EGBERT W. POMEROY, son of Theodore M. Pomeroy of Auburn, N. Y., was born February 24, 1868, educated at the public schools of Auburn and Yale University, graduating in the class of 1891. Later he entered the Harvard Law School, graduating in the class of 1895.
Upon graduation from the Harvard Law School, Mr. Pomeroy married Miss Lucy Bemis of Cambridge, Mass., and after a few months of travel located at Buffalo, serving for two years as clerk in the law office of Rogers, Locke & Milburn. He then opened his own office and has since continued an independent practice of business law, devoting much of his time to business enterprises. With the city’s commercial and financial institutions, he is closely identified, being a trustee of the Fidelity Trust Company, a member of the board of directors of the Buffalo General Electric Company, the Edward Elsworth Company, the Natural Food Company of Niagara Falls, the Buffalo Abstract and Title Company, the Eastern Oil Company, the Buffalo Mines, Limited, Buffalo Belting and Weaving Company, Buffalo Coated Paper Company, Adirondack Fire Insurance Company and President of the New York and Buffalo Audit Company.
Mr. Pomeroy is active in club life of Buffalo, and identified with several charitable institutions. He has served as President of the Country Club, Vice-Dean of the Saturn Club, Secretary of the Buffalo Club, and is a member of the University and Ellicott clubs, as well as of the Yale Club and University Club of New York City. He is Vice-President of the Charity Organization Society of Buffalo, a member of the Board of Trustees of the Buffalo General Hospital and of the Buffalo Fine Arts Academy, which he has served as Secretary. He is also identified with church work, being President of the Men’s Club of the First Presbyterian Church and a Trustee of Mount Hermon Boys’ School at East Northfield, Mass. Mr. Pomeroy served as a member of the New York State Commission of the Jamestown Tercentennial Exposition by appointment by Governor Higgins, and in 1907 Mayor Adam appointed Mr. Pomeroy Chairman of the Railroad Terminal Commission of Buffalo, a position in which he is now serving.
SOURCE: Memorial and Family History of Erie County New York; Volume I