HENRY SEYMOUR SILL, son of Judge Sill, was born in Buffalo, and educated in the public schools, and Spencertown Academy. He studied law two years’ in the office of Judge N. K. Hall of Buffalo, but discontinued his legal studies to enter the employ of the Mutual Insurance Company of Buffalo. In 1868 he established with Charles G. Worthington the present insurance firm of Worthington & Sill. During the thirty-eight years of its duration, the copartnership of Messrs. Worthington & Sill has grown from small beginnings to the first rank among similar agencies between New York, Chicago and Duluth. The firm has charge of the general management of several leading marine insurance companies, and is one of the largest fire insurance agencies in Buffalo, being excelled by none in volume of business. He is actively interested in the Gilchrist Transportation Company, which owns a fleet engaged in lake transportation, and one of the Company’s finest steel steamers, the Henry S. Sill, is named after him. He is also connected with the Norton Transportation Company, owner of the new steel steamer, D. Z. Norton.
In politics Mr. Sill is a Republican. He is a member of the Chamber of Commerce, a life member of the Buffalo Public Library, and belongs to the Buffalo, Country and Park Clubs. He is a member of the Episcopal Church. He was a vestryman of old Christ Church before it was merged with Trinity, and since that time has been connected with the latter congregation.
SOURCE: Memorial and Family History of Erie County New York; Volume I