The only private burial ground in the town of Charlotte is the Luce
Family Burying Ground, on the east side of the highway, about two and
half miles north of Charlotte Center, in which five persons have been
buried. It consists of about an eighth of an acre of the farm owned by
William Luce at his decease. It was set apart for such use by the
members of the family of William Luce, an early settler in this part of
the town. He died February 27, 1867, and is buried there. His wife
Lydia Luce, who died March 26, 1868, is also buried there. The first
interment was made June 5, 1866, of Elmer D., a child of Nelson Luce.
The deed by which it was dedicated to its uses was executed October 5,
Source: Page(s) 18, History of Evergreen Cemetery. by Obed
Edson. Sinclairville, New York, Press of the Commercial, 1890.