Old Time Bank Accounts
The oldest savings banks in New York city have unclaimed money on deposit for the heirs of the following persons:
McMullen, Lucinda, daughter of John, Greenwich St., 1819.
Lentz, Margaret, wife of John, Collect PL, 1819.
Treadwell, David C. G., colored, Warren St., 1819.
Vincent, Alary, Thames St., 1819.
Black, Mary, daughter of Alex., James St., 1821.
Dows, Margaret, Grand St., 1819.
Williams, Levins, colored servant, Wall St., 1819.
Adams, Mary, domestic, Gold St., 1821.
Adams, Robert, mason, Pelham St., 1823.
Kinsey, Thomas, son of Evan, Warren St., 1825.
Cassidy, Hugh, type foundry, Washington St., 1828.
Bender, Christiana, widow of George, -cor. Broome and Orchard Sts., 1827.
Connor, John, tailor, John St., 1827.
Brown, Christiana C, widow of Thomas, 8th Ave., 1828.
Whitman, John, ship Illinois, 1828.
Kortwright, Susan, washer, Pitt St., 1829.
Barney, Abraham, colored, Bedford, S. I., 1829.
McGowren, Thomas, laborer, West Machias, Me., 1829.
Nesbit, Maria, domestic, Hackensack, N. J., 1829.
Lawrence, Charlotte, domestic, Bowery, 1830.
Brush, William, colored, son of Hannah, child, 1830.
O’Donnell, James R., son of Mary, child, 1830.
Mills, Charles, of Journeymen’s Bakers Benefit Society, 1830.
Doran, Margaret or Jane Burns, Liberty St., 1831.
Sullivan, John, laborer, Broome St., 1831.
Batchclor, Ruth, widow of Tosiah, Marketfield, 1831.
Tygh. Winefred, domestic, Mott St., 1831.
Jenkins, William, millwright, Vestry St., 1831.
Bidobayle, John, cutter, Howard St., 1831.
Leary, Murtock, laborer, Orange St., 1831.
Wood, Tames, colored, domestic, Prince St., 1832.
Tyson, Jane, widow of John, Hester St., 1832.
SOURCE: Vol, I, No 3, January 20, 1912 Genealogy: a journal of American ancestry