HENRY CHRISTIAN STEUL is one of Buffalo’s best known citizens. He has enjoyed high civic honors, has a distinguished record as a municipal official, is a very prominent fraternity man and has an enviable position in the social life of our city.
A native of Buffalo, Mr. Steul is of German ancestry and parentage. He is a son of Charles Steul and Mary Jacobi, residents of Giesen, Hesse Darmstadt, Germany, where they were married and whence they came to the United States in the ’50’s. Their surviving children are: Mary (Mrs. Adolf Hessling); Elizabeth Steul; Caroline (Mrs. William Pohle); Catherine (Mrs. Edwin Pohle); and Henry C. Steul. Conrad Steul, another son, died in August, 1888, at the age of thirty- two. The father, Charles Steul, died in 1894, and Mrs. Steul in 1901.
Henry Christian Steul was born in Buffalo on the 25th of January, 1859. He was educated in the public schools, afterward taking a German course in Prof. Pesler’s private school. When thirteen years old he was apprenticed to the trade of cabinet-making. Later he worked seven years as a journeyman cabinetmaker for Hersee & Co., subsequently having charge of the cabinet shop of Bardsky Bros., New York City.
In 1882 Mr. Steul returned to Buffalo and engaged in business with his brother, Conrad, under the firm name of Steul Bros., establishing the present concern at No. 278 Johnson street. The partnership existed until 1888, when Conrad Steul died. Henry C. Steul thereafter continued the business alone for two years, when he formed a copartnership with Frank H. Thuman, under the firm style of Steul & Thuman. In 1904 the firm was incorporated under the style of the Steul & Thuman Company, Mr. Steul being made President and Treasurer. The concern is the largest wood mantel manufactory in the United States. The plant now covers an area of 150 by 280 feet, employing over 250 people, and does over $300,000 worth of business annually. In June, 1906, Mr. Steul was elected the first President of the Wood Mantel Manufacturers Credit Association of the United States.
Besides his manufacturing enterprise, Mr. Steul is interested in real estate and banking, being a Director of the German American Bank and President of the Steul Land Company.
A Republican, Mr. Steul was elected a member of Council in 1894 by a majority of 12,000, and reelected in 1897. At the end of his term he declined a renomination, but in 1902 Mr. Steul was elected by the Common Council to fill a vacancy in the Board. In this instance Mr. Steul served two years, making in all nine years in which he had held the responsible office of Councilman.
Mr. Steul’s career of public service was characterized by eminent capability, honesty and openness. During his second term of office he was honored with election as Chairman.
Mr. Steul has taken a keen interest in the German Hospital ever since its organization, and in November, 1906, was elected a trustee. He is also a trustee of St. Peter’s Evangelical Church.
He is a Mason of the 32d degree, a member of De Molay Lodge; of Keystone Chapter, Royal Arch Masons; of Hugh de Payens Commandery, Knights Templar; Zuleika Grotto, and Ismailia Temple, Nobles of the Mystic Shrine. He also belongs to the Acacia Club, to the Buffalo Orpheus, the Saengerbund, the Harugari Maennerchor, and various fraternal bodies.
On the 1st of November, 1882, Mr. Steul was united in marriage to Miss Helen Koerbel, a daughter of Peter Koerbel and Margaret (Winters) Koerbel. The children of the marriage are two sons, Henry C. Steul, Jr., and William M. Steul, and a daughter, Miss Eleanora Steul.
SOURCE: Memorial and Family History of Erie County New York; Volume I