THE WEBSTER FAMILY, from which several prominent families derive their lineage, is descended from John Webster, who with Agnes, his wife, came from Warwickshire, England, to Hartford, Conn., via Massachusetts, about the autumn of 1636. John Webster was one of the most prominent men in early New England. He was among the first settlers of Hartford, was elected Lieutenant-Governor of the colony in 1655, and Governor in 1656, and held many other offices. He died at Hadley, Mass., April 5, 1661. Among his descendants were Daniel Webster, the statesman, and Noah Webster, the lexicographer. His son, Robert, was the father of Jonathan, whose son, Stephen, was the father of Timothy Webster, father of Reuben. George B. Webster, son of Reuben, was born September 8, 1796. He was married twice, his first wife having been Maria Marsh, and his second, Hannah Joy. The children of his first marriage were: George Clemm Webster, who married Sarah Verplanck of Buffalo, and Julia, who married George L. Newman of Buffalo and had one child, Jane Ellen. The children of George B. Webster by his second wife were: Hannah, who married John C. Stephenson of Buffalo; Jane, who married Edward S. Dann; and Catherine, who married Charles J. Armstrong of Buffalo. The children of George Clemm Webster are: George B., Julia, Laura, and Grace. Those of John and Hannah (Webster) Stephenson are: George, Thomas, Jennie, Helen, John, Webster, Edward, Bessie and Seymour. The children of Edward and Jane (Webster) Dann are: Edward Webster Dann, Walter Joy Dann, Jesse Chase Dann, and Jennie, the wife of the Rev. Thomas Archibald, a clergyman of the Presbyterian Church, formerly of Scranton, Pa.
SOURCE: Memorial and Family History of Erie County New York; Volume I