoddart, was born in Dumfriesshire, Scotland, and resided there all his life. His son, John Stoddart, was born in Dumfriesshire in 1816, and died in 1888. He occupied the Forgreth farm of the Dalswinton estate, remaining there nearly twenty-five years. He was a substantial and very prosperous man. In 1840 he married Elizabeth Waugh, daughter of William Waugh. They had seven children, all sons. Of these, five are living, all of whom were born at the Forgreth farm. They are: Dr. A. C. Stoddart of San Francisco, Cal.; Maxwell S. Stoddart of Thorndale, Ont.; Thomas and Charles Stoddart of Buffalo, and Dr. James Stoddart.
Subsequent to 1864 John Stoddart brought his family to America, settling at Thorndale, Ontario, where he purchased a farm, and lived till his death in 1888. Mrs. Stoddart, at the age of ninety-eight years, is still living upon the homestead in Thorndale. John Stoddart was a true Scotsman, a man of strong character and abundant determination. He was a Presbyterian of the “old doctrine,” and. one of the leading members of the East Missouri Presbyterian Church.
Thomas Stoddart was born September 10, 1856, at the Forgreth farm, Dumfriesshire, Scotland. He attended the Duncow school, until he left Scotland in 1864, when he was eight years old. After the family settled in West Missouri, Ont., young Stoddart attended public school until he was fourteen years of age, finishing his education at the College Institute at St. Mary’s, Ontario, from which he graduated at seventeen. He then left Canada and came to Buffalo, finding employment as a clerk in a drug store. He exhibited a strong natural aptitude for the drug business, and in 1877, in partnership with his brother, Charles, established a general retail drug, surgical Instrument and hospital supplies store, which the brothers have conducted to the present time. The firm maintains the largest ?drug and surgical instrument store in the country, occupying a building four stories high and 200 feet long by 50 feet wide, with a clerical force of 65 employees.
Mr. Stoddart is a member of the Erie County Pharmaceutical Association, of which he was one of the founders, also serving a year as President. During his administration, local pharmacy took an upward step by the formation of the Erie County Board of Pharmacy. Mr. Stoddart is a member of the New York state Pharmaceutical Association, and has often acted as Chairman of the Executive Committee of that body. In 1901 and 1902 he served as President of the Association. He is also a member of the American Pharmaceutical Association. Mr. Stoddart was First Vice-President of the Scottish Building Association, the first organization of its kind in Buffalo. He takes a keen interest in the people and the lore of his native land, and for a number of years was President of St. Andrew’s Scottish Society, of which he is still a member. He also belongs to the Buffalo Historical Society, and the Buffalo and Ellicott clubs.
Mr. Stoddart is a life-long Republican. In the autumn of 1901 he received the Republican nomination for Councilman and was elected by a handsome majority. He served for four years with credit to himself and benefit to the city. In 1905 he was President of the Board of Councilmen, and during the absence of Mayor Knight, Mr. Stoddart served as Acting Mayor.
On the 25th of April, 1881, Mr. Stoddart married Emma B. Peterson, daughter of John and Isabelle Carroll Peterson of Buffalo. Mr. and Mrs. Stoddart have two children, John Thomas, who is a student in Yale University, and Isabelle, who is studying at Holy Angels Academy, Buffalo. Mrs. Stoddart is socially prominent, and is very active in the leading charities of the city.
SOURCE: Memorial and Family History of Erie County New York; Volume I