Seneca County was taken from Cayuga in 1804; since which other counties have been formed from it. Its greatest length N. and S. is 36 miles; medium width, 12. Centrally distant from New York, 317, from Albany, 172 miles. The land rises gently from the Cayuga and Seneca lakes, and the whole county is pleasantly diversified with hills and vales. The soil is well adapted to the culture of grain, grasses, and fruit trees, being principally a vegetable mould or calcareous loam. There is no stream of importance excepting the outlet of the Seneca lake, which from Waterloo to Seneca lake furnishes much hydraulic power. The lands of this county formed part of the military tract, and the titles therefore are derived from the state through patents to the soldiers of the revolution. The Erie canal just touches upon the NE. part, in the town of Tyre. The railroad passes through the towns of Waterloo and Seneca Falls. The county is divided into 10 towns.
(Historical Collections of the State of New York, Past and Present, John Barber, Clark Albien & Co., 1851)