United States Census for 1790
The following is a complete list of heads of families for the town of Champlain Clinton county, New York, according as they were taken and recorded in the United States Census of 1790:
Beaumont, William
Rogers, Elnathan
Bullis, James
Thomas, Caleb
Ashman, Samuel
Row, Lavina
Moor, Pliny
Landru, Honore
Chackee, Simon
Trahan, Stephen
La Rocht, Joseph
Poling, Andrew
Paul, Robert
Willson, Peter
Rouse, Lewis
Rippin, Andrew
Landru, Baptist
McPherson, Murdock
Gooslin, Clement
Gooslin, Lewis
Marney, Lewis
Marney, Lewis, Jun.
Buydo, Peter
Rouse, James
Oliver, Lawrence
Asline, Pryx
Belongee, Noel
Favina, Joseph
Buylo, Amable
Ayott, Peter
Belongee, Joseph
Amlong, John Baptist
Amlong, Baptist
Laframbois, Baptist
De La Valanier, Peter H.
Montey, Francis
Lezolle, Lewis
Rlanchard, William
Knap, Abraham
Knap, Abraham, Junr.
Fisk, Ichabod
Hall. Enoch
Wait, Gardner
Laframbois, James
Mott, Samuel
Soule, William
Able, Henry
Griggs, Abraham
Legard, John
Kelly, Thomas
Scut, Alexander
Auberry, Charles
Le Long, Ezekiel
Covey, Samuel
Marvin, Benjamin
Miller, Flenry
Manning, Joshua
Mott, Joseph
Mott, Jacob
Garlick, Ruben
Dervel, Michael
Starr, George
Van Vleet, John
Fear, Simon
Griggs, John
Plaminger, Michael
Andrew, Thomas
Fischer, James
Logan, David
Noxin, Simon
Mott, Joseph, Junr.
Mott, Richard
Conroy, Patrick
Clerk, Titus
Ledue, John
McGrigor, Duncan
Young, James
Wait, Nathaniel
Savage, John
Holebrook, Abraham
Holebrook, Nathaniel
Carrigan, Peter
Burgit, Coonradt
Denier, Eli
Clerk, Daniel
Danow, James
Freeman, Peter
Conklen, Abraham
Hilliker, Abraham
VVagener, Francis
Cook, Philip
Cook, George
Hogen, Edward
Hadin, Joseph
Munroe, Elijah
Myers, William
Hamond, Benjamin
Babcock, Ichabod
Smith, Humphrey
Smith, Daniel
Brandigo, William
Pickle, John
Force, Timothy
Beedle, Daniel
Smith, John
Chitten, John
Bremer, George
Niles, Nathan
Runnolds, James
Runnolds, Elisha
Helmes, Samuel
Pickle, Jacob
Pickle, Christopher
Soule, Timothy
Soule, Joseph
Chambers, John
Gibson, John –
Miller, Samuel
Miller, John
Leverware, Nathan
Sweet, James
Lewis, John
McLean, Hugh
Garner, Asa
Cummins, John
Hyde, Ebenezer
Hewey, David
SOURCE: Vol, I, No 9, March 2, 1912 Genealogy: a journal of American ancestry