GEORGE B. MONTGOMERY, son of Henry Montgomery, is one of Buffalo’s successful business men and progressive As President of Montgomery Bros. & Company, successors in business of Lee, Holland & Company, Mr. Montgomery is head of one of the leading lumber manufacturing concerns in the country, and he is also identified with extensive outside lumber interests, chiefly in the South.
Mr. Montgomery was born at Silver Creek, N. Y., on the 2d of July, 1862. In childhood he accompanied his parents to Buffalo, where he received a grammar and High School education, which was supplemented by a course at the Michigan Military Academy. On leaving school Mr. Montgomery became a bookkeeper and clerk in the employ of Nelson Holland, and later was connected with the firm of Holland, Graves & Montgomery, at Black Rock, with whom he continued from 1885 to 1897. The business of which Mr. Montgomery is the head holds a position second to none in its field. He has an immense plant equipped with the best modern appliances, and gives employment to 500 people. The specialties of the concern are doors, sash, blinds, mouldings, veneered doors, packing cases, boxes and a great variety of other articles. Mr. Montgomery is Treasurer of the National Lumber Insurance Co. of Buffalo; Treasurer of the A. B. Cramer Company, manufacturers of Southern pine at Suffolk, Va., and Treasurer of the Montgomery Lumber Company at Spring Hope, N. C.
Mr. Montgomery is a member of the Chamber of Commerce, the Buffalo, Saturn, Ellicott, Westminster, and Buffalo Canoe clubs, and of the Westminster Presbyterian Church.
June 30, 1885, Mr. Montgomery married Mary Frances Jewett, daughter of the late James H. Jewett of Buffalo.
SOURCE: Memorial and Family History of Erie County New York; Volume I