ARCADE is the southwest corner town of the county, and before the formation of Wyoming belonged to the county of Genesee.
It was known by the name of China till 1866, when its name was changed to Arcade, in accordance with the name of its principal village.
The area of the town is 29,440 acres. The assessed valuation for 1879 was: real estate, $936,184; personal estate, $63,700; total valuation, $999,884. State, county and town tax, $6,791.15.
The population of the town at the last ten State censuses is given as follows in the Legislative manual: 1830, 2,387; 1835, 1,279; 1840, 1,436; 1845, 1,643; 1850, 1,961; 1855, 2,108; 1860, 2,036; 1865, 1,903; 1870, 1,742; 1875, 2,036
The leading agricultural interest of Arcade is dairying. There are six cheese factories in the town, which in 1878 made 877,207 pounds. The product sold at an average of nine cents per pound, amounting to $78,938.63. Quantities of apples, potatoes and hay are annually sold for shipment. There is but little grain raised, as the soil is better adapted to grass, and the dairying business has afforded such profits for a few years past that many farmers are not even trying to raise their own bread.
In the north and east parts of the town apple trees are thrifty and bear well.
Since the completion of the railroad through the town the farmers have had the benefits of as good a market as is to be found for the sale of their produce. Arcade is the headquarters for cheese buyers in all these western counties, and there is probably more cheese shipped from this station than from any other west of Herkimer and Oneida counties; while butter, apples, potatoes, hay and all other articles of produce find a market at good prices.
Settlement and Early Events.
The records of the Holland Company contain the following notes of early purchases and purchasers of land in the town:
Range 4.- Abner Bump, 1809, lot 89; Silas Parker, 1809, lot 15; Parker, 1809, lot 15; Jacob Jackson, 1809, lot 3; Simeon Wella, 1809, lot 7; Samuel Nichols, 1810, lot; Bartholomew Armstrong, 1810, lot 11; Abraham Jackson and Abraham Jackson, Jr., 1810, part of lot 12, lots 4. 6. 21. 23. 24. 32. 42 and 43; Israel Kibbe, 1810, lot 25; Alba Carpenter, 1810, part of lot 16; Simon Carpenter, 1810, part of lot 16; Charles Jackson, 1809, lot 5; James W. Stevens, 1810, lot 1; Abner Bump, 1810, lot 40; Joesph Doane, 1809. part of lot 30; Andrew A. Elicott, 1810, part of lot 13; Moses Smith, 1810, lot 8.
Range 3. – John Nichols, 1806, part of lot 20; Sues Meach, 1807, lot 28; Amasa Kilborn, 1808, part of lot 36; Samuel Nichols, 1809, part of lot 35; Abraham Jackson, Jr., 1810, part of lot 34; Alfred Kilbourn, 1809, part of lot 38: Peter Belknap, 1810, part of lot 35.
Abraham Jackson, of Mount Holly, Vt., explored this part of the Holland Purchase in 1807. He came by way of Batavia; made arrangements with Joseph Ellicott to make a settlement, and was directed to Cattaraugus lake (now called Java lake). He went through to Lodi (now Gowanda), but finally concluded to commence a settlement in this town, which was called Jackson settlement, and located ten sections of land. He then went back to Vermont, and early in the spring of 1809 returned to this town with his son, Jacob Jackson, and Silas Parker, and their families. The next year he built and moved his family into a log house on what is known as the Burdett Jackson farm.
In 1810 Israel Kibbe came and settled at Kibbe’s Corners.
Silas Meach took an article of the first land that was articled in the town, in 1808, but went away and did not return till 1810.
Prominent among the early influences for good in the town were the self-sacrificing labors of Deacon Walter Hinckley, who came, together with D. Rowley, in 18 10. We are told by some of the early settlers that it was his custom, especially in the winter, to rise early Sunday morning, build a fire at the log school- house, do his chores, get out his horses and sleigh, and gather in the people. He would then reed a sermon, pray with them fervently, and exhort them, often with tears, superintend the Sabbath-school and teach an evening singing school; all without fee or reward, except the reward that proceeds from a consciousness of having done his duty to his fellow man in regard to the present and the long hereafter. But, what would seem paradoxical or very peculiar at the present writing, the deacon at that time kept a hotel and sold liquor. The sentiment of that day did not condemn him as a hypocrite or brand him as a sinner for this dereliction, and doubtless his own conscience did not, so much is conscience the creature of education.
Moses Smith and Simeon Wells came on and settled with their families in 181 1. Isaac Saunders and others settled in the east part of the town in 1812.
The northwest part of the town was first settled by William Bennett, Aaron Sillaway and Peter and David Salter, with Isaac H. Salter, a son of Peter Salter, and Asa Fisher. Jonathan Hadley came in 1816, and his family in 1817.
Moses Blood came about 1820. This settlement was known for many years as Hadley’s Corners; afterward as the brick school-house. Three or four farms dipping down toward what are called the Sardinia flat are some of the best lands in Arcade. The old farm taken up by Peter Salter is now owned and occupied by his grandson, L. C. Salter. Ruth Hadley, the widow of Jonathan Hadley, is still living on the premises taken up by him over sixty years ago, and John Blood, Esq., owns the homestead of his father, Moses Blood, who died many years ago.
There is a cheese factory near these corners; also a school-house. Years ago they established a Baptist church, but were not sufficiently prospered to build a house of worship.
Charles Beebe, of Vermont, and his wife, who was Elizabeth Train, of Cazenovia, N. Y., started in 1815 for Chautauqua county “on a sled, with a nice yoke of four-year old oxen with brass buttons on their horns.” The snow went off and left them in the mud, and they concluded to settle near Kibbe’s Corners. Their furniture consisted of one chair, one bed, and such goods as could be packed in a large chest. It was three years before they had another chair. They had eleven children, six of whom still survive, enjoying a well earned competency.
Israel Friend came from Massachusetts in 1821, on a homemade one-horse sleigh, and was eleven weeks on the road. His first house was a log shanty covered with basswood bark.
Prominent among the pioneers were Elias and Silas Parker. Elias had nine children – five sons and four daughters. Silas had ten sons and four daughters, all of whom grew to maturity.
Sardis Davis came from Canandaigua to Freedom in 1815, and settled in a small log house on the Beebe farm.
Nearly all of the early settlers participated in the battle of Black Rock. Captain Kilbourn was killed, and report says that six others were neither seen or heard from afterward. Among those who were in that engagement Simeon Wells, Silas Parker, Samuel Nichols and three or four others returned; Jacob Jackson was taken prisoner and sent to Halifax, but after a year and a half was exchanged and allowed to return. The war stopped settlement from 1812 to 1815.
The first marriage in the town was that of Silas Meach to Lydia Parker in 1810. Mrs. Meach is still living, the oldest female resident of the town.
The first birth was that of a daughter of Jacob Jackson. The first boy born was a son of Samuel Nichols.
The first burial was that of Mrs. Amasa Kilbourn.
The first preacher of the gospel was the Rev. John Spencer, a Congregational missionary from Connecticut.
The first Sunday-school was established in 18 12, in the old log school-house near what is now called the Railroad Block. The first lesson was in the xiv. CHAPTER of St. John.
Colonel D. Rowley built a grist-mill on the north side of the creek, half a mile below the village, in 181 1.
At an early day Abner Bump erected a grist-mill at a settlement called Hurdville, on the Cattaraugus creek, in the west part of the town, some fifty rods west of the trestle work and bridge of the B., N. Y. and P. R. R.; the same water power has also been since used for a saw -mill and cheese box factory, both of which were destroyed by fire some years ago. There is another saw-mill in the eastern part of the town, owned and operated by James Dealing, who furnishes considerable hard wood and hemlock lumber for the use of the surrounding vicinity.
Civil History or Arcade.
The first town meeting was held, as the record reads, “on the first Tuesday A. D. 1818, pursuant to the law passed March 6th, 1818, to regulate the meetings of a town.”
“The meeting called to order by Elias Parker, Esq., the said Elias Parker requested that Abraham Jackson, Walter Hinckley and Salah Jackson preside with him to form a board. Passed by a unanimous vote.
“Voted, that Abraham Jackson serve as moderator of the day; then voted that Ralph Kilbourn serve as clerk; then proceeded the choice of supervisor. On counting the votes it was ascertained that Silas Parker had a majority.”
Then followed the choice of town clerk, Walter Hinckley; assessors – Jacob Jackson, Isaac H. Salter and D. H. Wooster; commissioners of schools – Joel Dutton, Lemuel C. Paul and Eliphaz Nicholson; overseers of the poor – Simeon Wells and Thomas W. Colby; commissioners of highways – Samuel Nichols, Moses Wooley and Milo Warren; constable and collector, John Brown; constables – James Francis and John Nichols, jr.; inspectors of common schools – John Brown, David Salter, Joseph Pasco and Silas Parker.
It was voted that pathmasters serve as poundmasters and fence viewers. The following persons were chosen pathmasters: Freedom Lord, Rufus Jewett, Aaron Thomas, Caleb Carpenter, Barney Lockwood, Silas Meach, Talcott Wells, Jacob Jackson, Juda Brown, Ezekiel D. Runals, Jared Witherell, Joseph Hall, David Salter, Abraham Smith, D. H. Wooster and Abner Ward.
It was voted that $75 be raised for common schools; that $80 be levied to build roads and bridges; that $10 be raised for the scalp of each wolf caught in the town by an inhabitant of said town; and that the next annual town meeting be “holden at the house of Abraham Smith, jr.”
The gentlemen named below have served as supervisors of the town in the years given:
In 1819, Silas Parker; 1820, 1821, Walter Hinckley: 1832, Elies Parker; 1823, 1824. D. H. Wooster: 1825, 1826, 1828, Abraham Smith; 1827, 1888, Salah Jackson; 1829-33, 1847, 1848. David Calkins; 1834, 1835, 1887, 1840, 1841, John Smith; 1888, James Steele; 1839, 1852, 1887, Leverett H. Spring 1842, 1843, 1853, Herman Wilson; 1844, 1845, 1855, 1858, Charles O. Shepard; 1849, John C. Paine; 1849, Horatio Hodge; 1850, 1851, 1864, 1865, Horace B. Parker; 1854, 1856, Joseph Currier; 1859, James C. Hooker; 1860, 1861, Alonso Steele; 1862. 1863, David Steele; 1866, 1867, Ryder Barnes; 1868, Harvey Arnold; 1869, 1870, William H. Wilson; 1871, Andrew Knight; 1877-79, Lucius Peck.
Politically the town votes sometimes one way and sometimes the other, but on a full vote the Democrats have a majority of 60 or 70. The village is quite largely Republican.
In 1865 or 1866 an act was passed by the Legislature cutting off three tiers of lots from the east side of the town, and attaching them to the town of Eagle. This measure was bitterly opposed by so large a portion of the tax payers and residents of the town that in two or three years afterward it was repealed, and the town restored to its original dimensions, although the name of Arcade was retained, which the bill included, and the old name of China from that day became obsolete.
Burial Places.
The first burial of an adult was that of Mrs. Amasa Kilbourn, in 1810. This was at Jackson’s settlement, near the center of the town. It is stated that the coffin was made of planks split and hewed from logs, and stained with a decoction of butternut bark. This story is well authenticated, and no doubt true, as it was before the day of saw-mills, and the luxury of a high priced and fashionable funeral, or the idea of one, had not yet dawned on the imagination of the primitive inhabitants.
Quite a number of burials took place in this vicinity at an early day, but since the rural cemetery, near the village, was established, most of the bodies have been removed to that ground.
Persons were buried on the farm of James Steele, below Arcade village, most of whom have been removed.
A public cemetery, laid out and used many years, on Main street, in the east part of the village of Arcade, has been superseded by and the remains removed to the rural cemetery, the land sold and the proceeds turned over to the trustees of the Rural Cemetery Association.
There have been some burials on the farm of Simeon Wells.
The Roman Catholic cemetery at East Arcade, on the grounds adjacent to St. Mary’s Church, has been used for thirty years or more. It is well fenced and well kept.
On the 4th of May, 1852, the citizens of Arcade and vicinity met at the Congregational church, and took steps which resulted, on the 9th of August, 1853, in the organization of the Arcade Rural Cemetery Association under the general law of the State. Nine trustees were elected and classified as follows: First class – A. C. Atwater, Alonzo Steele and Ryder Barnes; second class – Ira Rowley, Leverett Spring and Sanford S. Hooker; third class – H. Price, L. D. Davis and Charles O. Shepard. The board was organized the same day by electing Colonel Charles O. Shepard president, Ryder Barnes vice-president, and Alonzo Steele secretary and treasurer. Five acres of ground had been purchased on a beautiful bluff south of the village, to which eight acres more were subsequently added. This was known as Prospect Hill. After it was properly fenced, and walks and carriage roads graded, the grounds were publicly dedicated on the 9th day of October, 1855, with religious exercises, including a hymn composed for the occasion by L. A. Haywood, of Warsaw.
The substantial and costly vault, on the north slope of Prospect Hill, was donated to the association by Mrs. Miranda Steele.
Roman Catholic Church.
St. Mary’s Roman Catholic Church at East Arcade was built in 1846. The site for the church and parsonage was donated to the first Catholic settlers by Herman Wilson, Esq. This church in its initial stages was affiliated with the church at Java under one pastorate; but in a few years the number of Catholics had so increased that the church asked for a pastor, and has since retained the services of a resident priest.
The Roman Catholics numbered about thirty families when they first thought of building a house of worship. Following are the names of the pioneers in this section who were instrumental in building this church: Edward Wales, William Hutchinson, Dennis Casey, Lawrence McGuire, Edward O. Sullivan, Andrew Lenox, Thomas McGloughlin, Bernard Sullivan, John Bennett, John Burns, Felix Gillespie, David Roach, and others.
The building is a wooden structure, and has a capacity for seating four hundred worshipers. It is located on the east bank of the Cattaraugus creek, about five miles from the village of Arcade. The Rev. Mr. Flynn, the first pastor, took charge in 1848. He was succeeded by the Rev. Mr. Miller, who, after a short pastorate, was followed by the Rev. Mr. Stager. Rev. John Fitzpatrick was the next pastor, and after him came Rev. Francis R. Cook. The latter was relieved by Rev. John C. O’Riley, who in turn gave way to the present incumbent. Rev. Edward McShane, who at this writing is building a new parsonage, which, when completed, will have cost $1,500.
Railroad Communications Introduced.
About 1870 the town bonded itself conditionally in aid of what was called the Buffalo and Washington Railroad Company, for the sum of $50,000; one-half of the bonds to be issued and delivered when the railroad was finished to the main road leading from Arcade to Yorkshire, and the other half when it was finished through the town and a depot of certain dimensions finished. The town was to take the stock of the company in exchange for the town bonds. Subsequent to this the town sold its stock to some of the members of the company, and realized $28,000, leaving a debt against the town of $22,000, on which interest has been’ paid semi-annually, and principal reduced $1,000 each year for the last five years, leaving the present bonded debt $17,000.
This railroad – now called the Buffalo, New York and Philadelphia – has been the source of much profit and convenience to the people of the town.
Arcade in Defense of the Union.
The archives of the town do not contain a record of the enlistment of volunteers, but enough has been gathered from well authenticated sources to show that the town did its full share in the suppression of the Rebellion. The following named soldiers enlisted during the war and performed service therein:
Samuel U. Waldo. John W. O’Neil, Wallace Nichols, Henry Fessenden. David Witherell, Hiram A. Williams, Horace W. Jones, D. P. Weller, Henry Chadbone, Timothy Shockency, Cromwell Magee, Newton Wells (died June 11th, 1864), Abel Clough (died October 19th, 1864), Seaman Cornwall, William Fairfield, Curtis S. Pinney, Charles G. Pinney, Francis J. Baton, Franklin H. Pinney. John Parker. Alfred B. Calkins, Joel B. Slater, A. B. Bostford, Hiram W. Jackson, John W. Jackson, John Clough, James Clough, George W. Jones, G. Wallace Jones. James W. A. Smith, Leverett H. Waldo, Walker B. Perry, Joseph Eggleston, Milan Jones, William McKenow, William Austin, Nathan Kidder, Levi Van Anker, John Dennis, John Hartigan, John Burlingame, Thomas Rowen, Dennis Bowen, C. A. Woodworth, Benjamin McGee, Dr. Henry S. Day. Dr. Dwight W. Day, Thomas Howard. Charles O. Shepard, Asa Burleson, Rollin Stearns, Patrick Flaherty, Thomas Dillon, James Montgomery, Newton Safe, John Brennon, James Rowen, Owen Whalen, Alonzo H. Jenks. Harrison Waterman, Nelson W. Skinner (died June 30th. IBM), Hiram Henshaw, Marshall Magee, Michael Burns, Patrick Sullivan, Thomas Burrows, John Conner, Frank Conner, A. Sidney Cornwall, Horace Nichols, Thomas Farrond, Loomis D. Hall, Azene Bowen, Daniel Bowen, Gaius Parker, Herman Gerber, Walter H. Jackson, A. G. Whitney, McEhenny Jackson, George Donovan Nathan Dake. James Brayton, Newland Burns, Carl Whitney, Alexander Dillingham, Perry Moras, Patrick Welch. John Bannon, John Welch, John Roach, William Roach, Dennis Finnegan, Bernard Burns, Michael Redding, Edward Welch. William Simpson, Truman A. Drake, George Vedder, Sheldon J. Merchant, Romanzo B Drake, Wallace W. Wade, Ira Parker. Cornelius Kibbe, Henry Francis, Porter Francis and William J. Dally.
Quite a proportion of those who went forward to the field never returned, and now fill unknown and unmarked graves in the “sacred soil ” of the South – sacred indeed on account of the dust of the heroes that reposes in its bosom.
The town paid liberal bounties to its volunteers, and patriotic citizens not liable to duty furnished substitutes.
The village of Arcade is situated at the confluence of Clear creek with the Cattaraugus, in the southwest part of the town. The early settlement and settlers have been traced in the history of the town. The corporate limits embrace one and three-fourths square miles, the western part of which is crossed by the Buffalo, New York and Philadelphia Railroad.
A notice of an election to determine whether this territory should be incorporated as the village of Arcade was published, dated July 12th, 1871; the election to be held at Hamilton’s Hotel August 15th, 1871. The notice was signed by S. S. Waldo, C. O. Hitchcock, A. F. Skinner, Sidney Richardson, C. A. Woodworth, C. S. Hamilton, H. N. Waldo, J. S. Bushnell, W. W. Davis, Andrew Seaman, A. A. Spencer, I. Sam. Johnson, B. F. Hurty, E. P. Carter, W. S. Smith, N. Moore, William McKenow, J. D. Nichols, Oliver Wade, J. F. Smith, J. H. Gibson, S. F. Mann, D. B. Shedd, H. S. Parker and John Dillingham.
The whole number of votes cast at this election was 152, of which 104 were in the affirmative and 48 in the negative.
The first election of officers was held at Hamilton’s Hotel September 10th, 1871, pursuant to notice signed by Andrew Knight, supervisor, and Silas F. Mann, town clerk. The following officers were elected: J. T. Cummings, president; B. F. Hurty, E. P. Carter and James Perkins, trustees; Silas F. Mann, treasurer, and Sidney Richardson, collector.
The first meeting of the board of trustees was held September 21st, 1871, at the bank of Hurty & Chamberlain, and organized by taking the oath of office, and appointing E. Puzy clerk.
At the annual meeting held March 18th, 1879, the following officers were elected: Dr. Henry L. Day, president; A. L. Moulton and Isaac Smith, trustees for two years, and B. F. Hurty to fill vacancy; A. B. Bishop, treasurer; A. J. Whitney, collector. The board at a subsequent meeting appointed the following: W. W. Wade, clerk; James M. Witherell, street commissioner; I. A. Cornwell, police constable; J. S. Bushnell, chief engineer of the fire department, and L. B. Calkins and A. A. Spencer, fire wardens.
Professional Men and Business Establishments.
Among the early settlers that tried lawsuits was Silas Parker, although there is no evidence that he ever was admitted as a regular lawyer. His son, Charles R. Parker, studied law, was regularly admitted, and for many years practiced his profession with success. Leverett Spring came into the town from Vermont about forty-five years ago; he is still hale, and in the practice of his profession, doing business in Wyoming and adjoining counties. Byron Healy, now county judge, commenced his practice in Arcade, as also did I. S. Johnson, now district attorney. Andrew J. Knight, ex-district attorney, has an office, and is doing a good business. William H. Nourse has been doing a legal business in Arcade two or three years. Henry M. Hill and Gustavus A. Barnes are younger members of the bar.
The town of Arcade, like all other towns, has no doubt been blessed with all sorts of doctors, good, bad and indifferent, and they all had their friends that were willing to stand by them through evil and through good report. The first one we find mentioned was Dr. Joseph Pasco, but whether he was regular or irregular we have no means of knowing. Then we hear of Dr. Israel Kibbe, who dealt out roots, herbs, etc., for the relief of the sick and afflicted. He was a good, well disposed man, and of course had a great many friends. We hear also of Dr. Kilbourn, but do not know what his medical tenets were. A Dr. Powers and a Dr. Burrows have also had residences here. Dr. Ira Shedd located here probably near fifty years ago. He was a regular physician and a very worthy man, and for a great many years was the only physician in the town. He left here in 1872, then well toward seventy years old, and is living with his son at Grand Rapids. Mich. Dr. Washington W. Day came here from Eagle some twenty years ago, and practiced his profession till his health failed in 1868. He died March 12th, 1873. Since that time Dr. Hanks and Dr. FitzGibbons, allopathic, Dr. Stearns, eclectic, and Dr. Sovereign, homoeopathic, have been in Arcade for short periods. The present physicians are Dr. Henry L. Day, son of Dr. Washington W. Day, who has been in successful practice about fifteen years; Dr. Lucius Peck, who moved here from Java in 1869, and has practiced here and in Java and Eagle something over thirty years; and Dr. E. W. Earle, homoeopathic physician, who has been in practice in Arcade and Freedom three or four years.
On the 31st of March, 1859, James H. Gibson started a newspaper here, called the Arcade Enterprise, which afterward went into, the hands of Charles Young. It was published by successive proprietors, with indifferent success for several years, and gave way to the Arcade Times, which was published here by S. Wilson Wade three or four years, and then removed to Warsaw, taking the name of the Wyoming County limes, where it is still published.
The Arcade Leader was commenced in January, 1875, by Wallace W. Wade, and published by him until October 1st, 1879, when he was succeeded by I. Allen Cornwell, who is its present editor and proprietor.
There is at present only one drug store in the place. It is under the management of A. B. Bishop, a graduate of the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy.
About 1828 the site and water privilege for the grist-mill, tanner}’ and saw-mill were deeded by Deacon Walter Hinckley to Harry Jackson, a son of Salah Jackson. The water was taken out of Clear creek by a head race, commencing on the farm of Captain Barrows, now owned by Martin J. Stearns, on the west side of Clear creek. This has proved to be a very valuable water power. The grist-mill was built about 1828 by Harry Jackson; the next year he built a sawmill. In 1852 the brothers Asahel and John Jackson built a tannery on the same water power. This property is now all owned by Silas F. Clough. The grist-mill and tannery seem to be in a flourishing condition, but the saw-mill has been on the retired list for some time.
There is a small grist-mill on the Cattaraugus creek, about two miles above the village, which is now owned and operated by A. D. Hedges, Esq. This mill has been in use probably for twenty years or more, and still noes quite a respectable business.
C. A. Clough owns and operates a saw-mill in the west part of Arcade village, and is doing a respectable business for a section of country like this, nearly destitute of timber.
A cheese box factory, situated in the west part of the village and operated by C. A. Clough and J. H. Howard, is doing a fine business, and employs six or seven hands about eight or nine months in the year.
The planing-mill, together with a sash, door and blind factory, is situated on Clear creek, near its confluence with the Cattaraugus. It is owned and operated by J. S. Bushnell, who employs four or five hands the year round, doing a good business on a small scale in the way of planing, matching, manufacturing siding, brackets, mouldings, etc.
Samuel Upham built the first cloth-dressing and woolcarding factory in 1819. He operated and owned it till 1834, when his son in-law, H. N. Waldo, became the owner. In 1837 the building was enlarged and machinery introduced for the manufacture of cloth, on a small scale. He kept on enlarging and introducing machinery till 1863, when it had a capacity of turning out from seventy-five to one hundred yards of flannels and cassimeres per day. A partnership was organized about this time, under the firm name of Waldo, Steele & Co., who soon afterward pulled down the old building and erected a new one, thirty by eighty feet, with an “L” thirty by fifty feet, with all the modern machinery for spinning, weaving and finishing cloth. The factory now had a capacity for two hundred yards per day, employed about twenty-five hands and was run up to its full capacity till October 30th, 1868, when it was destroyed by fire. The last month was the best month of its existence. It was rebuilt by Waldo & Son in 1871, fifty by eighty feet, of brick, with stone basement, and is now owned and operated by Smith & Wilson as a yarn factory. Under the present management it employs fourteen hands and manufactures about two hundred pounds of yarn per day, worth on an average $1.50 per pound. It is run nine or ten months in the year. The annual income is about $35,000.
Hurty & Chamberlain established a bank here July 1st, 1867, in Carter’s building, east of the Clear creek bridge, which was conducted by Mr. Hurty. In 1873 in was reorganized, passing into the hands of the firm of B. F. Hurty & Co., composed of B. F. Hurty, D. C. Beebe and A. Knight. In 1874 the banking company built the threestory brick block known as the Keystone Block, in the up’ per story of which is Keystone Hall. The east side of the lower story is used as a bank. It is finished in modern style, with a vault of great security.
There are two regular dry goods stores in the village – the old and well known store of D. C. Beebe, who has been successfully engaged in the business here and in the towns adjoining for twenty years; and that kept by Silas F. Mann, who has followed the business toward twenty years with good success.
Whitney & Guild, Jared F. Smith and Joshua D. Nichols sell groceries and provisions, glassware and notions. W. W. Davis also deals in groceries, provisions, feed, salt, lime, coal, seeds and fruits, etc.
James Perkins & Son, M. T. C. Perkins, manufacture and sell everything in the line of carriages and sleighs but lumber wagons. They have a paint and blacksmith shop connected with their establishment, and turn out a large quantity of work for a town like this. Charles Witherell has a carriage shop on Liberty street.
Louis H. Johnson manufactures gravestones and monuments.
Of resident cheese buyers there are S. Wade, H. D. Barnes, A. S. Moulton, H. M. Holmes, Hiram Steele, Wellington Beebe, V. C. Beebe and L. L. Horton.
The livery business is probably not quite as good as it was fifteen or twenty years ago, but supports three stables in the village, viz.: those of Herbert Allen (the old stable of Spencer & Davis); Judson Bostwick, who occupies the barn of A. A. Spencer, near the Arcade Hotel; and George Green.
There are at least a half dozen blacksmith shops in the village, where horseshoeing, carriage ironing and all kinds of general blacksmithing are carried on. Among the workmen are William McKenow, Henry Kilton, James Mulvey, A. D. Dennison, Mr. Upham and Horatio Hodge.
The only hardware store in Arcade is now kept by Gilbert & Foote, two young men who embarked in the trade within the last six months, by buying out the stock of E. W. Wilcox. They keep everything usually kept in hardware stores except stoves. A. F. Skinner and Chauncey make and sell tinware, and deal in stoves.
English & Carter keep a general assortment of watches, clocks, silverware, cutlery and notions for sale at their store, and repair clocks, watches, etc.
This store and shop was first owned and carried on by E. P. Carter, but two or three years ago passed into the hands of the present proprietors.
There are three hotels within the limits of the corporation of the village. The Arcade Hotel is owned by Levi B. Calkins, and for many years was the only one in the village or in the town. It has had many proprietors, and is now under the superintendence of Mace Lord, a landlord of much experience. Three or four years ago it was thoroughly repaired, and a third story added to the front, making it one of the finest and best managed hotel buildings in the county.
The United States Hotel was founded and has always been kept by Z. Foote, who in 1871 bought out what had been used for a store and dwelling house, and converted it into this hotel. He also built a capacious barn in the rear, and otherwise improved the property.
About 1874 Hyder Barnes built a hotel at the railroad station. It was immediately bought and is now kept by R. H. McReady.
There are two boot and shoe shops, carried on by C. H. Beardsly and H. S. Hubbard.
H. J. Beardsley carries on business as a merchant tailor; is doing quite an extensive business in the clothing trade.
There is at present but one meat market in the village, kept by George W. Jones and E. C. Rogers.
Mrs. John Syke and the Misses Fuller are the milliners of the place, and Mrs. Shalies does an extensive business in dress making.
In 1839 Professor Samuel Sedgwick opened a selact school in the basement of the old Congregational church. In 1844 he built Sedgwick Seminary. He was succeeded by D. G. Calkins and others. This building was afterward sold, and made over into a Methodist church.
The original subscription for establishing the Arcade academy was dated October 1st, 1861. The charter was granted in February, 1862, and the school opened in April, 1863, with J. W. Earle as principal. During the eight years of its existence as the Arcade Academy the principals were J. W. Earle, W. M. Benson, Mr. Huzzy, J. W. Snow and E. H. Latimer.
In April, 1870, it was sold to school district No. 1, which includes the whole village of Arcade, and the Arcade Academy and Union School was established under the general law of the State. Since the change the principals have been D. H. Burke, three terms; Miss Mary Wright, three terms; G. M. Forbes, three terms; R. W. Whelan, three terms; G. M. Forbes, again, three terms; A. M. Moss, two terms; J. H. Gibson, seven terms; and A. L. Eastman, who is the present principal. Three assistants are usually employed, and the average attendance is about one hundred and sixty pupils.
Arcade Lodge, No. 419, F. & A. M. was constituted May 19th, 1856 (date of warrant June 16th, 1857), with Ezra Farrington, W. M.; Heman Wilson, S. W.; and Philander Cook, J. W. The charter members were: Ezra Farrington, Heman Wilson, Philander Cook, A. B. Botsford, Silas Parker, Ira Rowley, S. Guild, E. Holmes, John Wade, H. Smith, J. G. Wood and J. S. Colby.
Since its organization the following have been W. M.: Ezra Farrington, Heman Wilson, Reuben Ball. Gideon Bentley, Hiram Smith, David Sill, I. Samuel Johnson, D. J. Woodworth, W. W. Wade and M. T. C. Perkins.
Meetings are held the first and third Fridays of each month. The membership is 94.
Officers for 1879: M. T. C. Perkins, W. M.; I. A. Cornwell, S. W.; Lucius Peck, J. W,; R. Ball, treasurer; J. H. Howard, secretary; A. F. Skinner, S. D.; William C. Ladd, J. D.; H. T. Wade, S. M. C; J. S. Bushnell, J. M. C; G. G. Williams, Tyler.
Fires and Fire Department.
The first fire of any note was that which destroyed the Arcade Woolen Mills October 30th, 1868. This was a three-story building, and there was not a ladder in town by which the roof could be reached.
December 16th, 1871, a hook and ladder company was organized, with the following officers: J. S. Bushnell, foreman; T. J. Cornwell, assistant foreman; Charles T. Waldo, secretary; other members – George S. Guild, W. B. Perry, J. H. Beardsly, V. C. Beebe, H. E. Kilton, George Green, W. H. Pugh, John Haskell, H. W. Jones, D. Dennison, I. A. Cornwell, L. H. Johnson, Butler Wood, Clark Beardsly and H. S. Mosher.
The present officers are: A. H. Carter, foreman; J. M. Witherell, assistant foreman; and B. F. Hurty, secretary and treasurer.
The Chemical Fire Engine Company was organized April 7th, 187-, with the following officers, viz.: B. F. Lewis, foreman; J. S. Bushnell, assistant foreman; Fremont Knight, secretary; M. A. Hyland, treasurer. At a special meeting called for that purpose the corporation voted $1,000 for the purchase of a Babcock chemical engine.
The present officers are: F. M. Foote, foreman; L. A. Davis, assistant foreman; F. A. Seaman, secretary; and James Crawford, treasurer; other members- F. C. Knight, W. S. Stearns, W. I. Mastin, J. W. Blakely, E. C. Wade, M. A. Hyland, C. A. Moon, H. S. Hubbard, H. O. Shedd, C. H. St. John, A. A. House, S. T. Gilbert, C. H. Beardsly, Allen W. Peck, Chauncey White and Millard Holmes.
The village consists largely of wooden buildings, which in many places stand very compact, and it is remarkable that it has thus far escaped disastrous fires.
Church History.
Congregational. – The first Congregational church of Arcade was organized on Saturday, July 24th, 18 13, at a meeting held in the school-house. Rev. John Spencer was moderator of the meeting, and the original members were Walter Hinckley, Azubah Kibbe and Peggy Dutton. Articles of faith and covenant were adopted, and Walter Hinckley was chosen deacon of the church, also moderator and clerk for future meetings. He was the only deacon until 1832, when two more were chosen to assist him, and he held the office of clerk until 1836. He was also the originator and superintendent of the Sunday-school.
The Lord’s Supper was administered the Sunday following the organization, by the Rev. John Spencer, who also served the church more or less regularly for the first ten years of its history, when he was succeeded by the Rev. Edmund Ingalls, who labored in the field successfully another ten years or more.
Revs. Solomon Stevens, Calvin Grey, Caleb E. Fisher, Henry Snyder, Timothy Stow, Ovid Miner, Lewis P. Frost, John Dodd (who died in the pastorate in 1864), William Dewey, W. H. Thomas, Charles Strong and Eugene F. Atwood served the church for a longer or shorter time. The present pastor, Rev. Newton H. Bell, began his ministry with this church in 1877.
Although this church was Congregational in its polity from the beginning, it was connected with the presbytery until 1858, and sent its delegate annually to that body. In 1858 it voted to unite with the Wyoming County Conference of Congregational Churches. April 2nd, 1854, a colony of members was dismissed for the purpose of organizing a church at Currier’s Corners, in Java.
During its early history the church enjoyed an unusual degree of prosperity, and hundreds were added by letter and profession of faith; but owing to many causes it became so reduced in strength that in 1879 it had only thirty resident members, and its utter extinction seemed imminent, but since that time a large congregation has been gathered, and its membership more than doubled.
A flourishing Sunday-school of more than a hundred scholars, with an average attendance of seventy* five, is under the efficient management of Mr. L. A. Davis and a good corps of teachers.
The first house of worship was built and dedicated in 1834. It was valued at about $2,500, and the sale of pews fully covered the amount. In 1877 the property was put into the hands of a committee, consisting of Messrs. B. F. Hurty, William W. Davis and Smith Lyon, and. they were authorized to erect a new building for the use of the church. The work was finished with such dispatch that on the 5th of December of the same year a beautiful structure, costing about $6,000, was dedicated, free of debt. It is built of wood. The style is gothic. The audience room has a seating capacity of three hundred, and is connected in the rear with a large lecture room, Bible class-room and library. The old bell rings in the new belfry. The whole is tastefully finished and furnished, and is an ornament as well as credit to the village.
Baptist. – Among the early settlers of the town were a few Baptists, who previous to 1816 held meetings, generally in private houses, under the lead of Deacon Caleb Calkins, Deacon John Colby and Stephen Pratt, of Sardinia. After that date Rev. Elias Harmon, who settled in Aurora, Rev. William Merrick, then of Sheldon, and others preached for them occasionally. The first Baptist church was organized October 13th, 1820, and recognized by a council in February, 182 1, as a branch of the China and Concord church. In November, 1825, this body assumed the name of the China and Freedom church. Deacon Caleb Calkins, Deacon Samuel Upham and Dr. S. W. Pattison were active members of this body.
In 1825 Rev. Whitman Metcalf settled in Sardinia, and was soon engaged to preach in Arcade one-fourth of the time, and this church became connected as a branch with that of Sardinia, under the name of the Sardinia and China church. Meetings were held in the school- house, which was also occupied by the other denominations. Rev. Clark Carr, a missionary of the Holland Purchase Baptist Association, which had been organized in 181 1, preached sometimes in 1831, as did also Rev. E. Loomis, then pastor of Boston and Springville. Rev. Alfred Handy, who succeeded Elder Metcalf at Sardinia in 1833, also preached till 1836.
The church was organized as a separate and distinct church, by the name of the Baptist Church of Christ in Arcade, August 8th, 1835. The constituted members were: L. D. Davis, James Steele, Calvin R. Davis, Eliakim How, Samuel Upham, Ira Rowley, Lester Withey, Sylvia Withey, Hannah How, Polly Upham, Lucy Upham, Ira Shedd, Hiram Bartow, Hugh Steele, A. D. Warren, Abigail Warren, Francis Eaton, Lyman Carpenter, Chester A. Calkins, Milan Jones, G. Knight, Diana Smith, Maria Nourse, Alzina Gillett, Eurilla Bartow, Lucinda Steele, Susan Warren, Phoebe Warren, Emily Eaton, Susan Rowley, Julia Ann Shedd, Sophronia Crary, Miranda Steele, Mary A. Steele, Pomel Beckwith, Erville Pickard, Harriet Beckwith; six of these now belong to the church.
October 7th, 1835, a council met at the Congregational meeting-house in Arcade, at which the Rev. Elisha Tucker was moderator, and publicly recognized this body as a regular gospel church. Dr. Ira Shedd was the first clerk, and served from that time till he removed to Grand Rapids, Mich., in 1872. He was succeeded by A. J. Knight, the present incumbent.
The first deacons were James Steele, L. D. Davis and Ira Shedd. They have been succeeded by Samuel Upham, Daniel Woodworth and Abel Clough. The present deacons are Chester A. Calkins and Heman Wilson.
Rev. Alfred Handy preached till 1836; Rev. A. Miner, of Rushford, and Rev. Silas Tucker, then a student at Hamilton, in 1836 and 1837; Rev. Sheldon N. Smith and Rev. Steadman Searle, in 1837 and 1838, and Re”. Whitman Metcalf, from 1838 to 1840. Their first resident pastor. Rev. J. M. Purrington, was with them from 1840 to 1845.
In 1839 they commenced building their first house of worship. It was a substantial frame building, forty by fifty feet, cost $2,400, and was dedicated in January. 1841. In 1844 they built a parsonage, at a cost of about $400.
Rev. David Searles was pastor in 1845 and 1846.
The pulpit was supplied for about one year by Rev. S. Tucker, Rev. Z. Smith and others. Rev. E. W. Clark was pastor from 1847 to 1853; Rev. E. W. Bliss from 1853 to 1855; Rev. R. Morey in 1856 and 1857: Rev. A. G. Bowles from 1858 to 1860; Rev. Franklin Kidder from 1860 to 1866; Rev. L. S. Stowell, 1866 and 1867; Rev. Abner Morrill, 1868 to 1874; Rev. A. D. Bush has been pastor since 1874.
In 1874 the church rebuilt and enlarged the parsonage, at a cost of about $800, and in 1875 rebuilt, enlarged and refurnished the meeting-house, at a cost of about $6,400. The present number of members is one hundred and eighteen. Since the erection of the meeting-house in 1840, the members have maintained an efficient Sunday-school. L. Spring was its first superintendent. A. J. Knight is now superintendent. The school has fourteen officers and one hundred and forty pupils, and about one hundred and fifty library books.
Methodist Episcopal. – It has been difficult to obtain information of the early Methodists in the town, but it appears that they began to have preaching here about 1830. They had no house of worship, but held their services, which were at irregular intervals, in the Congregational and Baptist churches. About 1850 they bought of one Sedgwick a building then used as a seminary, and in 1856 repaired it extensively, giving it a much more churchlike appearance.
The church thus repaired was dedicated July 31st, 1856. In 1878 the house was entirely rebuilt, in modern style, with the addition of a lecture-room, and furnace in the basement. The audience room has a seating capacity of three hundred. The society is now in a flourishing condition, the accessions within the last year having been at least one-half of their present membership, which is about seventy. The Sabbath-school numbers about fifty pupils, and is superintended by A. F. Skinner.
The present pastor is Rev. J. A. Smith.
JESSE AMES was born in Orwell, Vt, in 1814. He was a son of Jacob Ames, also a native of Vermont, who died in Arcade in 1804. Mr. Ames married Jane R. Jackson, of Cherry Valley, Otsego county, in 1844. He came to Arcade in 1845, haring lived in Colchester and South Dansville previously. The father of Mrs. Ames was born in Hartford, Conn., and coming to Arcade in 1819, was one of the early settlers of the town.
CHARLES W. ARNOLD was born in China (now Arcade) in 1816. He has been a life-long resident of the town which he has served as clerk. In 1843 he was married to Dolly Foster Runnells niece of Silas Meach, prominent in pioneer days. Mr. Arnold contributed liberally to the prosecution of the late war.
GIDEON ARNOLD, deceased, was born July 8th, 1789, at Hampton, Conn., and came to Arcade in 1811. Returning to his native place in 1815. He married Lovina Williams August 20th, and came back and settled on the farm now owned by his son, Harvey Arnold, who was born September 12th, 1826, and married to Susan, daughter of Phineas Stearns, of Arcade, October 19th, 1852. He has served as assessor, and is president of the board of education of Arcade union school.
HYDER BARNES was born at Rutland, Vt., September 11th, 1804, and died December 13th, 1879. He married Daphne B. Palmer, of Orwell, Vt.. October 19th, 1828, and resided at Addison,Vt., until he came to Arcade, in 1852. He was active in business, and held local offices. His sons, H. Dana and Gustavus A. Barnes, the former an extensive dealer in butter and cheese, the latter a lawyer, are well known in the town.
D. C. BEEBE was born at Freedom, Cattaraugus county, October 22nd, 1830, and married Azelia A., daughter of Philander Cook. October 18th, 1858. Mr. Beebe, who is a merchant and banker, is a son of Charles Beebe, a settler from Vermont, who came into Arcade in 1815.
V. C. BEEBE, son of Charles Beebe, was born at Freedom, N. Y., February 4th. 1851, and is unmarried. He was educated at the district school and at Arcade Academy. He began his business career as a clerk and salesman at the age of eighteen, and a few years later became a member of the firm of Horton & Beebe in the wholesale cheese and butter trade and, though young, has an enviable reputation among the dairymen of western New York.
JUDSON BOSTWICK, liveryman, was born in Pike, March 19th, 1830, and was married February 23d, 1854, to Lovina Smith, daughter of William Smith, of Castile. Mr. Bostwick enlisted in September, 1861, in Company F, 5th N. Y. cavalry. He was disabled at Annapolis and discharged in 1852. He lived nine years in Michigan, and located in Arcade in 1878.
REV. NEWTON H. BELL, pastor of the Congregational church of Arcade, is a man of exceptional classical, literary and theological erudition. He was born at Kossuth, Iowa April 22nd. 1841, and married Emma H., daughter of Rev. Erastus Curtiss, of North New Salem, Mass., August 11th, 1868. He is a graduate of Denmark Academy, of Iowa, Amherst College and Princeton and Bangor theological seminaries, and has traveled extensively on both hemispheres, having preached at Stafford Springs, Conn., and Owatanna, Minn., and been a missionary at Mardin, in Turkey. He assumed charge of the Arcade church in November, 1877.
WILLIAM BIXBY was born in 1821 at Freedom, N. Y. He married Salome L. Clough, in 1850. Mr. Bixby’s father, Barnes Bixby, was born in Hillsboro county, N. H., in 1785, and was a settler in Arcade in 1817. He died in his ninetieth year.
LEVI B. CALKINS was born October 13th, 1810, at St. Albans, Vt., and removed with his mother to Aurora, Erie county, in 1833. October 18th, 1840, he was married to Matilda, daughter of Seth Winery, of Cambridge, Vt., and March 12th, 1861, to Emily Farrington Reed, of Olean, N. Y. He has followed the milling business twenty years, been a farmer three years, and has had much experience its a hotel proprietor in Lockport three years and sixteen years in Arcade.
EGBERT P. CARTER, jeweler and dealer in clocks, watches and silverware, is a son of Miles Carter, and was born in Ontario county, April 21st, 1825. He married Eliza Ann, daughter of Walter Brooks, of Yorkshire, N. Y., in 1848. He has a store in Eldred, Pa.
CHANCEY A. CLOUGH, son of Abel Clough, was born April 6th, 1841, in Fabius, Onondaga county. He married Abbie Webber, daughter of Levi Webber, of Farmersville, N. Y., October 14th, 1862. Mr. Clough is a saw and planing-mill proprietor and a leading lumberman and manufacturer.
IRVIN ALLEN CORNWELL, son of John Cornwell, was born March 18th, 1852, at Arcade. He is editor and proprietor of the Arcade Lender, and has served two years as chief of police, three years as constable and two years as town clerk. His father was a sergeant in the English navy in the war of 1812. His mother was Viletta Seaman, of Dutchess county.
WILLIAM W. DAVIS, son of Sardis and grandson of Sylvester Davis, was born in Freedom, N.Y., September 24th, 1825. July 6th, 1851, he was married to Julia A. Maynard, of Arcade. Their son, Lyman, is now engaged with his father in farming, and the purchase, baling and sale of hay and a general merchandise trade. Sylvester Davis, a blacksmith, removed with his family from New Hampshire to Canandaigua, N. Y., about 1798. Sardis Davis came from there to Freedom in 1815, and settled on the Beebe farm. William W. Davis has served one year as under Sheriff.
JESSE DENNIS was born at Tioga Lake, Pa., in 1818, and was married to Fannie L. Chaffee, of Boston, Erie county, in 1814. He came with his parents to Arcade when it was called China. His father married Hannah Brown, of Vermont. They were early settlers. Chester Chaffee, father of Mrs. Jesse Dennis, was a native of Vermont. He became a resident of Arcade in 1830. He died in 1876.
DR. E. W. EARLE is a son of Prof. J. W. Earle, widely known in western New York as a teacher. He was born June 16th, 1845. in Centerville, N.Y., and in 1850 went with his father’s family to Minnesota, where his brother was killed and his mother and sister were made captives in the Sioux war. He was married January 31st, 1867, to Hannah Hills, of Yorkshire, N.Y. He graduated at Cincinnati Medical College in April, 1877, and now has a lucrative practice.
Z. FOOTE was born January 6th, 1822, at Hamilton, N. Y., and came to Arcade from Java. He is proprietor of the United States Hotel, which stands on the ground occupied by the pioneer log tavern of the town. He kept a hotel at Java Lake three years. June 6th, 1855, he married Ann Eliza Kingman, of Java.
JOHN FRIEND, a son of Isaac Friend, of Dregget, Mass., was born January 2nd, 1826, in Sheldon (now Java), and married Harriet A. Twiss, daughter of Moses Twiss, of Charlton, Mass., October 7th, 1852. He is a farmer and produce dealer, and lives at Currier’s Corners, on the farm where his father settled in 1821. The elder Friend is living. He came from Massachusetts, and was one of the men prominent in the construction of the Attica and Allegany Valley Railroad.
J. H. GIBSON was born at Darien, Genesee county, August 13th, 1834, and came to Arcade from Alexander, Genesee county, in 1856. March 21st, 1859, he married Helen M. Lyon, of Arcade. From 1875 to 1879 he was teacher in the Arcade Academy and Union School, serving three years as principal. He is also a popular lecturer on natural science. He was a member of the first firm in the drug trade and was the first newspaper publisher in Arcade.
SAMUEL T. GILBERT, the senior member of the firm of Gilbert & Foote, general dealers in hardware, paints and oils, was born September 2nd, 1853, in Thorold, Canada, and was married October 27th, 1879, to Ella M. Morris, of Otto, Cattaraugus county. He has been a resident of Arcade since 1876.
HENRY M. HILL, attorney, was educated at Arcade Academy and Syracuse University, and is a graduate of Ann Arbor University, Mich. He has been admitted to practice in the courts of the State of New York and in the United States courts. He has traveled considerably, and for a time had an office at Fort Scott, Kansas. He married Annie Burlew, of Ovid, New York, October 16th, 1873.
OLIVER HODGES, Esq., who died on the 19th day of June,1878, came as early as 1805, in company with his parents, when he was only seven years old, to the town of Attica. His father, Eliphalet Hodges, located on the farm where his grandson, Garey, now resides, and the land has always remained in the title of his father since the decease of his grandparents. When Oliver Hodges came to this town there were only a few pioneer settlers, who had raised three or four log cabins. Hardly any clearings had been made, nor any better roads laid out than footpaths through the woods, between the settlers’ dwellings. He assisted in clearing the land to which he was heir, became accustomed to hard labor, and identified himself with the growth and business prosperity of the town. When eleven years of age he carried the mail regularly between Attica and Batavia, making the journey on horseback, sometimes requiring his horse to leap over the trees that had fallen across his pathway. He was at home on horseback from childhood. In the days when men were arrested and imprisoned for debt he was constable and collector of this town, and his duties, if not always pleasant, were at least full of excitement. His business habits were such that he was repeatedly appointed deputy sheriff of Genesee county when this part of Wyoming belonged to Genesee. The older inhabitants can recollect the capture of the notorious counterfeiter Law, of his being brought to trial and the murderous assault he made in the court room upon an accomplice, Topliff, who testified against him. It is believed he would have accomplished his purpose if he had not been forcibly prevented. Mr. Hodges and Rue Nelson walked from Brierfield, Mass., to Attica in eight days, a pretty good illustration of the active habits of the young men in those times. Afterward Mr. Hodges used to draw dry goods and groceries from Albany to Attica for $3.25 per hundred. He took a reasonable amount of interest in town politics, and was a Whig until the organization of the Republican party. He was considered a man of excellent judgment, a good citizen, a kind neighbor and pleasant in his social relations.
B. F. HURTY, banker, Arcade, was born December 3d, 1834, at Lowville, Lewis county. In 1849 he married Mary Bailey, of Cuba, Allegany county. His father, John Hurty, was a farmer of German descent, and moved with his family to Bethany in 1836. The later years of his life were spent in Cuba, Allegany county where he died in 1866. After receiving such educational advantages as were afforded by the district school, young Hurty attended the academy at Alexander two winters, working on the farm during the summer. He began teaching school at Farmersville at $10 per month, “boarding around.” He afterward began teaching and attending school until he secured a liberal academic education. He was successful as a teacher in high schools at Cuba, Randolph and other points was book-keeper for a contractor on public works six years, and spent two years in the South in government employ during the Rebellion.
HON. MARCUS A. HULL, son of Dr. Laurens Hull, of Angelica, N. Y., was born at Bridgewater, N. Y., December 26th, 1819. He settled in Pike in 1856, and for several years had a woolen mill there. From Pike he removed to Arcade. where he is a well known manufacturer. He was elected to the Legislature in 1869, and re-elected in 1870. In 1873 he was appointed inspector of customs for the district of Niagara, port of Suspension Bridge, which position he still occupies. September 5th, 1848, he was married to Susan C. Ackerman, of Allen, N. Y.
JOHN JACKSON, son of Salah Jackson, and great-grandson of Dr. Orville Jackson, who was surgeon in the French army during the French and Indian war, was born in Arcade May 30th, 1817. Mr. Jackson married Mary Knapp of Lindley. N. Y., in 1845. He is a miller and carpenter. His family were early in the town, his brothers Henry and Salah being well remembered pioneers.
J. WESLEY JACKSON, son of Harry Jackson and grandson of Salah Jackson was born in Arcade September 3d, 1842 and was married May 29th, 1866 to Henrietta, daughter of Smith Lyon, of Arcade. Mr. Jackson enlisted as second lieutenant of Company H, 78th N.Y. infantry, in November, 1861, served two years and resigned on account of sickness. In September, 1864, he re-enlisted, in the 1st N.Y. dragoons, and served until the close of the war. Mr. Jackson has long been a farmer and cattle dealer, and is engaged in the western cattle trade, having large ranches in Kansas.
LOUIS H. JOHNSON who is engaged in the marble business at Arcade, was born in Rochester, N. Y., October 5th, 1832, and married Genevieve, daughter of Milton Pittenger, of Shiloh, O.
GEORGE W. JONES was born in Arcade June 2nd, 1839, and married Martha Price of Old Town. O., April 19th, 1860. He served in the war of the Rebellion in Company C. 1st N. Y. dragoons; was wounded in a cavalry charge near Strasburg, Va. and discharged at the close of the war.
HORACE W. JONES was born at Sardinia, Erie county, in 1840. He came from Sardinia to Arcade, where he has since resided, except two years spent in Yorkshire. May 4th. 1861, he enlisted in the 21st N. Y. volunteers. He participated in the 2nd battle of Bull Run, Antietam (where he was wounded), Fredericksburg, South Mountain and in other engagements. In 1864 be married Elizabeth Whitney, widow of Carleton Whitney, and daughter of Benjamin Town, who was born in Vermont in 1799, and has lived in Richfield, Otsego county, and Centreville, Allegany county, before coming to Arcade, where he now resides.
ANDREW J. KNIGHT, attorney, was born June 3d, 1839, at Nunda, Livingston county, where he was a student at the academy until he entered Rochester University. He was principal of the schools at Portage and Castile one year each, during which time he was reading law, and was admitted to the bar in 1864. He was elected district attorney in 1864, but resigned in 1876 on account of an injury which prevented his serving. In June, 1865, he married Althea E. Angier, of Nunda.
MACE LARD is one of the best known men in the county, where he has been a popular landlord and stage proprietor for many years. He has been located at Pike, Warsaw and Arcade. From 1860 to 1864 he was in California, mining, keeping hotels and lumbering, where he experienced many vicissitudes of fortune. He was born October 10th, 1819.
NELSON MOORE was born in Fenner, Madison county, March 4th, 1823. In 1824 he came with his parents to China; they settled near North Java. In 1843 he removed to Arcade, where he married Sarepta Parker in 1847, and has since resided here, engaged in farming. His father, Hiram Moore, went West, and died there in 1877.
ALBERT L. MOULTON was born November 18th, 1826, at Holland, N. Y., December 26th, 1847, he married Betsey Ann Burbank, of Arcade, who was a daughter of Solomon Burbank, and was born October 16th, 1830. Mr. Moulton is a boot and shoe maker by trade, but is now a wholesale dealer in butter and cheese for the New York market, his trade extending through five or six counties of western New York.
COLONEL SAMUEL NICKOLS was born at Francestown, N. H., in 1786 and died at Arcade in 1858. His grandfather, John Nickols, came from Ireland. Colonel Nickols was married at Francestown, N. H., to Sarah Dutton. They raised a family of six children, three of whom are living. The only member of the family now in the town is Mrs. Eurilla Bartow, who was the first white female born in town (May 3d, 1811), and received a liberal education for the early days; taught school two terms, and married Hiram Bartow December 9th 1832. He was one of six men who foraged the first temperance society in town. He died May 20th. 1872. Mrs. Bartow’s mother made the first cheese manufactured in the town and sold outside.
MRS. MARIA NOURSE, whose maiden name was Upham, was born in Rushford, Allegany county, in 1817, and was married to Orson F. Nourse in 1834. Mr. Nourse was engaged in the cattle trade, and bought very extensively for eastern markets. He was also a well known farmer. The dye house of Mrs. Nourse’s father was one of the early buildings in the town.
WILLIAM H. NOURSE, son of Nelson Nourse, of Hinsdale, Cattaraugus county, was born there June 29d, 1353, and married Idella Robeson, of Franklinville, December 25th, 1877. Mr. Nourse received an academic education at the Franklinville and Friendship academies, read law in the office of Colonel A. G. Rice, of Buffalo, and was admitted to the bar in 1877. The previous year he appeared as a political orator in behalf of the Republican cause in Erie, Niagara and Cattaraugus counties.
HORACE PARKER, deceased, was the third son of Silas Parker, an honored pioneer in the county, and like his father was a successful farmer. He was born April 27th. 1811, and was the first male child born in the town. He was often called to public positions in the town, and served as supervisor. In 1832 he married Betsey Youngs, of Florida, N. Y.
IRA PARKER, a grandson of Silas Parker, who was the first supervisor of the town of China, was born in Arcade April 9th. 1832. He married Alzina E. Pike, daughter of William w. Pike, of Eagle, August 28th, 1851. August 16th, 1861, Mr. Pike enlisted in Company C 104th N.Y. volunteers, and participated in the battles of Slaughter Mountain, Thoroughfare Gap, Rappahannock Station, Haymarket, Second Bull run, Frederick City, South Mountain, Antietam, the tow engagements at Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville and Gettysburg; was under fire ninety-one days in succession: was taken prisoner while tearing up the Weldon Railroad; was confined in Libby prison and Castle Thunder, and was discharged June 17th, 1865.
JAMES PERKINS was born August 24th, 1811, at Enfield, Grafton county, N. H. He married Sophronia Wells, of Danville, Caledonia county. Vt., November 4th. 1832, and came from there to Arcade in October, 1835, but did not become a permanent resident until August, 1839. He is a carriage builder. He has served as town superintendent of schools, justice of the peace, president of the village and in many less important offices.
SIDNEY RICHARDSON, son of Washington E. Richardson, was born March 31st. 1535, in Arcade. August 26th. 1857, he married Harriet Elizabeth Calton, daughter of John C. Calton. Mr. Richardson is a farmer and dealer in live stock and produce; he has served several years as deputy sheriff, and has been constable and collector and commissioner of highways.
DANIEL P. SHAW was born in Monroe county in 1827, and was married in 1852 to Caroline Woolsey, of Arcade. At the age of two he removed with his parents to Java; thence to Arcade. He has been highway commissioner six years, and assessor for the past nine years. Mr. Shaw’s father, Cyrus Shaw, was born in Connecticut in 1796, and died in Arcade in 1860. Harry Woolsey, Mrs. Shaw’s father, was born in Hudson, N. T., and died in Arcade in 1870.
MRS. LUCETTA R SHERWOOD, daughter of Milo Wells, and granddaughter of Captain Simeon Wells, was born in China (now Arcadia), March 27th, 1830, and married Sherman M. Sherwood, son of Dr. Anson Sherwood, of Michigan, February 26th, 1849. Her husband was of Scotch descent. She owns a farm of two hundred and three acres. Mr. Sherwood died February 23d, 1878.
HON. LEVERETT SPRING, son of Samuel Spring, was born October 19th, 1809, at Grafton, Vt., and came to Arcade in 1836, where he married Lucy Upham in 1837. He is both a lawyer and a farmer. He read law with Daniel Kellogg, of Vermont, where he was admitted to practice in 1835. In the practice of his profession he has not been limited to Wyoming county, but has practiced in adjoining counties, especially Buffalo. In 1837 he was elected magistrate, and served six years. Subsequently he was supervisor. He was a member of the Legislature in 1844 and 1845, and was appointed district attorney in 1876. Although past seventy, he is still actively engaged in a lucrative practice, and is one of three remaining members of the early Wyoming county bar.
PHINEAS STEARNS was born in Waltham, Mass., February 11th, 1795, and married Miriam Armstrong, of Fletcher. Vt., in 1824, having emigrated to that State. In 1835 he removed to Saratoga Springs, N. Y., with his parents. He afterward lived at Collins and at Springville, Erie county. In 1814 he located in Arcade, where he now lives with his son, Martin J. Stearns, on a farm of one hundred and forty acres. He is in receipt of a pension as a veteran of the war of 1812.
JAMES STEELE, deceased, was born May 4th, 1786, at Londonderry, N. H., and married Miranda Parker, daughter of Elias Parker, of Arcade, October 17th, 1813. Mr. Steele came to Arcade in 1811, and died October 8th, 1832. He has had two sons and two daughters. Elias Steele, one of the former, was born December 3d. 1833, and married Martha D., daughter of Hyder Barnes, Esq., January 20th, 1833. He is a successful farmer, and occupies the farm left by his fattier.
MRS. S. U. R. TILDEN was born October 6th. 1812, in Rushford, Allegany county. She has been twice married – to Ira Rowley, son of Colonel Rowley, and to Samuel Tilden of Arcade, who is living. Mrs. Tilden is a daughter of Samuel Upham, and is one of a very few persons left in the town who call tell of the experiences of the pioneers front memory.
JONATHAN WADE, deceased, was born February 5th, 1788, in Elizabethtown, N. J. He has been twice married – to Anna Childs and to Abigail Gillett – the second marriage taking place November 11th, 1824. By his first marriage he had seven sons; by his second a son and a daughter. Mr. Childs came from Stafford, Genesee county, and located on the John Lennox farm in 1828. Henry T. Wade, his youngest son, was born August 11th, 1827, at Stafford, Genesee county, and married Harriet, daughter of Heman Wilson, October 8th, 1850. The issue of this marriage has been two children – Nellie A. and Henry McClellan. Mr. Wade is a farmer.
HORATIO N. WALDO, a son of Lyman Waldo, was born at Coventry. Conn., February 21st, 1806, and was married October 8th, 1829, to Eunice, daughter of Samuel Upham of Arcade. Mr. Waldo came to Arcade from Portage, N. Y., in 1828, and became well known as a woolen manufacturer. Under his management the “Arcade cloth” had an extended and favorable reputation. Mr. Waldo is living retired.
A. WALLACE WADE was born November 9th, 1840, at Farmersville, Cattaraugus county, and was married May 22nd, 1872, to Frances A. Remington, of Stafford, Genesee county. He lived in China, N.Y., from 1841 to 1849. His parents went to Michigan in 1854. He enlisted as a private in the 3d Michigan infantry in 1861, and was discharged in 1863, and soon after re-enlisted in Custer’s brigade band, as 1st sergeant, with the Michigan cavalry, and remained until the close of the war. He returned to Arcade in 1867, and served the village as trustee, a member of the board of education and as village clerk from 1873 to 1879, one year excepted. From 1876 to 1879 he was editor of the Arcade Leader, and is at present engaged in the wholesale cheese trade.
CAPTAIN SIMEON WELLES was born in Balton, Conn., August 4th, 1770, and died August 29th, 1845 in Arcade. He was married in 1791 to Rhoda L. Bostwick of Connecticut. He came to Arcade in 1819, and settled on the farm now owned by his grandson, Milo B. Welles. Captain Welles had seven children – Bostwick, Talcott, Milo, Lemuel C., Harriet, Phebe and Elmira. Lemuel C. Welles was married to Eliza Miller, daughter of John F. Miller, of Ovid, N.Y., April 27th, 1826, and died April 28th, 1849. He had nine children, eight of whom are living. Mrs. Eliza Welles, with her sons, V.C. and E.C., owns the old homestead.
JARED WITHERIL located on a farm of three hundred acres on lot No. 41, in the northwest corner of the town, about 1817, and participated in the first town meeting, held the next year. He died about 1848 or 1849.
His son, NELSON WITHERIL, owns and occupies part of the old farm. He was born in Harford, Conn., in 1815; came with his parents to Arcade; and was married December 25th, 1839, to Sarah Ann Wilber, of Arcade. He has been a farmer and contractor, and has, in the latter capacity, built more bridges than any other man in the town.
GEORGE WILLIAMS, son of John Williams, who was born in Danby, Vt., in 1793, and died in Erie county in 1868, was born in Rutland, Vt., October 23d, 1817, and married Lucy Arnold, of Arcade, in 1850. Mr. Williams, who had lived in Vermont, in Erie county and in Yorkshire, came to Arcade in 1864.
RUFUS WOOLSEY was born in Sheldon (now Java), N.Y., September 8th, 1820, and married Hannah Bryant, of Angelica, N.Y., February 13th, 1851. He is a son of Henry Woolsey, of Columbia county, N.Y., who settled on the old Woolsey farm in Java in 1819. Mr. Woolsey has served five years as commissioner of highways.
REV. CHARLES A. WOODWORTH, preacher and furniture dealer, was born in Fenner, Madison county, November 13th, 1838, and was married February 9th, 1864, to Mary L. Smith, of Fredonia, N.Y. He received an academic education at Fredonia and Middlebury academies, and was teaching school in Lexington, Ky., in the fall of 1859. He came north and enlisted in Company H, 44th N.Y. infantry, August 8th, 1861. September 20th he was commissioned first lieutenant. He was appointed recruiting officer for the general service January 1st, 1862, and stationed at Rochester. He rejoined his regiment April 5th, 1862, and was in command of Company E during the siege of Yorktown; was in the battle of Hanover Court-house and the Seven Days Fight; lost his left eye at Malvern Hill; was taken prisoner and confined in Libby prison till July 14th, when he was released and sent home. He was commissioned captain of Company K, 44th N.Y. volunteers, and assumed command January 1st, 1863; was discharged June 30th, 1865. He was commissioned colonel of the 97th regiment of Missouri militia, to suppress the Rebellion against the State government in 1867, and resigned in 1868. For ten years he has been a member of the village board of education. He entered the ministry October 5th, 1878
SOURCE: History of Wyoming County, N.Y., with Illustrations, Biographical Sketches and Portraits of Some Pioneers and Prominent Residents; F. W. Beers & Co.; 1860