JOHN NEWTON SCATCHERD. No man is more strongly identified than John N. Scatcherd with the business, civic, and social life of Buffalo. The English family of Scatcherds, from whom John N. Scatcherd is descended, is of Yorkshire stock, the lineage dating back to feudal times. Thomas Scatcherd, the great-grandfather of John N. Scatcherd, was born in Beverly, near Hull, England, in 1750. He was one of the great merchants of Hull, and a leading supporter of the famous English philanthropist and reformer, William Wilberforce. John Scatcherd, son of Thomas Scatcherd, was born at Beverly, Yorkshire, in 1800. In 1821 he sailed for America. After arriving in Canada he went to Little York, now Toronto; later he removed to Missouri, the site of the present city of London. He became a leading citizen of that section and served in the Canadian Parliament many years.
SOURCE: Memorial and Family History of Erie County New York; Volume I