PORTER NORTON. This distinguished lawyer and citizen has all his life been a resident of Buffalo and for more than thirty years has practiced his profession in this city.
Mr. Norton comes of an ancestry prominent in Colonial affairs and in the Revolutionary period. In the records of the New York State Society, Sons of the American Revolution, his descent is given as follows: ” Son of Charles D. Norton and Jeanette Phelps; grandson of Joseph E. Norton and Lucretia Huntington; great-grandson of Joseph Huntington and Elizabeth Hale; great-grandson (2d) of Capt. Jonathan Hale, great (3) grandson of Jonathan Hale and Sarah Talcott, greatgrandson (4) of Samuel Hale and Mary Wells, great-grandson (5) of Samuel Hale (1st), who came to Watertown, Mass., in 1852 and moved to Connecticut. The Samuels were both soldiers and honored civil officers of their day.”
SOURCE: Memorial and Family History of Erie County New York; Volume I