HENRY ZIPP, serving his second term as Councilman, is an ex-President of the board, and has held important appointive positions. Councilman Zipp is a man of business as well as political prominence, and ranks as one of the solid men of the community.
Henry Zipp is a native of Germany, his family having come to America from the Duchy of Nassau. Mr. Zipp was born on the 4th of September, 1341, his father being Peter Zipp, and his mother’s maiden name being Elizabeth Hecker.
Henry Zipp supplemented the excellent schooling he received in Germany by attending the public schools of Buffalo for two years. He then clerked in grocery stores until he was eighteen years old, when he entered D. Clinton Hicks’ Commercial College, from which he graduated. During his last year in college he acted as assistant to the faculty, and as an expert accountant in outside business.
He later successively became a bookkeeper in the Buffalo office of the Salt Company of Onondaga for two years; H. A. Frink, for three years, and Wallace Johnson.
In 1869 Mr. Zipp engaged in the flour and feed business for three years, then engaging in the sewing machine business for five years. He then established his present coal business, located since 1899 at 285 Swan street. Mr. Zipp has been a lifelong Democrat. He has always taken a keen interest in the success of his party, and in public welfare. In 1892 Mayor Bishop appointed Mr. Zipp a member of the Board of Park Commissioners. At the second session of the Board he made a successful fight against the plan which had been agreed upon by the Board to sell the Parade Ground. As the outcome of Commissioner Zipp’s energetic opposition, the Parade Ground instead of being sold was improved, and is now one of the most valued parts of the Park system. In all cases Mr. Zipp showed the utmost zeal and the best of judgment in the work of improving the city’s parks.
In 1895, Mr. Zipp was nominated for Councilman. Only three of the Democratic nominees were elected, Mr. Zipp being one.
When Mr. Zipp first took his seat he was one of a Democratic minority of three, the other six members being Republicans. In his third year the Board showed its appreciation of Mr. Zipp by unanimously choosing him for President. In the fall of 1899 Councilman Zipp declined a renomination. In 1905 he was again elected for a term of four years, which he is now serving.
In 1903 Mr. Zipp was appointed by Mayor Knight a member of the Board of Civil Service Commissioners, serving one and one-half years.
The public career of Councilman Zipp has been of a distinctive kind. No official has shown himself more solicitous of the people’s interests. He is a man who forms his own opinions, acts on his best judgment, and holds himself responsible to no power but the public whose well-being he consults.
Mr. Zipp is interested in the Evangelical Lutheran St. John’s Orphan Asylum, at Sulphur Springs, Erie County, and has served as its Trustee and Treasurer for a number of years. For more than ten years he has been Treasurer and Trustee of St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church. He is now Trustee and Treasurer of the German Deaconess’ Home and Hospital of Buffalo. He is a 32d degree Mason, being connected with Harmonic Lodge F. & A. M. He is also a member of the Masonic Hall Association and is Trustee and Treasurer of that body, being also a Trustee of the Masonic Life Association of western New York. He was a Trustee of the Union Bank when that institution was in existence, and since 1890 has served as Trustee of the Western Savings Bank. He is a member of the Saengerbund Singing Society, and is also connected by life membership with the German Young Men’s Association.
June 17, 1869, Mr. Zipp married Miss Emily Haller, a daughter of Martin and Katherine Haller of Buffalo. They have two sons living, George Zipp, who is a bookkeeper in the ‘Western Savings Bank, and Albert Zipp, who is associated with his father in business.
SOURCE: Memorial and Family History of Erie County New York; Volume I