HENRY ZIBA PERSONS was born in East Aurora, Erie County, N. Y., November 5, 1819. He was educated in the grammar schools of his native town, and at the Aurora Academy. He began his business career at Machias, Cattaraugus County. Later he returned to East Aurora, where in 1845 he opened a general store. Mr. Persons continued to be engaged in mercantile pursuits until 1887. In 1882 the Bank of East Aurora was organized. Mr. Persons served for a number of years as its Vice-President, being later elected President, in which capacity he continued till his death. He was an ardent Republican and a strong supporter of the Union during the Civil War. In 1861 he was appointed Postmaster by Abraham Lincoln, and continued to hold that office throughout Lincoln’s administration and for more than twenty years thereafter. He was several times elected Supervisor, and Loan Commissioner.
He was a liberal contributor to the Presbyterian and other churches, and gave largely to charitable causes. In 1849 Mr. Persons married Mary White, daughter of David P. and Betsy (Piatt) White of East Hamburg. The children of the union, Henry Hamilton Persons and Helen Persons were twins. The daughter died in infancy. Mrs. Persons, who was born May 20, 1822, still lives in East Aurora. Henry Z. Persons died in February, 1901.
Henry Hamilton Persons was born in East Aurora December 16, 1851. He attended grammar schools and Aurora Academy, and studied a year at Cornell University. When twenty-two years old, Mr. Persons entered his father’s store, and later received a half interest in the establishment. He devoted himself to mercantile business till 1882, when he became cashier of the Bank of East Aurora, in 1887 he sold his store and thereafter gave his attention to banking. In 1901 he was elected President of the bank to succeed his father, and has since continued to hold that office. In 1898 Mr. Persons was elected Vice-President of the Buffalo Commercial Bank, and later was chosen President, which position he retained until the bank was sold to the Marine National Bank in 1903. Of the latter bank Mr. Persons became Vice-President, serving till 1904.
Mr. Persons was among the organizers of the Frontier Telephone Company, was chosen its Vice-President in 1903, and was later elected President, which office he held until the Consolidated Telephone interests purchased the stock of the Frontier Company in 1905. He is now Vice-President and a Director of the Frontier Telephone Company. Mr. Persons is President of the Hayes Lithograph Company, and the J. W. Ruger Manufacturing Company of Buffalo, and is a Director of the Union Fire Insurance Company. Mr. Persons has always been active in Republican politics: After serving as Village Trustee of East Aurora, he was elected Supervisor, and held that office from 1884 to 1894. He served in the State Senate during 1894 and 1895, was Chairman of the Committee on Canals, and had an important part in procuring the $9,000,000 canal appropriation. He was also a member of the Committees on Villages and Banks as well as of the special committee to investigate the murder of Ross by “Bat” Shea in the Troy election riots.
In June, 1905, Governor Higgins appointed Mr. Persons President of the State Water Supply Commission, for a term of five years. As President of this important body Mr. Persons has shown signal ability and a persistent industry and is one of the strongest factors in the Commission’s usefulness.
Since 1890 Mr. Persons has been a director of the Queen City Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children, and is among its most active workers. Since 1890 he has served as trustee of the First Presbyterian Church of East Aurora. He is a member of the Ellicott Club of Buffalo.
June 30, 1876, Mr. Persons married Rebecca Ellen Sandford, a daughter of the Rev. Richard M. Sandford, then pastor of the First Presbyterian Church at East Aurora, and Ruth (Hungerford) Sandford. The children of the marriage are: Richard Sandford Persons, who in 1904 married Pearl Williamson, daughter of Eli Williamson of Buffalo; James White, Mary Hungerford, Albert H., Henry Z., and Robert H. Persons.
SOURCE: Memorial and Family History of Erie County New York; Volume I