GEORGE BUELL WEBSTER, who for the past twenty years has practiced law in Buffalo, is one of the leading lawyers of that city. Mr. Webster has a large clientage and represents many important corporate and individual interests.
Mr. Webster was born in Buffalo March 8, 1859, and was educated in the public schools, the State Normal School at Buffalo, and the Heathcote School. When fourteen years old he entered the Treasurer’s office of the Buffalo, New York and Philadelphia Railroad, where he remained four years. He then became a student in the law office of Bowen, Rogers & Locke, continuing with the firm two years. He then entered as managing clerk the office of Bass, Cleveland & Bissell, with whom he remained till 1883, being in 1880 admitted to the bar. In 1883 Mr. Webster was appointed to a position in the Capitol Commissioner’s Department at Albany, and continued there until October, 1886, when he returned to Buffalo, where he opened an office for the practice of law. He built up a very successful business and continued to practice alone till 1893, when he formed a law partnership with Devoe P. Hodson, under the firm style of Hodson & Webster. This association was dissolved in 1899, and from then to the present time Mr. Webster has practiced without a partner. Mr. Webster has, as a general rule, confined himself to civil business with special reference to real estate and corporation law, in which branches he is an authority. He devotes himself mainly to office practice, and has won an enviable reputation as a sound and well-read lawyer, a safe adviser, and a practitioner of acumen and skill.
In 1873 Mr. Webster enlisted in the 74th Regiment, N. G. N. Y., and in 1879 he joined the 65th Regiment, of which he was later promoted Sergeant-Major, holding that office till he went to Albany in 1883, when he resigned. While a member of the 74th Regiment, Mr. Webster served with credit during the railroad strikes of 1877.
Mr. Webster is greatly interested in the Society for the Protection of Birds, Pish and Game, and is a member of its Board of Managers. He is a member of the Erie County Bar Association, the Historical Society, and the Sons of the American Revolution. He is active in the Masonic fraternity, being affiliated with Ancient Landmarks Lodge of Masons and with Buffalo Consistory. He belongs to the Buffalo Club, and is a member of Ascension Church of Buffalo.
June 27, 1883, Mr. Webster married Agnes Jeannette Ovens, daughter of Walter S. and Anna M. Ovens.
SOURCE: Memorial and Family History of Erie County New York; Volume I