ALBERT JAY SIGMAN, a successful lawyer of Buffalo, is one of the best known attorneys in Erie County. For thoroughness of preparation of cases and zeal for the interests of his clients, Mr. Sigman has no superior at the Buffalo bar.
The Sigman family is of German origin. The first of the stock in America came from Baden, Germany, about 1840. The grandparents of Albert Jay Sigman settled at Tobyhanna, Susquehanna County, Pa. They were survived by three children, Martin, Elizabeth, and Catherine.
Martin Sigman, the father of the subject of this sketch, was married to Hannah Elizabeth Beck in the year 1838, Mrs. Beck, being then a widow with one child by name Catherine, who was married to one William Pfleuger, on July 4th, 1858. There were born to Martin and Hannah Elizabeth Sigman, six children, to wit: Martin P. Sigman, who died at Little Valley, N. Y., on August 24, 1905, and Belinda M. Sigman, who died at Cattaraugus, N. Y., on August 20, 1880. The following children are still living: Andrew F. Sigman and John J. Sigman, who reside at Cattaraugus, N. Y., and Albert J. Sigman and Lewis W. Sigman, both of Buffalo, N. Y.
The present grandchildien of the Sigman family are as follows, to wit: Irving F. Sigman, Ruth M. Sigman, Cora B. Sigman, and Sylvia Sigman, children of said John H. Sigman, and Alberta H. Sigman, now the wife of Philip J. Griffiths of Buffalo, N. Y., and Carrie B. Sigman, now the wife of Arthur Lee White of San Antonio, Texas, being the children of the said Lewis W. Sigman. The only great-grandchild living is Catherine Sigman Griffiths, daughter of said Alberta H. Griffiths and Philip J. Griffiths.
Martin Sigman resided the greater part of his life near the village of Cattaraugus, Cattaraugus County, New York, where he settled over sixty years ago. He was a stone mason by trade, but soon took up farming as a business, which occupation he followed until his death in 1872. During the construction of the Erie R. R. from Hornellsville to Dunkirk, the senior Mr. Sigman had the contract for a portion of a section of such work.
In politics, Martin Sigman was a Democrat, held a number of town offices, and was widely known in ‘Cattaraugus County.
Albert Jay Sigman was born in Cattaraugus, N. Y., August 8, 1853. He attended the public schools in his native town and village, later completing a classical course at Chamberlain Institute, Randolph, N. Y. When seventeen years old he began teaching school in Cattaraugus County, teaching ten terms in all, ultimately becoming principal of an important school at Otto, N. Y. While engaged as a teacher he devoted his spare time to reading law. Entering the law offices of Col. E. A. Nash and the late Hiram Herrick of Cattaraugus County, he studied law for three years, and at Buffalo, in June, 1877, was admitted to the bar. January 1st, 1878, he came to Buffalo, where he has built up a large clientage and established an excellent reputation, both as an office lawyer and as a pleader at the bar. At the close of a murder trial some years ago, wherein Mr. Sigman represented the defendant and saved the life of his client, Hon. Truman C. White, one of the Justices of the Supreme Court, remarked: “Mr. Sigman has defended his client with rare skill and care; he was persistent in his search for witnesses, and in fact, did his work most thoroughly, and I do not believe I ever witnessed a similar case where there was less display on the part of the counsel for the prisoner and more real, hard work.” Such an ex cathedra tribute is as rare as it is impressive, and might well satisfy the ambition of any lawyer.
Formerly a Democrat, Mr. Sigman was a charter member of the Cleveland Democracy, and belonged to the Executive Committee of that organization. Resigning from the Cleveland Democracy, he joined the Buffalo Republican League, and from that time cast his lot with the Republican party, and is a staunch protectionist.
For many years Mr. Sigman has been prominent in Masonic circles. A member of Hiram Lodge, No. 105, F. & A. M., he is also twice Past Master. He is a member of Buffalo Chapter, No. 71, Royal Arch Masons, and is also a Mystic Shriner, and a Mason of the 32d degree. In Odd Fellowship Mr. Sigman is at the present time Grand Master of the State of New York, having previously served as Grand Warden and Deputy Grand Master. He is a Past Noble Grand of Red Jacket Lodge, No 238, Independent Order of Odd Fellows; Past Chief Patriarch of International Encampment, No. 131; Past District Deputy of Erie District, No. 1, for two terms, and Past President of the Erie County Memorial Association, I. O. O. F., for three years. For three years he has been a Director of the Odd Fellows’ Home Association at Lockport, N. Y., and is a Trustee of his lodge. In 1906 the Grand Lodge met in Buffalo out of compliment to Grand Master Sigman.
In the Improved Order of Red Men, Mr. Sigman is Past Sachem of Erie Tribe No. 315.
His opportunities for observation of men and conditions have been enlarged by extensive travel, both in this country and in Europe.
SOURCE: Memorial and Family History of Erie County New York; Volume I