DAN L. WORTHINGTON, father of Charles Gad Worthington, was born at Lenox, Mass., August 14, 1813, and was educated in the public schools. In early manhood he removed to East Bethany, Genesee County, N. Y., where he established a general mercantile business, which he conducted for sixty years. He was a prominent Republican, was one of the Supervisors of Genesee County, and was Postmaster at East Bethany for over thirty years. Like the rest of the Worthingtons in America, Dan L. Worthington was a staunch Episcopalian, being one of the pillars of that church in Genesee County. Mr. Worthington was one of the best known men of Genesee County, and was as widely respected as he was known. He was of kind and charitable nature, and found pleasure in doing good for good’s sake.
June 26, 1836, Mr. Worthington married Indiana Louisa Pearson, daughter of Richard and Indiana Pearson of East Bethany, N. Y. Their children were: Charles Gad, Richard P., Robert Cone, George, and Dan.
Charles Gad Worthington was born at East Bethany, Genesee County, N. Y., November 6, 1841. He was educated in the public schools at Batavia, N. Y., and at a private school in that village. At the age of sixteen he began work as a clerk in his father’s store in East Bethany. When he was twenty two years old he removed to Buffalo, where he entered the employ of the Buffalo Mutual Insurance Company, continuing four years. In 1868 the firm of Worthington & Sill was formed, the partners being Charles G. Worthington and Henry S. Sill. The firm engaged in the fire and marine insurance business, and has existed continuously with the same partners up to the present time. It is the oldest agency for fire and marine insurance in Buffalo, having been in existence for four decades. From small beginnings the volume of business has grown until now a vast amount of insurance is written up by the firm annually. Worthington & Sill is one of the best-known insurance concerns in Western New York.
Mr. Worthington has always been a Republican, but has never desired to hold public office. He has confined his attention to his insurance business, making it a rule not to engage in outside enterprises, the only exceptions being his connection with the Western Savings Bank, of which he has been a trustee since 1901, and with the Frontier Elevator Company, in which he has served as a trustee since 1900.
Mr. Worthington is a member of Washington Lodge, F. & A. M.; of Keystone Chapter, Royal Arch Masons; Hugh de Payens Commandery, Knights Templar, and the Consistory. He belongs to the Ellicott and Acacia Clubs, and has been a member of the Trinity Episcopalian Church ever since he came to Buffalo.
July 19, 1869, Mr. Worthington married Ella Maria Whitaker, daughter of Chauncey G., and Delia W. (Stafford) Whitaker of Buffalo. Their children are: Fannie B., born January 5, 1873, who is now Mrs. F. B. Ailing of Buffalo, and Mabel S., born January 5, 1873, who is the wife of E. R. Davis of Buffalo. Mr. and Mrs. Ailing have two children, Worthington P., and Catherine L. Ailing.
SOURCE: Memorial and Family History of Erie County New York; Volume I