Early Wills of Cortland County, N. Y., 1832-1836
Daniel Mallery, May 31, 1832. Estate left to Salome and Ransome Mallery, his children, and to Hiram Betts. Witnesses: Miles Goodyear, Richard Patridge and Job Densmore.
John Keeps, July 2, 1832. To Eunice Dibble, Luna Dibble. Joseph Darby, executor.
Noah Hopkins, August 6, 1832. To eldest son, James Hopkins ; children of daughter, Nancy Clark; son, Isaac Hopkins ; daughter, Hannah Tyler ; daughter, ‘ Phoebe Clark; daughter, Roba Powers ; daughter, Tilph Shearman ; daughter, Polly Hopkins; son, Daniel Hopkins. Witnesses : Joseph Caldwell, Betsey Caldwell and William M. Powers.
Martin Keeler of Truxton, August 30, 1832. Small bequests to Polly Murch, Sally Bascom, Betsy Allin, Huldah Allin, Smithy Keeler, Susan Keeler, Melisa Webster, Martin Keeler, Jr. Also to his wife, Amy, and his four children, Alson, Warren, Nelson and Rachael Keeler.
Jeremy Hull of Homer, November 5, 1832. To wife, Lois; daughter, Luanda; son, Joel, and bequests to Louisa and Angeline Black.
Rhoda Sabin, November 17, 1832. To son, Harry S. Beebe, entire estate.
Isaac Rindge, December 31, 1832. To wife, Hannah; eldest son, Truman Rindge ; eldest daughter, Hannah ; son, Isaac Rindge, Jr. ; son, Lester Rindge ; daughter, Sophia ; sons, Septy and W r arren, minors.
Henry Stephens of Homer, March 18, 1833. To wife, Jerusha; sons, Riley, Chester, Chauncey, Henry, and daughters, Jerusha and Parmela.
Alexander Hunter of Homer, July 15, 1833. To sons, William, Charles H.,
James, John and Alexander; daughters, Nancy and Margaret, and nieces, Diana and Sally, daughters of James Hunter.
Medad Sperry of Homer, September 3, 1833. To four daughters and son, Ambrose Sperry.
George King, November 5, 1833. To wife, Anna, to children, George, Harriet, Amelia, Chesterfield, Roswell and William.
John Hoyes of Truxton, February 4, 1834. To wife, Catherine; daughter, Catherine Gardner; daughter, Hannah Winney ; daughter, Byancy Hoyes ; daughter, Polly Crawford; grandson, Peter Wallace Hoyes ; son, John Hoyes.
Henry Dains of Truxton, July 14, 1834. To his mother, Cunance Dains ; sons, Adin and Henry, and wife, Asenath.
Stephen Couch of Truxton, July 7, 1834. To wife, Abigail; sons, Aaron and Noah; daughters, Anna, Polly, Phelphie, Elma and Abigail.
Thomas Russell of Virgil, August 4, 1834. To wife Elizabeth; children of his deceased daughter, Sally Williams; son, John; daughter, Parthena.
Stephen Sherman of Homer, August 25, 1834. To wife, Rebecca; son, Caleb; Grandson, Stephen Powers.
Aaron Schermerhorn of Homer, September S, 1834. To wife, Gertrude ; son, Erastus; daughters, Maria, Elizabeth, Catherine, Sarah and Barbara.
John Flint of Cortlandville, September 15, 1834. To wife, Rachael, entire es:ate. %
Andrew Dickson of Plomer, March 9, 1835. To wife, Ruth; daughter, Clarissa White; son, Andrew; grandson, Andrew Dickson White; nephew, Henry E. Dickson.
Nathaniel Gay of Preble, October 13, 1834. To wife, Mary; sons, John, Robert, Albert, Thomas and William ; daughters, Comfort, Catherine and Ity.
Solomon Baker of Solon, January 26, 1835. To wife, Nancy; sons, Isaac, Ira and Solomon, Jr.
Joseph Darby of Cortlandville, April 16, 1835. To wife, Acenith; sons, Edwin, Joseph, Lucius, Thomas and Chauncy; daughters, Dilla, Ann and Ceneth.
Jesse Searl of Homer, April 20, 1835. To wife, Naomi.
Hiram Rockwell of Solon, June 4, 1835. To wife, Polly, and children, not named.
Henry Hogaboom of Virgil, July 6, 1835. To Nicholas Hogaboom, Polly Miller, Anson Miller and Lydia Winters.
Latham Brightman of Cortlandville, July 18, 1835. To wife, Abby; daughters, Abby Boynton, Lucy Ann and Mary Frances Brightman; sons, Henry, Latham, Joseph and George.
John Benton of Virgil, October 5, 1835. To wife, Lucinda; son, Stephen.
Lucius Bennet of Homer, October 12, 1835. To wife, Ann; mother, Chloe.
William Houghton of Homer, October 21, 1835. To wife, Margaret, to son, William.
Arnold S. Richardson of Solon, July 13, 1835. To wife, Delie; daughter, Sarah.
John S. Squires of Virgil, November 28, 1835. To sons, John A., Dan C. and Samuel J. ; daughters, Celeste, Huldah, Cynthia, Harriet, Ruth and Marrietta, and wife, Huldah.
SOURCE: Vol, I, No 24, June 15, 1912 Genealogy: a journal of American ancestry