JOHN J. McWILLIAMS is one of the most substantial business men of Buffalo. He is, moreover, a citizen deserving of distinguished credit for his useful services in many matters of high public importance, the range of his activities including municipal, benevolent and social concerns.
The McWilliams family is of Scotch origin. The founder of its American branch was John McWilliams, who was born in Scotland, came to this country at a period near the Revolution, and settled in Long Island, afterward removing to Scotchtown, N. Y. The wife of John McWilliams was Sally Haffee. Their son, Andrew, the grandfather of John J. McWilliams of Buffalo, was born at Scotchtown, March 5, 1778, and died March 8, 1839. His wife was Mary Jagger, who was born September 20, 1779, and died April 9, 1845. Their children were: Sarah Haffee, David Jagger, Mary Millington, John, James, Henry, Andrew S., Isabella, Ann Atwater, Nancy Jane, and Elizabeth.
John McWilliams, the father of John J. McWilliams, was born in Orange County, N. Y. He was a railroad man by occupation, and at the time of his death, November 14, 1881, was a resident of Buffalo. He married Susan Ann Wilkin – a daughter of Daniel and Marion Elizabeth (Rose) Wilkin. The family of Susan Ann Wilkin came from Montgomery County, N. Y., and several of its members participated in the Revolution. Her ancestry may be traced back to the time of Cromwell.
John James McWilliams was born at Cornwall on the Hudson June 16, 1842. He was educated in Elmira, N. Y., and at the State Normal School at Albany. For some time after finishing his studies Mr. McWilliams taught school in Elmira. In 1869 he came to Buffalo and obtained employment in the coal department of the Delaware, Lackawanna & Western Railroad Company. This was the beginning of a long business connection, notable on one side for efficient and reliable service, and on the other for satisfaction with Mr. Mc Williams’ capability and with the results achieved by him. After continuing for a considerable period in the coal department of the Delaware & Lackawanna, Mr. McWilliams became Western sales agent for the company, in which responsible position he remained until his voluntary retirement in 1903, since which event he has devoted himself to his large invested and manufacturing interests. Besides his functions as President of the Niagara Cordage Company and President of the Niagara Lithograph Company, Mr. McWilliams is President of the Provident Loan Company, President of the Christian Homestead Association, and a trustee of the Erie County Savings Bank.
In politics Mr. McWilliams is a Republican. In 1905 he served as Chairman of the Civil Service Board, and has given much valuable time and effort to the cause.
Mr. McWilliams is among the foremost officials and workers of the Buffalo Y. M. C. A. He has been a trustee of the organization for years, and he is at present also its Treasurer. The philanthropic activities of Mr. McWilliams are of wide scope. He is a willing giver, both of money and work. Much of his time is spent in dealing with the needs of the charities which demand his attention, and Buffalo benevolences owe much to his munificence and to his sound advice in practical questions. Among the social and other organizations with which Mr. McWilliams is connected may be mentioned the Buffalo, Ellicott and Republican clubs. He is a member of the Buffalo Historical Society, and is one of its managers. He has for many years been a trustee of the First Congregational Church, and is Vice-President of the Buffalo Orphan Asylum.
Mr. McWilliams married Esther Keeler, daughter of Philander Norton of Elmira, N. Y. Mrs. McWilliams is a descendant of William Norton, whose family settled in Salem, Connecticut, in 1628, several members of a later generation serving in the Revolutionary War. Mrs. McWilliams is in sympathetic and earnest accord with her husband in his philanthropic work. She is officially identified with several- benevolent organizations and is unwearied in her devotion to their interests. The children of Mr. and Mrs. McWilliams are two, S. N., and Mary. Mary, the daughter, is the wife of Horace Reed, who is Treasurer and General Manager of the Niagara Lithograph Company. They have three children, John McWilliams, Horace Wasson and Carl Norton.
SOURCE: Memorial and Family History of Erie County New York; Volume I