HENRY SCHOELLKOPP, whose death occurred on the 27th of February, 1880, was a man of strong personality and great force of character, and one who achieved for himself an acknowledged place in the industrial world. A son of Jacob F. Schoellkopf, Sr., whose large manufacturing enterprises occupy so important a page in the industrial annals of Western New York, Henry Schoellkopf was both by inherited inclination and by natural environment attracted toward the manufacturing field. His abilities and his fidelity to duty were such as to command the implicit confidence of those with whom he was thrown into business relations, and only a year or two after obtaining his majority he became his father’s partner. The period when this association began was one in which the undertakings of the elder Schoellkopf were, comparatively speaking, at an initiative stage of progress.
Henry Schoellkopf was born in Buffalo December 22, 1848. He was the eldest of the children of Jacob F. Schoellkopf, Sr., and his father did not feel in a position to give him the educational advantages he was able later to provide for the other children, all of whom received thorough classical educations in Germany. Henry Schoellkopf also studied in Germany, but early left school and went to work, soon becoming closely associated with his father in the latter’s great business interests.
In 1870 was formed the firm of J. P. Schoellkopf & Son, in which Henry Schoellkopf was the junior partner, and which was engaged on an extensive scale in the tanning business, the manufacture of sole leather, dealing in sheepskins, and allied branches of trade. Subsequently, by the admission of the other sons into the business, the firm became known as J. F. Schoellkopf & Sons.
In 1874 Henry Schoellkopf married Emily Vogel of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Their children are: Two daughters, Elsie and Paula, and a son, Henry. Miss Elsie Schoellkopf married Kai Von Rumohr, an officer in the German Army, stationed at Schwerin, where he and his family reside. Miss Paula married Gustav Reuss, a Banker in Milwaukee. Henry Schoellkopf, Jr., son of Henry Schoellkopf and Emily Vogel, was educated at Cornell University and at Harvard. He is now a practicing lawyer at Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
SOURCE: Memorial and Family History of Erie County New York; Volume I